03/31/15 03:04PM
New to doing commissions, need some feedback
Hey, so some of you might know me, I've posted a bit of my art here before. For those who don't, below is a few links of my stuff:

Now that's out of the way, I recently began to consider doing commissions for people. Unfortunately though I haven't done this before so I need a little help choosing prices/ setting up.

I had a look around at other artist's prices, and got a basic idea of what I might charge. currently, I'm thinking:

Greyscale/one shade (like the second link above):
1 Character = $20
2 Characters = $35
additional characters = $15 each

Coloured, shaded (like the first or second link):
1 Character = $30
2 Characters = $50
additional characters = $20 each

Do you think these prices are too high (be honest I don't mind) for what I'm offering? Or (being even more honest) am I charging too little? Would you like more options, such as busts, lineart, maybe even animated gifs (something I've wanted to try but haven't attempted yet)?

I should also clarify my limits. I'm fine with doing things I'm not personally interested in, but I won't do:

furry(quite simply because I have no experience doing it)

loli/underage (talk to me first if it's a character that could be aged up, like misty)


Vore/gore/necrophilia (again, talk to me. If it's vore where survival is implied I might be willing. Basically no death)

male on male/male focused images (thiiis one I'm not so sure on. like furry, I don't have much experience drawing it. I may be able to negotiate however)

Finally, there's the issue of payment. I believe the most common method is paypal? does that work best for everyone?

Sorry for the long post, any feedback you can give would be appreciated because its a big commitment for me and I need all the knowledge I can get.

Thanks for your time.

03/31/15 05:24PM
I've been using paypal and haven't had any problems, plus it seems to be the most common tool for commissions so its probably the best bet. There are just a few important things to note, as an artist its always better to send an invoice or money request rather than having the person send you money, also NEVER let people send you money as "gift" to get passed paypal fees, that's how you get an account locked if you abuse it and you wont be protected.

As for prices that's completely up to you. What I usually consider is demand and time, how many people want them and how long will it take me. You kind of figure it out on the way.
04/01/15 01:26AM
Zko said:
I've been using paypal and haven't had any problems, plus it seems to be the most common tool for commissions so its probably the best bet. There are just a few important things to note, as an artist its always better to send an invoice or money request rather than having the person send you money, also NEVER let people send you money as "gift" to get passed paypal fees, that's how you get an account locked if you abuse it and you wont be protected.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

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