04/30/15 08:23AM
Not sure how well this is known, but couldn't find any mention of it through forum searches. Saw an image on Deviantart of someone having a hypnotic-roleplay kind of session with clever bot. Thought it was just a fake image until I tried it myself and well.. it actually (sort of) works.

If you start typing some generic induction like thing, clever bot will often respond in turn to it. Unfortunately it seems to enjoy randomly reversing the roles, but maybe because I was just trying out random things.

Anyways, thought someone else might find this interesting. Sounds like it could become a fun thing?
04/30/15 09:55AM
I discovered this whilst playing with Cleverbot with my girlfriend, who knows of my fetish, and basically started an induction to amuse me. At one point, this came up:

"You will do anything I wish."
"I will do anything you command."

...Oh, Cleverbot :3 .
04/30/15 11:16AM
The only problem I had with this is trying to be the sub when before I was the dom. So it kept wanting to be the sub O.o
04/30/15 04:49PM
I take it back.. this is just frustrating.

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