05/01/15 10:56AM
So, HypnoHub might be holding another contest, soon...
...and we once again need some volunteers for the sake of rewards.

No contest is complete without a reward for the winner! But us here at HypnoHub are broke, which vastly limits possible rewards...

The solution, then, is obvious: User Generated Content! Because we love leeching off of you all! :3

If you're an artist, a writer, or a manipper (or anything else that'll work) that is confident enough in your work to offer your services to another, and you're willing to help us out by creating something for the winner of our contest, then please post here!

Just like last time, the idea is that we round up 3-4 volunteers willing to make the reward and allow the winner of the contest to choose who they wish to make it.

Please note that, if you volunteer, you are not restricted from participating in the contest, because you can just choose another volunteer for your reward.

So, any volunteers?

Note: This coming contest would not be an art contest (surprising, I know!), but instead it would be a short story contest. Details are still being worked out, but the contest is currently scheduled to start May 14'th and end a month later on June 14'th.
05/01/15 06:15PM
Short story contest, you say?

05/01/15 11:26PM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Short story contest, you say?


Aye. PomPom brought to my attention the resurgence of activity in the Story Thread, as well as the joining of some new writers in the Hello! thread. I noticed these things as well, myself. I also knew it's been way too long since we held a contest of any sort. As such, I felt it was a good time to do something like this.
05/02/15 05:35AM
Short story?

Hell, I'll volunteer to compete and to give a reward with a fic. That is, if I can break my procrastination streak. Still have two others I promised to do, and I haven't made much progress due to the semester.

I'd need to know when the rewards have to be ready, as well as when contestants need to have their work submitted, before I go through with this plan. >.>;
05/02/15 05:51AM
I can draw something for the winner if they want. Although I'm sure much better artists will come around to volunteer as well. Oh well. I volunteer I guess.
05/02/15 08:18AM
I'm a dip. Just noticed the time period that the contest is taking place in.

I'm in, but anything I contribute will be after May 24th.
05/02/15 11:17AM
I volunteer to make a drawing for the winner =)
05/03/15 02:59AM
Sure, why not? It seems kinda fu-

Amentibus said:
I volunteer to make a drawing for the winner =)

Let's do this thing. Assuming that I can work with the topic, whatever it is. XD
05/03/15 04:16AM
JonSmisu said:
Sure, why not? It seems kinda fu-

Let's do this thing. Assuming that I can work with the topic, whatever it is. XD

We're competing? Niiiice~

Careful, though. You might end up with the prize I'm contributing. :P
05/03/15 05:36AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
We're competing? Niiiice~

Careful, though. You might end up with the prize I'm contributing. :P

Not really "competing" as that implies that I'll actually end up producing something worth judging. XD
05/03/15 06:02AM
I have a story that's short because it was too awful to flesh out and I was ashamed to put it anywhere... sweet I've already got an entry.
05/03/15 06:28AM
JonSmisu said:
Not really "competing" as that implies that I'll actually end up producing something worth judging. XD

Don't sell yourself short. You've shown to me that you're good at GMing and RPing on the Collective. It's a shame that the Magical Girl RP fell through.

Also, yes, I'll post where I'm needed on the Collective, and on Ensnared, tonight. I've been sort of harried with stuff irl since Friday.

@Vanndril and anyone else who might be interested

Since my drawing skills aren't as high in quality as others on here, I figure I can write a 2k-4k word-count hypnosis-based fic. It can be fanfiction or OC fiction, adult (18+) or more PG-13 and romantic. However, I won't write anything to do with the following:

Scat, urination, farting/burping, loli/shota, vore, sissification, gore, anthro (including MLP and humanoid versions of said characters), pregnancy, and anything with more than one dick on a single person (I'm okay with light amounts of futa, but focusing too much on the penis itself, instead of the pleasure or sensations it brings, is a turn-off. I already know what penises look like, folks, I have one. :P)

Anything else I'm open to (i.e. speak with me about it first). I realize that this will cut down on the number of entrants who will actually ask for a prize from me, but there's a good reason: I can't write quality fiction on things that don't appeal to me, or in some cases make me physically ill (hence why I blacklisted loli/shota, scat, urination, and farts/burps in my account settings).

Otherwise, if Vanndril okays this, then this will be the prize I offer.
05/03/15 07:15AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Don't sell yourself short. You've shown to me that you're good at GMing and RPing on the Collective. It's a shame that the Magical Girl RP fell through.

Also, yes, I'll post where I'm needed on the Collective, and on Ensnared, tonight. I've been sort of harried with stuff irl since Friday.

Oh bah. That was all Midori for that one. XD And it was, figures that I'd start getting some more ideas after it ends. XD And tis fine, tis fine, life is more important.
05/06/15 11:12AM
JonSmisu said:
Sure, why not? It seems kinda fu-

Let's do this thing. Assuming that I can work with the topic, whatever it is. XD

05/07/15 02:37AM
Amentibus said:

Hey, you do cute, entranced looks well. :P And the fact that you do mostly vanilla stuff is a plus, for me anyway.
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