04/28/15 03:29PM
What Would You Change About the Hub? (Anything Goes)
I like the site write now and I don't want to seem ungrateful. I find that can be a risk taken when voicing opinions of improvement upon something. This thread isn't to start any conflicts of any sort I just want to hear what others might think.
I can say that I personally have always had a few pet peeves or matters in the site that I had hoped to move on or away from. Keep in mind that this is all theoretical, naturally.

If you could change anything about this place; from content provided to site layout, additional features, new policies, etc. What things would you change? Why and/or How? Feel free to second posts.
04/28/15 04:21PM
lower the bar on quality of content
add a method of mass uploading
make it so that when one has a long list of edit tags, it doesn't overlap the hot links at the bottom of the page
allow mind break, real manips, and anything that suggests mental alteration or physical control
change the definitions of large_x to be "big for the frame of the subject but within normal parameters for the species" and huge_x to be "beyond the normal parameters of the species"
add more definitions of futa, indicating the presence or lack of balls and vagina
have a "hate" or "loathe" button, the opposite of a favorite, to immediately hide only a particular [or particular set] of images
have all tags for a picture as part of the file name when saved
add a meaningless point system, which includes negative votes
allow the mail system to connect to one's personal email account
04/28/15 05:00PM
Grim said:
lower the bar on quality of content
allow mind break, real manips, and anything that suggests mental alteration or physical control
have a "hate" or "loathe" button, the opposite of a favorite, to immediately hide only a particular [or particular set] of images
add a meaningless point system, which includes negative votes

I strongly disagree with the first - we already see quite a lot of low-quality manips go through as is.

Real-life manips are 99% terrible in quality, so I at least understand why they did that. Doesn't mean I entirely agree, I have seen some good ones on the Collective, but the 1 gem doesn't warrant getting bombarded with all the crappy "oh look I threw some green dots on an image nicked from Brazzers" ones.

As for "mind break and anything that suggests mental alteration or physical control", 99% of it is already allowed. As long as it's visibly hynosis/mind control and not just "Torture someone until they snap", it can go here.

The hate/loathe button - I agree with the premise of "blacklisting" individual pics (I have one blacklist item where it was either that or blacklist a huge combination of tags just to exclude one or two images). Just needs a different name than that.
The points system, however, I disagree with. It adds precisely nothing and just incites a lot of "Why is this rated so negatively" BS from the people who disagree with the consensus.
04/28/15 05:20PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I strongly disagree with the first - we already see quite a lot of low-quality manips go through as is.

I think it comes down to a question of preference; there are some care strongly about the quality of the work, and others who care about the ideas presented more then the execution - given that blacklisting is a thing, it makes more sense to me to have greater inclusion. or what it's worth, I chose to answer the question not based on mass acceptance, but what my preferences are

NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Real-life manips are 99% terrible in quality, so I at least understand why they did that. Doesn't mean I entirely agree, I have seen some good ones on the Collective, but the 1 gem doesn't warrant getting bombarded with all the crappy "oh look I threw some green dots on an image nicked from Brazzers" ones.

pretty much the above again

NamesAreForTheWeak said:
As for "mind break and anything that suggests mental alteration or physical control", 99% of it is already allowed. As long as it's visibly hynosis/mind control and not just "Torture someone until they snap", it can go here.

again, my arguments for greater inclusion, etc etc

NamesAreForTheWeak said:
The hate/loathe button - I agree with the premise of "blacklisting" individual pics (I have one blacklist item where it was either that or blacklist a huge combination of tags just to exclude one or two images). Just needs a different name than that.

glad you like the random idea - couldn't think of a proper antonym for "favorite" - if we called it liking, then unliking would be fine, but unfavoriting sounds awkward

NamesAreForTheWeak said:
The points system, however, I disagree with. It adds precisely nothing and just incites a lot of "Why is this rated so negatively" BS from the people who disagree with the consensus.

what can I say? I like meaningless points systems, and there are plenty of times I see an image an just want to express my distaste somehow. The key word here is meaningless - no one would be condemned from having negative points, but it might make for interesting searches. Admittedly, there are those who take points systems too seriously, but I feel that's their own issues
04/28/15 05:22PM
A video with Mindwipe and Vanndril doing a step dance.
That is all.
04/28/15 05:42PM
More vigorous application of the "males only" tag o_O.
04/28/15 06:32PM


Grim said:
I think it comes down to a question of preference; there are some care strongly about the quality of the work, and others who care about the ideas presented more then the execution - given that blacklisting is a thing, it makes more sense to me to have greater inclusion.

