04/20/15 05:33AM
Mind Control In Groups (Tagging)
So, I just did a cursory search of the keyword database for some phrases I expected to find related to a couple interests of mine, and got no hits. I can't be the only one to have these interests, so I'm actually a little surprised.

First of all, there doesn't seem to be a tag for scenarios where a mind controller is taking multiple subs...neither "multiple_subs" nor mass/group anything. There are the "multiple_(gender pronoun)" tags, I suppose, but those don't specifically relate to more than one person getting controlled. Forgiveable, since it could technically be assumed, save that it also leaves out scenarios with mixed-genders.

The other is one that, admittedly, I didn't know I was interested in until today. However, it's also somewhat related to the first, and I can't imagine that it's that uncommon, either. I would love to be able to search for pictures in which the subject(s) get put under someone's control before an onlooker or crowd who doesn't realize what's going on. The best tag I can think of for this would be "unaware_audience" but I admit it's a little harder to come up with a term for.

So...basically what I guess I'm asking is; Why aren't these tags a thing? / Did I just miss them being a thing, and if so, what are the relevant tags?
04/20/15 09:43AM
In the cause of the unaware audience, I imagine that's just a lack of content under the category . That said, multiple subs should probably in.
04/20/15 09:49AM
This discussion generally happens in the <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/8844?page=14|official tags thread>>.

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