03/10/15 10:22PM
I need information on this community
I've been on this website quite a bit since I found out about it last summer. I expected this to be another sort of typical porn comic community, though over time I've found this untrue. The main thing that sets it apart is how no one ever dumps on the low quality stuff, or at least what my unartistic mind considers to be the low quality stuff. That brings several questions to mind. Do you not discredit the work because the artwork is good by the community's standards, which I presume is simply that it has strong hypnotic themes. Or is it because you're just a nice community who just doesn't say anything about it. Any answers or additional information on this community would be appreciated.
03/10/15 10:41PM
Well, the truth is, this site does have quality standards. There has been a bit of revision to the Quality Control system since it's formation. During the time of that revision their have been a few moments where negative remarks have been made about the art of others. Since the mods tend to do such and excellent job of managing the community most of those disputes are quelled before the get out of hand. The records of most of the squabbles have probably been deleted.
The site now a days does frown upon those who give any criticism that is not meant to be beneficial or constructive. Matters regarding the quality of images are flagged by either users or mods the latter which puts the image in question up for judgement by the QC council who decides if the image should stay or go.

It's a system that has been working for this site for a while and I'd say many of the members are somewhat proud of it.
So to answer your questions; we do have standards but we are also nice people... more or less...
03/10/15 10:42PM
Low quality stuff gets put down here, though not as much as you might expect, and I think that's because blacklists make it pretty easy to avoid stuff you don't like. We have quality control in place for stuff we really don't think needs to be here, though a committee votes on whether or not to delete a pic. We don't let absolutely everything in, but we don't set standards too high either. We aren't selling anything; we're just cataloging hypnosis and mind control art from across the internet. So it isn't really necessary for us to be too picky.

I'm an ex-admin and one of the co-creators of this site, so I'd be happy to answer any more questions you have.
03/10/15 10:45PM
wondernerd14 said:
I've been on this website quite a bit since I found out about it last summer. I expected this to be another sort of typical porn comic community, though over time I've found this untrue. The main thing that sets it apart is how no one ever dumps on the low quality stuff, or at least what my unartistic mind considers to be the low quality stuff. That brings several questions to mind. Do you not discredit the work because the artwork is good by the community's standards, which I presume is simply that it has strong hypnotic themes. Or is it because you're just a nice community who just doesn't say anything about it. Any answers or additional information on this community would be appreciated.

Actually we usually hear the opposite due to our quality standards. Some don't like this site because we have a quality filter. You can read about our quality control council <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/8144|here>> if you like or see a general idea of how often we delete things by quality vote <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/15805|here.>>

As for how the QCC process works, we have a section in our <<hypnohub.net/wiki/show?title=help%3Arules_and_policies|rules>> describing it. Our users are also pretty good at flagging things they would like QCC to review, so it may be a bit quieter than usual instead of comment threads about quality issues.
03/13/15 05:54AM
*looks through the thread*

Late to the party I am, and I have nothing useful to add over what Lilly, Mindwipe, and Pom have said.

Though I do want to share something tangentially related: I recently found word of us on a chan or another. On this chan, two users had very drastically differed opinions. One called us a hugbox equal to that of the collective, where as the other said we chased him away with our criticism.

So who knows? People consider us both, apparently. We are, I feel, a nice middle ground. As Mindwipe aptly described, we are neither completely without care for quality nor completely elitist, but rather a little of both with emphasis on just being a good site for people into our fetish.
03/13/15 10:59AM
Vanndril said:
Though I do want to share something tangentially related: I recently found word of us on a chan or another. On this chan, two users had very drastically differed opinions. One called us a hugbox equal to that of the collective, where as the other said we chased him away with our criticism.

Hah! I don't think it takes much to be called a hugbox by a chan. I get a lot more criticism here then I do on the collective but It's mostly constructive and I've never felt any of it was unfair. It's mostly the sort of criticism that helps me to improve and it's mostly about my grammar which lets be honest could be better
03/17/15 11:32PM
oh man, I used to have so much stuff trashed due to low quality and/or not hypno enough. For the most part I'm more careful about what I post, but I also occasionally go "eh, if its not good enough it'll get deleted" - considering I'm actively trying to be top poster, there's a lot of searching and hoping stuff isn't too low quality - i know my personal standards are certainly lower

I also think we try to be polite to each other, even when we disagree - we all share a niche fetish, so it often comes down to a matter of preferences and personal standards. I think we tend to chide people for overly simplistic condemnations, and encourage constructive discourse
03/20/15 03:12AM
Grim said:
For the most part I'm more careful about what I post, but I also occasionally go "eh, if its not good enough it'll get deleted"

Which is exactly the kind of way one should think about it.

When an uploader's post is deleted, it's not a bad thing. It's not like it goes on some sort of record or tally. It's not a bad thing to post things that happen not to fit our criteria at all. Some people take offense to the fact that we delete something they just happened to have uploaded, but it's certainly nothing personal or even something negative. It's just our policies in action.

It's good to see that, as time goes on, the posters that stick with us tend to realize all that.

Grim said:
I also think we try to be polite to each other, even when we disagree - we all share a niche fetish, so it often comes down to a matter of preferences and personal standards. I think we tend to chide people for overly simplistic condemnations, and encourage constructive discourse

Pretty much this.

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