10/16/13 08:36PM
What other (non-MC) kinks are you into?
Since my other topic with MC and what we each individually like about it generated some interesting responses, I figured "Why not?" and made this one.

Feel free to list them and even go in-depth and explain your fascination with them.

I have a lot to list but I'll start off with one: Feet.
I don't know how it happened but my boyfriend was into it and his fetish rubbed off on me. >.> Now for the last few years, I've found them quite sexy - and even now (shamefully) to the point of narcissism. Though I do believe that beyond physical appearance, when feet are associated with an act of dominance/submission it carries something much more sexy through its symbolism.

What other kinks are you all into, people of the hub? c:
10/16/13 08:46PM
Well now, I've always found just straight up kissing to be a massively erotic act.
I also enjoy spanking, tattoos, and thigh-high socks.
Spanking, I don't know what it is since I only enjoy being on the giving end.
With tattoos, I just find the idea of someone permanently marking themselves to be a turn on.
For thigh-highs, I blame anime.
10/16/13 09:05PM
MILF x shota
Transformation (but NOT transgender. I wouldn't make mention of it, but it's so hard to filter the latter out of the former when i'm looking for it)
10/16/13 09:27PM
RebKMG said:
Though I do believe that beyond physical appearance, when feet are associated with an act of dominance/submission it carries something much more sexy through its symbolism.

This is the only time I particularly like feet.

RebKMG said:
I don't know how it happened but my boyfriend was into it and his fetish rubbed off on me. >.>

Funny. I did the same thing to my girlfriend and feet in d/s situations. XD

Aside from MC, albeit quite related, my biggest fetish has got to be anything involving the whole dominance/submission scene. I love power. I love the feeling of completely owning or dominating another. Doubly so when those under my thumb enjoy it, too. I've always been a very manipulative person (I'm probably good at English because of my tendency to try to manipulate people; I needed a silver tongue, after all). I suppose the whole d/s scene is just a more overt and less constrictive outlet for my desire for power and control.

I adore the symbols of d/s and whatnot as well: collars, slave harnesses, body piercings (esp. nipples), tattoos (sometimes), body writing (damn it, Japan! Look what you made me like!), etc. A woman with any of these just gets me going. It's like they're saying, "Here, take the reigns and run with them!"

Now, my problem with d/s is how hard it is to find PURE d/s. I'm not too into actual bondage or SM. My biggest thing is "pure" d/s (for example, I really like the Gorean slavery thing that's been about the internet recently, especially the poses), where the dominant wants to have the control and gets off on it, and the submissive wants to lose all control and gets off on it. I like submissive ans obedient slaves, not masochistic ones. A masochistic submissive slave works, too, though. :P Unfortunately, the line between d/s and bdsm has been completely overlapped by just about everyone on the internet, but it's not the same thing. This makes it terribly hard to search for.

Moving on, another of my big fetishes is what I used to call my "non-human humanoid fetish". Nowadays, I just call it my subhuman (used in the context of biological taxonomy) fetish. I like just about everything that looks somewhat like a human, but isn't quite there. Elves, for example, would fit under that category. A lot of people really, really love elves, even though the only difference is the shape of the ear. For some reason, that marked difference makes them exotic and desirable. That's the basis for my subhuman fetish. It all boils down to exoticism, I suppose.

More extreme examples of my subhuman fetish would be monster girls such as dragon girls (the best!), lamias/nagas, harpies, faeries, etc.

Another example that most people can relate to is <<|kemonomimi>>. It's an all-encompassing term used for people with animal ears, tails, and traits. I prefer using it over "catgirl" and the like, because not every animal-eared girl has cat ears. Anyway, back to the point. A VERY large number of people like catgirls, so I'm sure many can relate in this regard.

Let's see, anything else worth bringing up? Um...I'd probably bring up voyeurism, but I'm not all too big on that. I don't get off on SECRETLY seeing people nude. Seeing them nude at all, will do. Hmm... Well, I guess I can touch on this. I don't really have a name for it, and if it has one already, I don't know it. It's also a bit difficult to describe in words, but let's see what I can do...

I find the female body, especially when well taken care of, to be an aesthetically AND sexually beautiful thing. As such, I love looking at it. I like looking at females take various poses while nude, and not just specifically related to d/s. I'm a big fan of women spreading their legs/pussies and showing off. Or maybe putting emphasis on their breasts. But that's not all there is to it. Every-day poses, too, are made erotic when done nude. For example, watching a woman dry their hair right after coming out of a shower. That's a very aesthetically pleasing and often arousing scene. Or watching one dress/undress. Or... Oh! Perfect example! Watching a woman dance. I mean, who doesn't love watching a outrageously sexy woman dance? I even know straight women who like watching women dance. I'm sure most can agree on that.

