04/26/15 02:10AM
Nats is on a first date...
Here's an idea.
My redhead girl <<|Nats>> [or Natalia if you want the full name] is on a first date.
What happens?
Who is she on a date with?


I'll draw the ones I like!
If it's a OC that you don't own, please make sure to have the owners ok for using them~<3


Also, Nats tends to be the sub. Just... fyi. That's not necessary to be followed, but it IS the most common result.
04/26/15 03:17AM
Just throwing this one out there since I don't know how much you were planning to draw and it should go without saying that I don't normally do this but here goes:

- An over protective boyfriend/psychotherapist, who sees her as more of a vulnerable animal to be protected than an equal partner in a relationship. He's loving and caring but a little misunderstanding and she has very mixed feeling about how he treats her. On the one hand he's supportive and kind; on the other he's slightly doting, a bit authoritative.

As he often tends to cross the lines between profession and familiar relationships (overlapping in both ways) he's often being the given the business but he's often one step a head. -

That's pretty much what I thought of right after reading your post so make of it what you will.
04/26/15 05:05AM
Cards against Nats:
She's on a date with a nice (description card here) who is a (insert profession card here). They will have (insert event here).

She's on a date with a nice martial artist who is a specialist in acupressure. They will have a nice dinner where the maitre d' gets seduced into the the fun.
04/28/15 04:59AM
Nat is on her first date... I do not know much about Natalia other than her highly probable Russian heritage, but I am going to assume that she is in her twenties, went to collage, and was very school focused up to this point so she did not have much free time for dating. I guess only you could know her collage and choice of major, but I imagine her in something to do with philosophy. Specifically the study of what it means to have free will. In fact she is writing her doctorate on it, and is planning to meet with a psych major student to discuss the concept of how group mentality, subordinate positions, and even hypnosis can effect someones sense of free will and their ability to form independent thoughts. She is meeting the student at a cafe on school grounds, a girl by the name of Dessa.
She sits down across from Dessa and they start their chat. Dessa was kind enough to order their drinks beforehand, they have been friends since freshmen year I imagine, but since they have both been pursuing their doctorates they have failed to be in touch as often as usual. Dessa has been consulting with her professor Dr.Mary Combine, on her doctorate about treatment possibilities of combining certain drugs and hypnosis could create. In fact it was during a short chat with Dessa that the idea of including this chapter in her thesis first surfaced in her mind. As their conversation continues Nat finds herself just writing notes without really listening to Dessa's words, luckily she is so conditioned from class she knows she can just read through them later. She finds herself looking at Dessa; she never realized how attractive her friend was until just now. There was no particularly striking aspect of her appearance, average in build for a woman from Brazil, with dark brown hair that fell to her shoulders, and muddy hazel eyes flecked with green; but the more her friend spoke the more she lost focus on why she had come here.
Natalia blinked, embarrassed for a second as she looked across from her date. She apologizes to Dessa, admitting she let was lost in appreciating her stunning beauty. She than shyly admits that she has never been on a date before, to which Dessa offers a flirty response that Natalia will just have to follow her lead. They engage in small chat for a little longer, before the young couple makes their way to Dessa's car. Nat asks where they are going and Dessa tells her that there is a cherry orchard in bloom only two hours drive from here. Nat starts to protest that she has work to do, but Dessa reminds her that she should follow her lead. After all Nat lacks knowledge in proper first date etiquette right? Dessa reminds her of this, and informs her that she should do the polite thing and get in the car. She adds that it will be romantic.
On the drive Nat starts to think. She did not think she was attracted to women, and she was pretty sure Dessa was not either. She started to brought this up with Dessa, but found she could barely focus on her response. She caught things like how its not weird for them to find each other desirable and that such questions were rude on a first date, but the rest just washed over her as she stared out the window.
She must have dosed off because when they arrived at the orchard Dessa had to wake her up. They walked together, hand in hand, as the blossoms fell around them. Nat was so happy, she had been adored Dessa for as long as she could remember now, and Dessa had actually asked her on a date to the cherry orchard while it was in blossom! They joked and laughed and flirted until sunset, when Dessa leaned in and actually kissed her! It started to heat up when Dessa stopped her, telling her that they should go back to her apartment first.
Back in the quiet of the car though Nat got that nagging feeling again. She definitely was not the kind of person to legitimately consider having sex on a first date, especially not in broad daylight in a publicly accessible area. Not to mention the other thought buried in the back of her head that she was supposed to be doing something else today, something really important to her. Dessa must of seen the concern on her face, because she offered her a water bottle and started trying to calm Nat down. As Natalie drank Dessa's words seemed to fill Nat with a relaxing warmth down t her core. Dessa was right, there was no place she would rather be than with the love of her life, Dessa was always right.
They pulled up to a house Nat had never seen before. When questioned Dessa revealed she had moved in with Dr.Combine shortly after she started consulting her. The house seemed a bit large for a professors salary to Natalia, but Dessa dissuaded her concerns by telling her about how smart and beautiful Mary is and how natural it would be for such a person to get whatever they desire. Walking in to the spacious abode they found the professor waiting for them in the foyer. She asked Dessa if Natalia had been primed, and Dessa gave an absentminded confirmation. Nat was about to ask what was going on when Mary said something and everything went blank.
Natalia and Dessa walked upstairs together after entering the mansion. Nat had the strange feeling that someone was watching them but for some reason that aroused her, almost as much as the way her date was looking at her as they rushed into her bedroom. their lips locked on to each other with passion, tearing each others clothes off. Caressing, massaging and exploring each others bodies. At times it seemed like Dessa had more than two hands, like in addition to hers there was another person touching her, it mattered not. The only thing that concerned her was the feeling of Dessa, touching her and being touched by her.
They fell onto the bed. Nat thought she heard talking, but she ignored it. She felt her need build as Dessa moved her hand to massage Natalie's sex. Did Dessa? Natalie thought she could feel a hand on her breast, another on her back, and another on her neck. Whoever's hands were currently touching her clitoris were experienced, She felt like she was going to cum almost immediately, but she couldn't yet she, did not have permission.
Permission? Yes, permission, of course. It is rude to come without permission on a first date.
She started to beg for it, screaming to the force that bound her to let her orgasm. It hit her like a tidal wave, for a second she saw that Mary Combine was in the bed with them, but a second later she was swallowed by oblivion.
When Natalia woke up the next morning she felt more rested than she ever had. She knew this was a good thing, she had a lot of friends to meet up with today. Mistress Dessa was already awake, staring at her. She was perfection eclipsed only by the visage of their shared goddess. They spoke of the previous nights events, talked about how Nat would get her own pets soon, and made small talk as they got ready for the day. Before they left to the school Dessa reminded Nat that the morning after a first date it was customary to give head. Nat of course complied, she would not want to be rude.
At least that is how I think it would go.

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