04/12/15 12:25PM
Hypno Writing
All right, so I'm curious.
Would anyone be interested in trying to revive the community Hypno story? I tried it before, but it didn't really seem to take off. ^^;;

I would draw up a random Hypno pic twice a month, do up a starting bit for it, and then everyone else in the community adds a post to continue the story.

Would there be any interest in reiving that idea?
<<|Something like this>>

[Also, would anyone be interested in short stories revolving around Hypnosis from me?]

<<|First one!>>
04/12/15 12:43PM
:D me can write too! Me writer! Me have a kaybard! Me type :D
XD anyway - it is very lovely idea. And I have few storyes, and friend from england, so he editing ny terrible ukrainian grammar :3
04/12/15 04:54PM
Ooh, a round robin story? I think I'll join if the pic interests me :)
04/13/15 02:57AM
04/13/15 05:35AM
Ooh, sounds fun! I do enjoy writing.
04/13/15 06:15AM
Oh, Awesome =D
I've got a sketch in the works that can easily be finished for this! =D
Expect it... ehhh, week or so!
04/13/15 06:25AM
Yeah, i could give it a spin. Semester's winding down.
04/13/15 11:13PM
No promises but i'd be interested in participating a bit
04/15/15 07:33AM
Can't we just start it here, like the other one?
04/15/15 09:07AM
welkin said:
Can't we just start it here, like the other one?

What do you mean?
04/15/15 01:58PM

I'd be interested. Might light a fire under my rear to finally write some of the other hypno fanfics I've been meaning to do.
04/21/15 08:43AM
The "community choice" thread being bumped got me thinking of this; have you been working on it?
04/21/15 10:25AM
Just finished the pic =)
08/16/15 01:47AM
As someone who's interested in writing as part of their future career, I'd be more than happy to lend whatever skills I might have to this. The thing I'm mainly worried about is how to write a story that really gets the blood flowing. With a hypnosis or mind control story in general, the beauty is in the detailed writing, and I often find that the writing for many hypnosis and mind control stories doesn't have the level of detail I hope for. Not to disparage anyone's writing ability of course; I understand that not all of us are writers and don't have that as our primary focus. Hell, I myself sometimes struggle with providing the kind of quality I want in my writing.

Essentially, think of my involvement in this in a similar light to Walter White's involvement in making meth in Breaking Bad: If I'm going to get involved, I want to make something good; top-of-the-line-level good. I hope I won't be too much to deal with...
08/16/15 05:33AM
Admittedly, I've had an idea kicking around in my head for a while. The past week has been really rough on me and maybe this would be both healthy and productive to get started on it. I don't view myself as a good writer (maybe when it come to writing reviews of other works but not actual stories) but in spite of that, I should give it a stab and see what happens.
1 2>>>

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