03/25/15 08:25PM
Curious about possible requests/ideas (And bonus)
Hello there! You might recognize my name as being that of one of the catgirls who a few pictures of have turned up here. I honestly had no idea this place existed until I was randomly googling the name, and found the captions a few users had done of pieces Tay and I had commissioned.

Hypnosis and Mind Control, along with Transformation, are some things we enjoy, but we often have trouble thinking of good ideas to request in a still image that convey the hypnosis and mind control aspect of things.

If we hear ideas we really like for the characters, we'll probably end up getting them commissioned in the near future! And as a small way of showing appreciation for the captions folks have done to some of the other pictures, here's a two picture sequence we haven't uploaded anywhere else yet, which was done by NekoPunch of DeviantArt. and
03/25/15 10:20PM
Hello and welcome. We're glad to have you here on the forums :D

I would try to give one or two suggestions but it's pretty late where I am.
03/27/15 12:40AM
Thank you for the welcome! Hoping to get some good suggestions and get them commissioned!
03/27/15 01:42PM
If you're interested at all in commissioning fan art, here are two request ideas I had, that I don't believe were picked up by anyone - <<>>
03/28/15 04:48AM
I'll just say one thing: it's criminal how there's no hypno fan art of Ms. Pauling from TF2.
03/29/15 09:19PM


This has got to be the first time an owner of an OC has outright thanked a manipper for writing a caption for an image of their OC. XD

Haha! Welcome, Sabrith! It is good to see you here.

If you're looking for ideas...

The characters in question are Miqo'te from FFXIV, correct? What about an image or two depicting a "bad end" scenario involving the characters and a Primal's Tempering? What if, in this particular scenario, the Echo did not protect the Warriors of Light (which I assume your OCs are, considering the plot of the game they're from) from Tempering? How would it turn out? How would these characters change? Would they merely be yet more slaves for the Primal who tempered them, or, given their strengths, would they become something more? Feverishly-loyal warrior-servants (not the Job, the concept), perhaps?

There's some interesting corruption potential in the idea, I think.
04/01/15 11:58PM
I actually have Shia/Drunkfu working on a hypno picture of that very thing, Vanndril. I just got the lineart back a day or two ago, and waiting with bated breath on the colors. (Though it's more along the line of becoming a primals sex slaves than anything else...the other idea has plenty of potential though, and I think it gives me a great idea for a follow up picture, I'll just need to find a good artist.)
Tay and I should be getting back a small handful of other pics that are hypnosis themed, and will be sure to have them around for everyone to see once done. Thanks for the responses!
04/02/15 08:45AM
sabrith said:
I actually have Shia/Drunkfu working on a hypno picture of that very thing, Vanndril. I just got the lineart back a day or two ago, and waiting with bated breath on the colors. (Though it's more along the line of becoming a primals sex slaves than anything else...the other idea has plenty of potential though, and I think it gives me a great idea for a follow up picture, I'll just need to find a good artist.)
Tay and I should be getting back a small handful of other pics that are hypnosis themed, and will be sure to have them around for everyone to see once done. Thanks for the responses!

Ooo! Now I'm excited! I've wanted to see an image based on a Primal's Tempering since I learned what Tempering was. XD

I look forward to the results of your commission. :D
04/04/15 04:33AM
Uploaded the Ifrit commission page!

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