03/22/15 05:06PM
proofread request
after a bit of peer pressure I'm asking if someone can proofread my story
though I still don't like the idea of people seeing it before its posted

Susan lay in her bed wide awake as she had every night for the past week. The only reason she could think of was that video her older sister Kate made her watch, it had something to do with hypnosis. She made a bet with her sister, she losted if she was hypnotized and Kate was allowed to imprint any suggestions or triggers she wanted, and if Susan won she was allowed to make Kate do anything she asked. Susan tryed to remember; there were faint memorys of her licking Kate's feet and herself in bondage with Kate standing over her.
But as soon as Susan's clock hit twelve; none of that mattered all that mattered was that she was prepared for Kate. Kate walked into Susan's room with a coller, cat ears, an cat tail anal plug and a camera.
The next morning when Susan went to shcool there were pictures of her naked dressed up like some sort of horny catgirl but Susan didn't notice the looks or comments, she was even ignorant to the pictures.

haha I've figured out how to use spoilers
03/22/15 06:00PM
Susan lay in her bed wide awake, as she had every night for the past week. The only reason she could think of was the video that her older sister Kate had made her watch. It had something to do with hypnosis. She made a bet with her sister: she lost if she was hypnotized, and Kate was allowed to imprint any suggestions or triggers she wanted. If Susan won, she was allowed to make Kate do anything she asked. Susan tried to remember; there were faint memories of her licking Kate's feet, and herself in bondage with Kate standing over her.

But as soon as Susan's clock hit twelve, none of that mattered. All that mattered was that she was prepared for Kate. Kate walked into Susan's room with a collar, cat ears, a cat-tail anal plug and a camera.

The next morning when Susan went to school, there were pictures of her naked, and dressed up like some sort of horny catgirl. But Susan didn't notice the looks or comments. She was even ignorant to the pictures.
03/23/15 12:17AM
thank you I'd noticed tried and memories shortly after posting it here but that's all I would have noticed
03/23/15 12:24AM
111 said:
thank you I'd noticed tried and memories shortly after posting it here but that's all I would have noticed

You're welcome. I hope I did well enough :)

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