03/13/15 03:01AM
The epic saga of the pillow girl - A Sleepymaid community choice driven tale!
Sleepymaid just started a new webcomic to keep us busy while the latest iteration of Squid Ops is in production: A text based comic where the readers decide what happens next! It looks pretty promising and it also means more lovely Sleepy art, now with extra pillow action :3.

Does this sound intriguing to you? Then wait no longer and read the comic <<sleepymaid.com/1503112314/01/|right now>> ;).

True, there is only one page so far and not much to choose right now, but knowing Sleepy this will probably turn out real amazing ^_^. So go over there and do some voting once the get the opportunity, I'll make sure to update the thread once it happens.

The title is a place holder until Sleepy has decided on a name for her comic. For the time I tried to make it as epic and dramatic as possible ^^.
04/21/15 06:53AM
Is it just me or does the link not work?
04/21/15 07:28AM
The link does not work. 404'd.
04/21/15 04:56PM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
The link does not work. 404'd.

Yep, the links on Sleepy's website are gone as well, guess that that's it as far as the webcomic goes...
04/28/15 07:23AM
Dantus said:
Yep, the links on Sleepy's website are gone as well, guess that that's it as far as the webcomic goes...

Aw... I was actually interested in it.

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