That's it for now. I have so much more I could go into, but I feel like no one will read it if I do. :P I'm always so extremely fascinated by sexuality and the interests of. So, this is my kind of topic. :3
10/16/13 11:01PM
RebKMG said:

*points* Uh! Uh! Yup, that's my biggest outside of hypno/MC. But, as I've said before, it's more about no shoes for me. While bare feet are my favorite, I also like pantyhose and socks. I like footjobs (I'm referring to art and porn; I've never gotten one). I also love it when girls curl their toes during sex or masturbation. Foot worship is also one of the rare cases where I'd be more than okay with being a sub. (I should also mention that, despite my love of femsub, I'm actually not into the idea of a female worshiping a male's feet. Man feet turn me off.) I'll admit that I have fantasized about becoming a slave to a woman's feet (see any of my PoV manips for a rough approximation of how those fantasies go).

And yuri. I looooove yuri. That is all.

Other minor things I like: animal ears, demon girls, collars, maids
10/16/13 11:17PM
Vanndril said:
More extreme examples of my subhuman fetish would be monster girls such as dragon girls (the best!), lamias/nagas, harpies, faeries, etc.

Monster girls are great. I suppose I'll continue to build on this.

If you consider those "extreme" then mine is pretty over-the-top.

These two actually say a lot for some of my other strange fetishes but I'm specifically referencing the ending to both when they go through the transformation.

Vaandril said:
That's the basis for my subhuman fetish. It all boils down to exoticism, I suppose.

Yep, that's how it is for me. It's a strange attraction to something absurdly weird. The weirder, the more it piques my interest! An even stranger one to reference would be this (might come across as disturbing to some):

Am I weird yet? :c

You know what? Here are all the ones I can remember off the top of my head:

Animal boys/girls
Black garments
Kimonos (or any traditional japanese clothing)
Maid Outfit

If there are any questions, just ask. :V
10/16/13 11:17PM
Yuri. Long legs. Thigh highs. Collars, Catsuits, Heels (but not feet), Harem and Belly Dancer outfits (big fetish for me) are things that do it for me.

On an slightly unrelated note, I also find some of the artworks of HR Giger to be quite attractive. Hooray for all the phallic and vaginal symbolism!
10/17/13 12:15AM
In no particular order: BDSM, yuri, BDSM yuri, torture that doesn't involve the person being seriously injured, sister/sister incest, maids, harem dancers/dancing in general, bikini/crop tops (pretty mundane, I know), lingerie, humiliation/embarrassment, traps, feet, stripping

Some stuff that's a little weird, even for here: tickling, interrogation (very very rare, but I like it), shampoo lather (technically as an MC thing, but it does cause me to seek out that kind of picture/scenario. I'm pretty sure most manippers/artists who make the "brainwashing" pun are just joking around, but I actually find it hot...)
10/17/13 12:55AM

Yeah, other than the MC thing I'm really boring.
10/17/13 02:55AM
Ooh, another one: Soft Vore (e.g. the kind of vore you usually see on this site, snake vore and the like, no real injury).
10/17/13 03:01AM
Henry-killenger said:
Well now, I've always found just straight up kissing to be a massively erotic act.

Me too! Well, maybe not massively but, still~

I see we have feet people around. I'm a handy man myself. A woman with lovely hands and manicured nails sits right up at the top with Hypno/MC for me. Strange combination? Whooo knoooows~

The rest if mostly minor stuff, little kinks. Collars, M/s play, long striped socks (thanks anime, you jerk), unusual hair color (multi-tone is great!) dark skin (Shantae <3). Those are the ones off the top of my head.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the thread! It's so very interesting to see what you all like.

Edit: Remebred that I really enjoy petrification. Not so much changing into inanimate objects. But stone, ice blocks/frozen, and gold are all up my ally~
10/17/13 08:19AM
RebKMG said:
If you consider those "extreme"[...]

They are extreme for most people. They're extreme in the sense that they're as much animalistic as they are humanistic, as opposed to more mellow cases like elves, which are just longer ears, usually, and kemonomimi, which are just animal ears and sometimes a tail slapped on a human. It's not like I'm saying it's extreme in the sense of it being outrageous, but rather the greater of a comparison.

Besides, I like that bug-artist, too. :3

RebKMG said:
An even stranger one to reference would be this (might come across as disturbing to some):

Honestly, I love the artist. And while it's not too "extreme" for me (I have found very little that is, in this regard :P), I find that I can't see enough of the body in the WRITHING MASS OF TENTACLES to actually fully enjoy most of his art. Tentacles aren't hot to look at. Females are, corrupted and transformed or not. It all just blends in too well for me to make out the actual nudity.

RebKMG said:
Am I weird yet? :c

You still got a ways to go to be considered weird by me, friend. :P

Mindwipe said:
Other minor things I like: animal ears, demon girls [...]

I still insist that this is a gateway fetish for an outright interest in monster girls. Just you wait, Mindwipe. You're about to grow even more weird interests.

petal said:
[...]sister/sister incest, maids, harem dancers[...]

Ah, yes. I share these as well. I don't know WHY, but incest makes everything a little hotter. I never struck myself as a person who found enjoyment in breaking norms merely because they're being broken, but that's the only reason I can think of that would cause me to like incest. Maids and harem dancers, I feel, fall under a sort of erotic costume fetish thing. Still sexy, though.

petal said:
[...]shampoo lather (technically as an MC thing [...] I'm pretty sure most manippers/artists who make the "brainwashing" pun are just joking around, but I actually find it hot...)

