03/21/15 01:00PM
Prrofread request (#2/2.5!)
Exactly what the title says. I wrote a thing for a manip and if anyone wants to edit it and make it better, please do =D

"Invoice, checkbook, invoice, checkbook," she muttered to herself. The paperwork never ends! She glanced at the motorcycle magazine on her desk. Oh, how great would it be to be out riding her motorbike right now. Maybe go and meet some guys. Ditch this paperwork.

"Ah, who am I kidding." she sighed as she looked up exasperatedly. This isn't going to be finished until evening... She leaned back on her chair as she took a drag of her cigarette. The front door slid open, and a businessman entered. 'Go away,' she thought. As the man approached her, she forced a smile and recited the usual greeting. "Welcome! How may I help you-"

She blinked. '...huh? What was I doing?' She glanced around. She was in her chair, with papers strewn about on her desk. Nothing out of the ordinary. 'That's strange.' she thought. 'Eh, no use thinking about it, need to get back to work.'

She noticed sounds and movement coming from the other side of the wall. From her manager Vulpine's room. 'I know it's just us two at the office today, but what the heck is she doing in there?' She was about to tell her to quiet down when she stopped herself. 'Nevermind. I don't want to know.'

She was taking another small cigarette break when the door to Vulpine's office opened. Instead of Vulpine however, a man stepped out. 'When did he get in there?' "Excuse me sir," she began.

She blinked. '...huh? What was I doing?' She glanced around. She was on her desk, with papers strewn about on the floor. Nothing out of the ordinary.

A honk came from outside. Her hands dropped the papers she was holding, as she made a beeline towards the door. Vulpine came out of her office and joined her. Her manager had a blank look on her face and her top was open, completely exposing her breasts. There were remnants of a white substance on her face as well as her chest. 'Something's strange.' she thought. 'Eh, no thinking, need to get back to Master.'

Image (not final):

She leaned back on her chair as she took a stretch. 'Ah, almost done!' She was glad she decided to come in today. The paperwork would've piled up sky-high if she worked like her assistant and took so many breaks and days off. 'Well, that's exactly why she's in here with me now.' She glanced at the clock. 'Well, time for lunch.' She rose from her chair and went to grab her bag. Maybe she should help her assistant a bit. If she made too many errors due to overworking it'd come back to cause her more trouble later anyway. She opened her office door.

"Hey Cooney, how far are y- AH!" Her assistant was laid back in her chair, hands by her side staring blanky foward. It was as if she just lost conciousness while being awake. What concerned her more however, was the man standing over her. His hands were kneading Cooney's chest before the squeal startled him. She tried to retreat back into her office and-

She blinked. '...huh? What was I doing?' She glanced around. She was in her office, with her bag laying on the table. Nothing out of the ordinary. She noticed that there seemed to be some dirt on her chair, and a spot on the floor. 'Better clean it up before I go,' she thought. She grabbed a few disinfectant wipes from her drawer and went to work.

She noticed sounds and movement coming from the other side of the wall. From her assistant Cooney's work area. 'Is she fooling around on the net again?' she sighed. 'What am I going to do with her?' She was about to tell her to get back to work when she stopped herself. 'I should focus on cleaning this up instead. Let her be.'

A honk came from outside. Her hands dropped the wipes she was holding, as she made a beeline towards the door. As she exited her office, Cooney joined her. Her assistant had a blank look on her face and her shorts and panties were missing, completely exposing her bottom. There were remnants of dirt on her legs as well as her crotch. 'Something's strange.' she thought. 'Eh, no thinking, need to get back to Master.'

Image (not final):

What think? Anything I could improve on?
03/21/15 03:42PM
Yay, Lilligant! Didn't really notice anything particularly wrong about the text, grammarwise. Though, if I'm being nitpicky, not sure the Covet is the best way to end it. Maybe leave the ending more ambiguous with a Grasswhistle or something? Or, seeing as Lilligant needs to see a move tutor in order to learn Covet, maybe there was a materialistic trainer behind all th- Argh! This is why I hate reading your stuff, there's always a maybe or twelve...

