03/16/15 02:49AM
MSGerp and the Bike Tour
Hello fellow Hubbers, I am making a thread to announce that this summer I have decided to do a bike tour with the proceedings going to MS research. I am aiming for a goal of $295 raised. I've never really done anything like this so I am excited to challenge myself and hopefully make a significant impact on this awful disease. Any amount of donation would be appreciated. Sadly, I do not have much to give you fine people, but I was thinking if I reach my goal, I'd do a thank you drawing for the Hub.

How to Donate!
Just go to the website found <<| here>> and go to donate. Search for first name Grayson and last name Parish and I should be the only name to show up (I'm trusting all with this info). From there the "donate now" button should be right there. Payments can be made via credit card or paypal and should be no different than a commission payment.

Let's tackle this disease one dollar at a time, thanks everyone!
03/28/15 05:56PM
Good initiative there! I've got a loved one with MS, so I'm supporting this.
03/29/15 06:14AM
My mom was diagnosed with MS 5 years ago. I made a donation, and I hope others will too.
04/06/15 02:53AM
Happy easter Sunday everyone! This will be my final bump before I leave this thread alone. Thank you to Keeper and Mind for donating! Remember, any amount helps : ).

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