10/12/13 09:13PM
A call for all those interested in Loli/Shota MC
Hi Mesmer's Bauble here,

Those of you who are aware of my existence know that I am primarily a writer for Piper's Domain formerly Cordial Knot ( a site for underage MC stories.

I'm writing this message because I want to help grow our niche of the community but for that to happen we need more writers, manipers, and artist. So I'm asking anyone who is interested in this aspect of our fetish but tend to enjoy it passively to step up. Try writing something, or download GIMP and try to make your first manipulation.

I hope this thread can be a place for new people and current contributors to support each other and help generate more new content for us all to enjoy. If you looking for help or advice anyone is welcome to drop me a mail here or just post in the thread. Hopefully at least one person will see this and try there hand at something new, if not, well I'll keep trying cause its in my nature,

- MB
10/13/13 06:11PM
As someone more than willing to RP, read, or view Loli manips/Stories, I find the site helpful, but a pain to navigate. Perhaps you could suggest implementing a sortable/clickable tag arrangement similiar to that used on MCstories?

Currently, it's a lot of work to find something that intrigues me.
10/13/13 07:58PM
petkitsune said:
As someone more than willing to RP, read, or view Loli manips/Stories, I find the site helpful, but a pain to navigate. Perhaps you could suggest implementing a sortable/clickable tag arrangement similiar to that used on MCstories?

Currently, it's a lot of work to find something that intrigues me.

It's not my site, I'm just friends with the guy who runs it but I happen to agree that it needs a category sort. Sadly he is very busy atm so updating the site infrastructure is probably low on his list of goals
10/14/13 09:55PM
Is there a way to set up category sorting other than by manually creating the pages? I would prefer not to create a new page for every tag and then add links to every story multiple times so that all stories are listed on all tag pages. I'm tired just thinking about it. We only have five story pages currently; is it too difficult to use Ctrl+F to find the tags you like on each page? Still, I might have time in December to add category pages manually, we'll see.

In any case, I second MB's call for more authors. We would love to have new stories and I'm sure everyone has at least one fantasy they could write about.
10/15/13 05:48AM
Piper said:
Is there a way to set up category sorting other than by manually creating the pages?

Well, the ideal thing would be to use a scripting language on the server-side. I like good languages, and there are many, but truth is most people use <<|PHP>>.

Then one would have a database, and on such a database you can make queries like "give me the IDs of the first 20 posts that contains this and that tag, ordered by date".

All of this is easier said than done, but if your server supports any scripting language (which again, could be a borked and weirdly-configured version of PHP), this can be done.

I will honestly help you out if I had some more time, especially because of the theme, even if I never read anything.
10/15/13 06:40AM
Piper said:
Is there a way to set up category sorting other than by manually creating the pages? I would prefer not to create a new page for every tag and then add links to every story multiple times so that all stories are listed on all tag pages. I'm tired just thinking about it. We only have five story pages currently; is it too difficult to use Ctrl+F to find the tags you like on each page? Still, I might have time in December to add category pages manually, we'll see.

In any case, I second MB's call for more authors. We would love to have new stories and I'm sure everyone has at least one fantasy they could write about.

I might try and write something, it's been a while since I've done some story-writing (I much prefer to Roleplay ^^;)
10/15/13 10:01AM
petkitsune said:
(I much prefer to Roleplay ^^;)

10/15/13 06:11PM
Where? hypnohub got some IRCness?
10/15/13 08:30PM
I roleplay too, hell, 90% of my characters where made as Roleplay characters in the past.

But anyway, I'd love to try and contribute, though despite Roleplaying I keep thinking I'm not much of a writer. I keep going back and forth being trying to write or draw ideas for Hypno stuff. I keep thinking I should stick to the drawn art side of things, but then I've got ideas which would need to be outright comics and take some time to get done. D'oooh.
10/29/13 10:36PM
Henry-killenger said:
Roleplayers! Unite!

There is a E-RP community ...
Loli and Shota RP is allowed there, even with sexual content.
But called 'Ageplay' on this site. (includes Loli and Shota playing with each others and adults)

Hope to see some of you over there ;)

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