04/01/15 08:10AM
Top 10 ways to annoy Hypnohub
1. Innocuously add trigger phrases to all [comments]
2. Whenever someone asks for suggestions, follow up with "hypnotic suggestions?"
3. Create a "mind_control" tag. Add it to everything.
4. Promise boob-enlargement hypnosis. Hypnotize them to buy 10 pounds of fried chicken, eat it, and forget.
5. Be Doudile.
6. Add translations to Japanese pages. Have them all say: "you're getting sleepy... very sleepy."
7. Offer exorbitant funds to get Jimryu to draw a comic featuring Seth Mcfarlane's female creations.
8. Then offer him more exorbitant funds to get him to make a yaoi comic featuring Mcfarlane's male characters.
9. Type only in GirlsGoneHypnotized and Steve Steel quotes.
10. Post more ponies.

DISCLAIMER: No offense intended towards Doudile. I find you to be underrated :P .
04/01/15 09:13AM

5. Be Doudile.

KK. Will do
04/01/15 10:20AM
Do 8 as well.
04/01/15 10:25AM
What, GirlsGoneHypnotized has quotes?
04/01/15 10:29AM
1. Start a comic/sequence/series and don't immediately finish it.
2. Start a new thread for every request/stream/idea you have.
3. Post a "we need more ___" comment.
4. Upload a photo manip.
5. Delete low quality pics.
6. Don't delete low quality pics.
7. Leave a comment on a post saying you don't like it.
8. Ask if an artist takes requests or accepts dA points.
9. Put a watermark on your image.
10. Ask if there are any subs around.
04/01/15 10:43AM
Psi said:
What, GirlsGoneHypnotized has quotes?

<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY1x_34Kqxs&t=0m16s|Oh, bae...>>
04/01/15 07:00PM
Mindwipe said:
1. Start a new thread for every request/stream/idea you have.
2. Start a new thread for every request/stream/idea you have.
3. Start a new thread for every request/stream/idea you have.
4. Start a new thread for every request/stream/idea you have.
5. Start a new thread for every request/stream/idea you have.
6. Start a new thread for every request/stream/idea you have.
7. Start a new thread for every request/stream/idea you have.
8. Start a new thread for every request/stream/idea you have.


04/02/15 12:11PM
Mindwipe said:

3. Post a "we need more ___" comment.

Fuck I've done this. Welp, back to lurking for another 5 years.
04/03/15 12:36AM
Master_Bates said:
Fuck I've done this. Welp, back to lurking for another 5 years.

Naw. We can forgive you on account of your witty username.
04/03/15 08:51PM
SeaithDaizon said:
Special Variation for most/some HypnoArtists:

1. Manips get more comments than someone's hard work.

2. Their artwork has been maniped without consent of the original artist.

3. Someone traces someone elses art but slightly changes it. (Bonus asshole points to those who got paid for it)

Ohh, this got serious >.> . Well, not April Fool's Day anymore, so you're under no obligation to [be silly].
04/04/15 02:08AM
SeaithDaizon said:
Special Variation for most/some HypnoArtists:

1. Manips get more comments than someone's hard work.

2. Their artwork has been maniped without consent of the original artist.

3. Someone traces someone elses art but slightly changes it. (Bonus asshole points to those who got paid for it)

Your point that manips are not hard work i completely disagree, there are a ton of manips on this site that are super high quality stuff.
For example I can't even comprehend how I would do some of these hypnohub.net/post/show/23962
and especially the manip pompom did of my drawing hypnohub.net/post/show/23930
I am surprised it didn't surpass the amount of points of the original yet because that is insane, plus the amount of effort she put in was nuts, I know because i was getting progress updates everyday.

Your second point I can understand a little more. I've had my art stolen a fair share of times (not hypno stuff) and it's a hassle to deal with that. But I honestly can say that if there was a site called scat-hub or necrophilia-hub or something I'm super not into with my art manipped there, I wouldn't take it down AS LONG as it links back to the source. Most people know the manipper didn't draw it and in the end if people like the original art a lot they'll probably come looking through my other pics which I love.

Your last point, yea fuck those people getting paid for tracing.

