04/08/15 03:17AM
Reposting an image
I recently deleted an image for Stevens universe and tried to re-upload a higher rez image from a different source. Unfortunately I cannot upload this new image because the previous image still exists for some reason and I am unable to delete it permanently.

I would appreciate if an admin could help with this situation. And apologize if posting this thread is a waste of time.
04/08/15 03:20AM
For future reference, it's easier to message us. You can <<|dmail>> me with details post in question and I can look into it.
04/08/15 03:24AM
Thank you, I just sent it in.
04/09/15 01:13PM
I bet this is intended to make sure banned images aren't reposted

usually, if it's a different size, you can post both. This allows you to then make the larger one a child post, and then delete the original to transfer all the tags to the better version. You might want to check that the newer image is actually larger

also, I think if you go to the removed image, and you were the poster/deleter, there is an option to completely remove it.
04/10/15 11:35PM
Grim said:
I bet this is intended to make sure banned images aren't reposted

Something like that, yes. If an image was deleted, it's generally safe to assume that it's not meant to be here and shouldn't be reposted. That feature works under that assumption. Of course, there are exceptions to that case, such as this one.

Grim said:
usually, if it's a different size, you can post both. This allows you to then make the larger one a child post, and then delete the original to transfer all the tags to the better version. You might want to check that the newer image is actually larger

I believe, although I'm not quite sure, that the duplication protection system works on MD5 of an image. If an image of that MD5 already exists, then it won't allow the reupload. What gets me is that images of different size generally don't have the same MD5. An interesting case, this one.

Grim said:
also, I think if you go to the removed image, and you were the poster/deleter, there is an option to completely remove it.

I'm...not sure about that. I never tested the functionality on privileged user accounts, only moderator and admin accounts. Now I do wonder...

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