04/03/15 04:47AM
Changer's Free Requests and Paid Commissions.
For anyone who hasn't seen my art, and would like to judge for themselves, here's a link to my recent uploads:

So, I've finally got my free requests under control. I've decided to put a hard cap on free requests at 15 requests. If someone else has already made a request after the slot opens, your request won't be put in a queue, you'll need to try again next time the slot opens up. That should allow plenty of people room on the free requests list without ludicrous wait times.

I am able to do artwork for people largely due to my Patreon supporters. Without them, I'd still be working at the sewer and being too tired to get any work done. If you are interested in higher priority request slots, high res version of my art, early access to game updates, or other bonuses, you can check out my Patreon campaign here:

So, on to how to make a Free Request:

1: Describe to me what you want to see me draw. Do not direct me to a short story, or fan fiction and say "draw that". You'd think that wouldn't be a problem but it's happened at least three times so far...

2: I cannot draw anything that violates Patreon's Terms of Service. Their terms are a bit vague, but some general guidelines are no intercourse, no bodily fluids, no loli/shota stuff, and no erect penises. If something seems like it might be too hardcore, I'll try to work with you on something lighter.

3: I can refuse to draw anything that makes me uncomfortable. Mainly, this is because I can't draw something that I can't handle looking at for hours on end. If I do need to refuse for this reason; I will be polite about it, and you will be able to make a new request without losing your place.

4: I can refuse to draw anything that is beyond my abilities. I don't expect this to happen all that often; but then again I once asked a friend for an idea on what to draw and they gave me a 15 page essay about a sequence of images that included abstract transformations and aliens and cow girl mermaids... So, if something is too abstract for me to wrap my head around or draw with any level of proficiency, I may refuse. If I do though, I will work with you on something easier without risk of losing your place.

5: Requests are first come, first serve, and I will not be holding places for anyone. When I first started doing requests I had two slots, and then I overburdened myself by allowing people to reserve a spot waiting for the slots to open up. So, if all 15 slots are full, you will need to wait until a slot is open to make your request.

6: Requests using Patron Slots should be made via messages on Patreon. I'd have to message you on Patreon to ensure that you are who you say you are anyway, so it'd be faster just to do it there in the first place.

Because there have been a few people who have pledged on Patreon only to un-pledge before the end of the month in order to get rewards free, I can only do patron requests for patrons who have had a successful pledge.

7: Using a Patron slot does not cost anything. Nor does it obligate you to remain a patron until it is complete. You only need to be a successful patron at the time that the request is made.

8: If your request was the last one completed, wait at least one week before making another request. This is to give other people a fair chance at getting to use the newly opened slot.

9: Limit 2 characters per free request.

10: All requests/commissions will be posted publicly. If you would like to be anonymous, let me know and I will not name you when posting the request.

I am also going to be doing actual commissions rather than substituting the patron slots for it. Commissions are more expensive than it would cost to pledge and then use the patron slot, but commissions have no hard character limit, do not require you to wait for confirmed patron status, and can include comics.

I only do full color/shaded drawings, as the sketch part is the most difficult part for me to do, and after that it'd feel like a waste not to color it in. If you want me to save the sketch or lineart and send them to you on their own as well though, let me know and I will.


Half-Body: $5.00 + $3.00 per additional character
Full-Body: $8.00 + $4.00 per additional character

Comic: Roughly $15.00 per page, depending on complexity. Maximum 3 pages per commission. For multiple page comics, I will do other requests/commissions between each page so as not to make everyone wait too long.

I can only use paypal for commissions right now. You do not need to pay at the time of taking a commission slot, but you will need to pay before I begin working on your commission. (in the case of multi-page comic commissions, you can pay for each page separately if you would prefer to.)

Current Slots:

Commission Slots: 0/3
Special Patron Slot: 0/1
Patron Slot: 0/1
Normal Slots: 15/15

(I do one request from each slot, then move down to the next. When I reach the bottom, I return to the top.)
04/03/15 11:31AM
I always what'd to see an anti corruption picture where a succubus is turned into a angel, brainwashed and then is used to do the same to other succubus's
again thanks
04/03/15 11:59AM
I want to give money to increase production of (and/or) serialize Thom's misadventures. I'm willing to donate up to $15, and/or $1 monthly

If serialized, it could be like a webcomic; it's already got a harem theme, and I'd be happy to see the day to day antics in panel form as Thom desperately tries to stay a good person while trying to keep the harem from spiralling out of control
04/03/15 12:05PM
111 said:
I always what'd to see an anti corruption picture where a succubus is turned into a angel, brainwashed and then is used to do the same to other succubus's
again thanks

that's nice, I like that
04/03/15 12:17PM
Grim said:
that's nice, I like that

I don't think anyone's ever even thought of it before
also if possible and if its ok can mine be a series
04/03/15 04:56PM
I'd like to see a Tomboy "feminized" to act more girly and wear a girly dress.
04/03/15 06:17PM
@111: That sounds like an interesting idea. I don't mind making it a series; though each part would have to be a separate request to be fair to everyone else.

@Grim: I can try to make Thom's Misadventures more often or on a set update schedule; I'm not sure if I am able to handle drawing it in webcomic form though at the moment. As a comic; it would take much longer to draw, while being able to fit less story into each one.

@Kachopper: I can do that.
04/03/15 10:15PM
I would love to see anything that is Hypnotized hypnotist :)
04/04/15 04:30AM
Me, I have three different ideas:

1) Anti-Bimbofication, where a bimbo is hypnotized into becoming smart.

2) Something involving mind control music/audio. A girl could be listening to a song and repeating it's brainwashing lyrics.

3) I'd like to see Chie Satonaka from Persona 4 hypnotized and topless.
04/04/15 05:32AM
@Flumpp: I think I can come up with something along that theme.

@ghost13: Which one of those would you like to see first? I do requests one at a time to be fair for everyone.
04/04/15 07:01AM
Ooh, how about something where someone is hypnotically forced to become a nun, either being completely brainwashed, or where they're aware of what's going on but unable to control their actions?

That may be slightly out there, but I always try and come up with something original for this kind of thing ^^''
04/04/15 10:57AM
The world could always use more catgirls...
04/04/15 01:44PM
@GardenFairyGirl: Nothing wrong with trying to be original. I think I can do something with that idea.

@Pokefannafekop: Catgirl as in normal skin with cat ears and tail like in your avatar, I'm assuming?
04/05/15 07:27AM
That's awesome ^^

I was amused by the descriptions of your Patreon levels: "To compensate for the fact that you were clearly brainwashed into pledging this much" Hehe XP

Have you actually brainwashed anyone?
04/05/15 08:44AM
GardenFairyGirl said:
That's awesome ^^

I was amused by the descriptions of your Patreon levels: "To compensate for the fact that you were clearly brainwashed into pledging this much" Hehe XP

Have you actually brainwashed anyone?

Thanks, I try to squeeze humor into things that I write. Kinda hit or miss though at times.

I have not brainwashed anyone. xD I do hypnotize my girlfriend fairly regularly though, which can be fun.
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