ItSwingsBothWays said:
KK. Will do

pls no
04/04/15 03:37AM
Also "as an artist"; I don't care when people make manips of art. It's not like it destroys the original artwork when something new is made from something that already exists. It's not like manips are done directly to a painting such that it would be permanently damaged.

Also, as for the point about manips getting more votes; It's all subjective. I'm sure my drawings take way longer than your drawings take because I suck. That doesn't mean that I deserve more votes than you to compensate me for the extra time I spent drawing. All art is like this; the time it takes and the methods you use don't matter to the casual viewer. What matters is if they like it or not.
04/04/15 04:19AM
Changer said:
Also, as for the point about manips getting more votes; It's all subjective. I'm sure my drawings take way longer than your drawings take because I suck. That doesn't mean that I deserve more votes than you to compensate me for the extra time I spent drawing. All art is like this; the time it takes and the methods you use don't matter to the casual viewer. What matters is if they like it or not.

I agree, as for the manips getting more notes im sure a lot of the time it just the base picture that people like a lot. So they probably end up checking out the pixiv galleries of the artist anyway.

And yeah, I'm with changer on this. I used to think how DARE you recolor that drawing I did, WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT. It's happened like 4 or 5 times with my tumblrs and stuff but eventually i figured, they liked my art and couldn't draw on their own so they just played with my picture, whats the harm in that? They usually even link back to the source, and if they don't that matter shouldn't be to hard to work out. If they were making money or watermarking it saying they did it thats another story but that never happened. Its art, whether they drew it or manipulated someone else drawing, its still art. People want to create and if that the only way they know how why not? There's always going to be one group that says its disrespectful and another that says its flattering and if people want to animate my drawing for me or manip them into petrification or something because they liked it so much then hell yeah dude, im glad you like my drawing that much, just link back to the original.

04/04/15 04:43AM
SeaithDaizon said:
Ya know, I don't feel like arguing over this anymore.

I am done. You have your manips. I have my opinion on them and I have a block of all Manips on my account here on HypnoHub.

Your defending of this is worrisome, as it encourages people to manipulate other peoples work without consent and it encourages self promotion through the success of others.

I am going to delete all my comments in this thread in an hour. I am not in the mood to fight. My point is valid and everyone here has agreed with it one way or another.

For instance:
"I worked hard on my manipulation of adding swirly eyes and text effects on someone else's pic, but if I saw my own art manipulated and put on a scat or necrophilia hub I would be offended. I would let it slide though if they showed source unlike what I did for my pics."

Your statement screams hypocrite, but whatever, you insist that manips are ok.

I am sorry for stirring the beehive, but I don't apologize for my statements.

"but if I saw my own art manipulated and put on a scat or necrophilia hub I would be offended." i never said that, i literally said the opposite, I PROMOTE people to manip my art even if I'm not into the fetish where are you getting this offended thing from? See this is what I wrote
Zko said:
if there was a site called scat-hub or necrophilia-hub or something I'm super not into with my art manipped there, I wouldn't take it down AS LONG as it links back to the source.

Maybe I should clarify, I'm not into the fetish but I don't mind my art being manipped as long as its sourced. It doesnt say anything about being offended.

Also, I didn't make those manips those were other hubbies, who all sourced them are you reading any of the responses I wrote because I feel that you're just skimming it and assuming what I said and that really not cool dude youre putting words in my mouth :c

04/04/15 05:14AM
SeaithDaizon said:
Now changer, I am not trying to make this a thing about "Hey comment more on my art." Nor did I ever say you suck. I am excited to see you draw and create art. We all can get better in our work.

Also if you ever want to chat with me sometime, send me some mail on this server, I'd like to just talk about art and hypno with ya one on one. : )

But The Manip thing bothers me a lot. And I know it bothers a number of other artists as well.

I didn't think you were trying to say that you, specifically, wanted more comments; or that you had ever said I suck. (I see myself as sucking because I improve at a general pace that is much slower than I would like, and draw much slower than most people I know)

You had said about Manips taking less effort than drawing as part of your reasoning why it bothers you, so I was just trying to demonstrate an example of how effort and time spent doesn't necessarily equate to an end result that gets a lot of people engaged.
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