Anyway, I do like it, and can't see anything wrong with it on the technical side of things. Then again English still isn't my native language, so what good is me proofreading the text anyway?
03/21/15 08:46PM
Cradily said:

Pinwheel Forest. The dense forest covers up most of the sun, even during the day. If I wanted a break from the booming, bustling city above, this was the place. Silent, cool, relaxing, (sweet).

Either go with "city above. This was the place." or with "city above - this was the place."

Cradily said:

..Sweet? I have been here many times, but this was the first time I have picked up this scent. Intriguing. I glanced around in an attempt to identify the source. The corner of my eyes catch some grass rustle. Must be a pokemon. I head over.

Be careful of your first sentence here. The timeform sounds wrong to me. I'd change it, but I am not sure if it is really wrong because I do english "by feeling" and not "by grammar". Also "Intriguing." isn't really a sentence..

Cradily said:

The grass patch was abandoned. It was as if whoever was there animated it just to catch my attention. As I looked onwards, I could see an open field with what seems to be a large flower moving about. A Lilligant! What a rare sight, dancing in the middle of the field. I wondered if she was the one in the foilage.

Keeping my distance, I continuted watching the display. It was so elegant, weaving.. swaying.. pivoting.. (teeter)ing...

continuted -> continued

Cradily said:

The dizziness made me stumble. I shoke my head, trying to clear the confusion. When I opened my eyes, I was face-to-face with the beautiful dancer.

It's "I shook my head" not "I shoke my head".

Cradily said:


She seemed pleased. She was smiling.. smirking? My eyes were drawn to hers. They had a pulsing red glow to them that were not there before. Unnatural, yes, but there was no danger coming from them. Instead, I could feel myself (attract)ed to them, feeling completely at ease, calm, unable to- no, did not want to look away. They were so beautiful. *She* was so beautiful.

"Lilli-lil. Lilligant."

"Feel myself attracted to them" -> "Feel myself being attracted to them".
"unable to - no did not want" -> "not able to - no ... not WANTING to .." - use verbs in both cases, otherwise it sounds weird.

Cradily said:

I could not understand the words, but her intentions were clear. Yes. My pokeballs. My backpack. My time. My body. My loyalty. My everything. That was what she (covet)ed. And exactly what I gladly conferred.

Is the possible dual meaning of pokeBALLS here intentional?

Otherwise it looks fine. Beware - I am not a native speaker, but I think my english is pretty good.
03/22/15 02:45AM
TheKinkyFinn said:
Yay, Lilligant! Didn't really notice anything particularly wrong about the text, grammarwise. Though, if I'm being nitpicky, not sure the Covet is the best way to end it. Maybe leave the ending more ambiguous with a Grasswhistle or something? Or, seeing as Lilligant needs to see a move tutor in order to learn Covet, maybe there was a materialistic trainer behind all th- Argh! This is why I hate reading your stuff, there's always a maybe or twelve...

Hmm... are the 'maybes' good or bad? xD

About no Covet and a more ambiguous ending... I'll see what I can do.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
Either go with "city above. This was the place." or with "city above - this was the place."

A period in this case doesn't seem right ('If I wanted a break from the booming, bustling city above.'?) I'll go with your second suggestion =P

HypnoMangaEditor said:
Be careful of your first sentence here. The timeform sounds wrong to me. I'd change it, but I am not sure if it is really wrong because I do english "by feeling" and not "by grammar". Also "Intriguing." isn't really a sentence..

That's what I do. I never got the noun/verb/adjective stuff back in school, and just went with what sounded correct. So similarly, I have no idea what a timeform is X_x I'll try to make it more sentence-y.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
continuted -> continued

It's "I shook my head" not "I shoke my head".

"Feel myself attracted to them" -> "Feel myself being attracted to them".
"unable to - no did not want" -> "not able to - no ... not WANTING to .." - use verbs in both cases, otherwise it sounds weird.

Thank =D They shall be fixed.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
Is the possible dual meaning of pokeBALLS here intentional?

Otherwise it looks fine. Beware - I am not a native speaker, but I think my english is pretty good.

That wasn't the intention when I wrote it at first. I noticed it could seem that way afterwards, but didn't see a need to change it. Though since I'm changing the ending so probably no more balls.

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