Please, no. The main reason why I joined HypnoHub and none of the other sites was for the absence of tons of bad manips and awful artwork. Let other sites have that, let people follow those, and let this one keep its quality.
04/28/15 07:03PM
Only thing I'd tweak would be adding a bit more personality to profile pages. I'd love to see a "motto or catchphrase" section to add a quote of some sort. It could be just me but I like adding more pizzaz to a personal section on a profile.
04/28/15 08:23PM
Grim said:
what can I say? I like meaningless points systems, and there are plenty of times I see an image an just want to express my distaste somehow. The key word here is meaningless - no one would be condemned from having negative points, but it might make for interesting searches. Admittedly, there are those who take points systems too seriously, but I feel that's their own issues

Yeah, but meaningful dialog is necessary. The risk is that instead of saying "do not like for x reason" a person just hides the image. I'd rather it stay the way it is for that reason alone. As for no one being condemned... sorry, a person sees even random data and they will try and make sense out it and find patterns. People will make judgements based on the data they are given. That is why I cannot see your blacklists, and can only judge you based on them if I pull off some obsessive, crazy stuff.
04/28/15 08:48PM
I'd like it if blacklisting images didn't leave spaces missing in the "posts" section.

Other than that, I cannot think of many problems. I'd enjoy seeing RL manips, but I can get why they're not allowed. Sometimes I think the quality bar could be heightened, but then, as far as the "low quality" spectrum goes, I think there are more works that most people hate but I enjoy than ones I seem to share a dislike for with the majority of the community.

Most of my peeves with the site consist of the fact that a big chunk of what gets uploaded has little appeal to me personally, but that's all up to the userbase on an individual level, and I'm glad they don't have a bunch of red-tape getting in their way.
04/28/15 09:25PM
If it were possible on this stupid software, then I would definitely want dated posts. None of this dumb **one month ago** or **one year ago* crap.

Also, the points system is garbage and you all know it. Personally I think it should just be disregarded.

Oh and
MrGerp said:
Only thing I'd tweak would be adding a bit more personality to profile pages. I'd love to see a "motto or catchphrase" section to add a quote of some sort. It could be just me but I like adding more pizzaz to a personal section on a profile.

04/28/15 09:52PM
04/28/15 11:17PM
LittleToyMaker said:

100% agree
04/29/15 01:25AM
Grim said:
I think it comes down to a question of preference; there are some care strongly about the quality of the work, and others who care about the ideas presented more then the execution - given that blacklisting is a thing, it makes more sense to me to have greater inclusion. or what it's worth, I chose to answer the question not based on mass acceptance, but what my preferences are

I'm game for that, if we get quality tags. That way if someone does NOT want to see what they deem low quality, the low quality images can be blacklisted.

Sure, some have good ideas, but there are some people that the bad art can KILL any good from the pic. So yeah.

To keep everyone happy - tag EVERY image with the quality.
04/29/15 02:07AM
I mainly just want all of our numerous bugs to finally be fixed. Things like holding posts not working on upload for non-admins, and parenting on upload causing weird problems.

I'd also second the desire for blacklisted images to not leave blank space on the posts page. I know that's how several other boorus do it, but I'd prefer it to work like on the comments page, where it just makes a red box with "blacklisted" in it.

RebKMG said:
Also, the points system is garbage and you all know it.

Not really. The points system on the old software was pretty garbage because of the vote-down option, but this new vote system only tracks upvotes. It gives you a good idea at a glance how many people like an image. I wish more people would use it. It's not perfect, though. I don't really know why it needs the 3-star system, when the only one that changes anything is the 3-star vote. If anything, I'd rather it have a separate tracker for votes and favorites, and change the 3-star vote to just a favorite and like button.
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