03/18/15 01:30PM
Game characters we pity
Anyone have that one character in games or other media that they just feel sorry for?
03/18/15 02:12PM
I feel sorry for peach for the constant and quite literal punishment that she receives on this website so I'm partitioning that someone remake every post with peach in it and replaces her with Mario
03/18/15 03:49PM
I kind of feel sorry for all the characters in games that fall for the main character only for said main character to be paired off with someone else. Especially if the player has no choice in the matter - if it's a visual novel or dating sim, there's probably an alternate route in which the relationship does happen.

I could name a particularly bad example from an RPG (made even worse by optional cutscenes), but I'd spoil the story.
03/18/15 04:00PM
“They may be called the Palace Guard, the City Guard, or the Patrol. Whatever the name, their purpose in any work of heroic fantasy is identical: it is, round about Chapter Three (or ten minutes into the film) to rush into the room, attack the hero one at a time, and be slaughtered. No one ever asks them if they want to."

- Terry Pratchett (1948-2015), "Guards! Guards!"
03/18/15 06:32PM
I feel bad for the spartan-IIIs from the halo books.

Theu were made faster and cheaper then spartan-IIs with the purpose of being sen on missions where the probabability of them dieing is extreamly high and are recruited from revenge motivated orphans of the human covenant war and even tjough they are like 12 they are 6-7 feet tall do to heavy drug therapy and various other things that were done to them to make them Spartans faster.

Of the 5 company, each company being made up of 100 Spartans each one sent on a mission only two spartan-IIIs came back. Not two company's two indaviduals from Charlie company.
One of which was so traumatized she is now mute.
03/18/15 06:44PM
Psi said:
“They may be called the Palace Guard, the City Guard, or the Patrol. Whatever the name, their purpose in any work of heroic fantasy is identical: it is, round about Chapter Three (or ten minutes into the film) to rush into the room, attack the hero one at a time, and be slaughtered. No one ever asks them if they want to."

- Terry Pratchett (1948-2015), "Guards! Guards!"

Good reference.
03/18/15 08:16PM
Sakura Matou.
03/18/15 09:46PM
After seeing Eliza's story, I feel bad for Double, for her daughters, and Cerebella, for dying before having her love reciprocated. Painwheel too, for some obvious reasons.
03/18/15 09:55PM
Arakune and Ms. Litchi :( . Hell, most anyone in the Blazblue universe who's not a colossal prick.
03/18/15 10:01PM
Max Payne goes through so much bullshit it isn't even funny.
03/18/15 10:26PM
Painwheel from Skullgirls, Isaac from The Binding of Isaac, Angel from Borderlands 2, and some others that I can't remember right now.
03/18/15 11:23PM
111 said:
I feel sorry for peach for the constant and quite literal punishment that she receives on this website so I'm partitioning that someone remake every post with peach in it and replaces her with Mario

LMAO Seconded
03/18/15 11:26PM
I recently played through Ghost Trick, and I felt kinda sorry for Sissel. Even though he basically got a happy ending I couldn't help thinking he was probably going to outlive all his friends.

I'd also mention the Prinnies from the Disgaea games, but, well, it's just karma, right? All that cruelty's probably kinder to them in the long run.
03/20/15 11:05AM
Contorted said:
Max Payne goes through so much bullshit it isn't even funny.

I agree that he goes through a lot of shit. But he is able to come through it. I feel more respect for 'ol Max than pity.

Someone said Angel from Borderlands. I have mixed feelings about that because I read too deeply into that character's relationship to the players and her father...

Alma Wade from F.E.A.R.
Because of daddy issues.
03/20/15 11:53AM
i feel sorry for kaidan in mass effect

poor dude never see mass effect 2 and 3 because everybody kill him on virmine :(

but its him or boobs, so boobs win

1 2>>>

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