04/20/15 07:23AM
how to hypnotize
For anyone who wants to learn how to hypnotize, wrong post, I want to learn to.

I would like to hypnotize my gf (no, not my hand-_- she's already doing whatever I want) she doesn't really want to but I know there's a way to "control" someone without noticing, like subliminal messages. So my question is: how to use subliminal messages for the hypnosis? Can I control her with it can can I use it to make her want to be hypnotized and if so, how?
04/20/15 07:28AM
If she doesn't wanna then it's not gonna happen. Not legally anyway.
04/20/15 07:31AM
Your entire view of how hypnosis works is wrong.
04/20/15 07:35AM
Listen, you should never, under any circumstances, force somebody to do something they don't want to do. You don't exactly sound like a person fit for an effective relationship.
04/20/15 07:35AM
Well. First you have to learn her preferences, moods, emotions, background. This determines how she will react to symbols (phrases, gestures and visual stimulus) you put in front of her. Of course by the time you mastered that you are basically in a romantic relationship anyways, so coercive subliminal messages become redundant. Although I'm told that if you always have a distinct, pleasant smell she will remember it.

Therefore: Axe Body Spray
04/20/15 08:27AM

locustshoes said:
If she doesn't wanna then it's not gonna happen. Not legally anyway.

RebKMG said:
Your entire view of how hypnosis works is wrong.

huxley said:
Listen, you should never, under any circumstances, force somebody to do something they don't want to do. You don't exactly sound like a person fit for an effective relationship.

sorry, I said it wrong, my bad english betrayed me again, it's not that she don't want, she doesn't believe it is a real thing, but I know her and she know me, we have trust and I would never hurt her
04/20/15 08:28AM
And about subliminal messages? How do I use them?
04/20/15 09:19AM
darkray8 said:

sorry, I said it wrong, my bad english betrayed me again

No kidding it did! But, the joyful thing about playing the straight man is that what I said is a serious answer. On an individual level, your girlfriend is right, and a lot of psychological experiments will confirm her opinion. You need big resources and big problems to see a profit from them.

On the other hand you can play with everything that is already in her head. That kind of manipulation requires playing off feelings that person already had. And the psychological experiments involving with role-playing and authority figures are terrifying.
04/20/15 04:01PM
Mr_Face said:
No kidding it did! But, the joyful thing about playing the straight man is that what I said is a serious answer. On an individual level, your girlfriend is right, and a lot of psychological experiments will confirm her opinion. You need big resources and big problems to see a profit from them.

On the other hand you can play with everything that is already in her head. That kind of manipulation requires playing off feelings that person already had. And the psychological experiments involving with role-playing and authority figures are terrifying.

So, it's not real?
04/20/15 06:21PM
Maybe. With the language barrier thing going on, I probably can't give you a good answer. Consult your local literature and fetishists for more information in a friendlier format.
04/20/15 06:57PM
I don't think there are? I don't have language barrier with my gf, if that's what you think but I don't think I am ready to hypnotize yet, but answer me these questions:
Is it possible to hypnotize?
Can I use subliminal messages to make my gf more serious with her diet or more sportive? (asked her, she would like it)
04/20/15 07:18PM
darkray8 said:
Is it possible to hypnotize?


darkray8 said:
Can I use subliminal messages to make my gf more serious with her diet or more sportive? (asked her, she would like it)

Subliminal messages aren't as effective as you think. At most, they'll just give the subject a little urge in the right direction -- but that's if they even work.
04/20/15 08:40PM
You have a language barrier with me. It is not that I don't take you at your word: I know nothing but what I'm told. Unfortunately, I do not understand what I am being told, so I can't give good responses. If you post something like what languages you speak well, you might at least get referred to people with similar interests.
04/20/15 09:25PM
Hypnosis works, but the "golden rule" (as the idiom goes) is that you cannot hypnotize someone to do something that they do not want to do. The mind is rather resilient in that way. Anything directly opposing someone's true desires and beliefs would be rejected. That may seem hard to believe if you've seen the sorts of things stage hypnotists can get people to do, but keep in mind that those people are volunteers. The fact that they offer themselves for the act, knowing what kind of act it is, indicates that they are either the type that wants the attention and to put themselves on display, or else they gave in to pressure from their friends (or even just the crowd in general) and are therefore naturally inclined to do as they're told.
04/20/15 10:55PM
We may be on a website filled with images of non-consensual hypnosis, but in real life it doesn't work that way. Almost everything in the hypno-art community is purely in the realm of fantasy, and most of what comes close to what happens in images here is roleplay.

There's a reason tyrannical regimes rarely last long - if people don't want to be controlled, they won't be.
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