04/21/15 10:26AM
Community Story #1
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Whomever wishes to can start it =) I'm drawing a blank. Sorry! [It's like... 2AM here >>]
04/22/15 03:51AM
Well, here goes... something.


Nats had no idea how long she’d been here.

There was no clock in the red room, and no windows either. If an entire day had passed since she first placed the headphones into her ears and focused her attention on the screen before her then she wouldn’t know it. For a while she had tried to count the audio loops. There was a slight skip at the end of the track, when the babbling voices started talking to her all over again, but she had only gotten to seven or eight loops before she’d lost the ability to keep track of the numbers. She was having trouble keeping track of anything at all, actually. At some point her hand had reached under her skirt, and almost without conscious realisation she had begun to tease herself. The steadily growing waves of pleasure worked with the words babbling into her ears and flashing before her eyes to drain away her thoughts, the process going faster and faster the more it progressed.

She had long since passed the point where she could have stopped, even if she had wanted to. Why would she want to stop though? It had been her decision to come here, after all.
04/22/15 06:29AM
Loved that opening~<3

She could barely remember why she'd come there. Was it a boy? Was it a promise? There was some small part of her that realized it was very possible that she hadn't left her house, that her roommate was the one that had done this. Belle had always been using her to test whatever new hypnosis or manipulation tricks she'd discovered.

That small part of her brain though, was severely drowned out by the audio that she heard. She'd long since been able to follow the words, long since been able to coherently recite them in her head along with the track. However long she'd been there, stuck listening to that track and watching that screen as she slid deeper into the trance, and down the wall, was something she couldn't figure out.

She hadn't even been able to identify how long the track had been in the first place. The glasses placed in front o f her eyes had displayed the time originally, but now... now they were clear. She couldn't see anything on the glass.

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