Don't worry, I find it hot, too. It's that which got me into chemically induced mind control. I consider it drug mind control, and it was totally my gateway for that.

AC said:

Yeah, other than the MC thing I'm really boring.

Hey, breasts are amazing! I like breasts, too. :3
But I think that's a given. ;)

JamesF said:
I see we have feet people around. I'm a handy man myself. A woman with lovely hands and manicured nails sits right up at the top with Hypno/MC for me.

I honestly didn't even know hands were a fetish. I mean, I should have totally seen it coming, but I didn't. Ya learn somethin' knew every day.

JamesF said:
I'm looking forward to the rest of the thread! It's so very interesting to see what you all like.

I do so agree! As I said, sexual fetishes is a very fascinating topic to me. Especially the psychology behind them!
10/17/13 09:05AM
Actually, I like imobilization and time-stop (have a lot of this kind of movies and mangas)
Also like invisibility, and a special kind were the other people not only don't see you, but also act like you not there, so you can do someone in the midle of the street, and no one would be the wiser (there's actually some movies and manga about this, too)
And last, I like the concept of human furniture (as my avatar shows), were someone is treated like a thing. Actually wrote a story about it at Piper Domain (Puppet Master).
10/17/13 04:04PM
Hmmm, let's see.

I do like some things that involve slightly-different aesthetics, but not to the point where she doesn't look human anymore. I love seeing a pretty girl, and it sometimes makes me like something with little extra value. For this reason I like robotization or catgirls only when they still look human (e.g., not metallic or completely furry).

One thing weird about me is that the first thing I look on a girl is the face, not the body. If she has a pretty face and is young, the only extra thing for me is being slim (I never thought "that girl looks too thin"). I care little about breasts and ass, compared to other features like smooth pale skin and a cute face.

For this reason I'll admit that jailbaits turn me on.

Also, blondes. But not big-breasted and tanned, I actually like pale skin, and fragile, feminine features. For example, this turns me on a lot even if it contains nothing else than a pretty blonde girl:

More recently, since I discovered <<|modern feminism>> I also started to hate it so much, that I now get off on sheer masculinism. Which is funny because you could say that a lot of porn out there already have humiliation and such, but when it exceeds a certain threshold of putting women in a position of inferiority, bam, it's a fetish for me.

Oh, and ahegao! Maybe because of the humiliation thing. But seeing them looking brainless is just great.
10/18/13 03:13AM
Where to start...

In general (aka art or real life): unnatural hair color, tattoos, and piercings all just seem to make women hotter to me. Also prefer girls to be pale, short, and buxom. By no means do I dislike the reverse of any of these... I just find them to be more attractive. Goth girls make me quite happy (as long as they don't come with the "life sucks" emo attitude, be dark and cheerful dammit!).

As far as hentai interests go... that's a far longer list.

Monster girls are great within limits. Once it gets to several rows of breasts and nothing besides those and a face that's actually skin, I lose interest.

Tentacles. The combination of light bondage and gang-bang without having a male body in there ruining it? Fun times. Put them on monster girls and suddenly you have tentacle-yuri or the fantasy of being the victim. Bonus points for both (is there a story about the reader and their girlfriend walking in the woods and getting captured by a tentacled monster girl...?).

Sub-humans and kemonomimi (thank you Vanndril for actually giving me terms for these). Specifically elves, fairies (human-sized preferably, or hell, shrink me down), lamias, demon-girls, catgirls, kitsune... really been loving kitsune recently. I think that can be traced back to Ahri being released in League of Legends, but there's a number of other possible reasons for the surge in interest, so I dunno.

Ahegao. This is actually what led into my hypnosis fetish... always found myself jealous of the mind-melting pleasure they're experiencing in these images. It flowed into it so easily.

Saved the biggest one for last: Futanari. While it currently takes close second to my MC fetish, it's ahead of all the others by a fair margin (even ahegao, which is awesome). My interest in futa actually caused me to deeply analyze (heh, anal) my own sexuality. For those interested in the psychology aspect, I'll explain my findings: I find the female body beautiful, and the male body... moderately repulsive (repulsive feels too strong, but it's all that seems to fit). However, I'm of the opinion that, if there's pleasure involved, no act should be taboo (as long as it doesn't harm/mess with someone else). It should come as no surprise then that I have a few fun toys and no hesitation to use them (sadly, roommates and the lack of a locking bedroom door make it difficult to find the time). These together lead into both the tentacle thing mentioned above (damn that would be fun) and futa. To me, at least in hentai, a girl with a dick is still attractive, and just happens to have an extra toy to play with (and an extra pleasure source, lucky them). Also, do unto others takes on a whole new meaning =P

I'm sure there's more, but that's all that comes to mind right now.

Edit (because dammit how'd I miss this one!?):

Vampires. Love the fangs (I find them hot, and I like being bitten, win-win), the pale skin, the red eyes, even the idea of them being cold (not clammy, just cold). But above all, it's the power. So many ways of making someone helpless, and all of them strike a nerve somewhere in my happy center.
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