05/06/15 12:56PM
Commission database?
So I started doing commissions very recently, as a way to earn some cash on the side. I've done two so far, which is a nice start. But interest has been fairly low (as I kinda expected), and that got me thinking about better ways to advertise.

So what about a commission database for the hub? Maybe a thread or something where people can post their details and prices so all the information prospective buyers need is in one place. That way commission sheets don't really disappear among other posts, and there's a place people can go for up-to-date information on commissions.

I dunno, just an idea.
05/06/15 03:27PM
So this something we've discussed before, but we had a few issues on properly tackling it. As of now we also have a pretty big sticky list and we're already considering the potential of <<|yet another sticky.>>

Its something to consider for the resource thread, but my current recommendation is to just make a forum thread and bump the thread when slots open up etc. And since the forum is much less visible than the gallery (the visit difference is in the thousands), your best bet is to post a commission sheet to the gallery and tag it with commission_sheet.

Keep in mind, the commission sheets in the gallery must still have some hypnosis shown in them.

Hope that helps!
05/06/15 05:10PM
Yeah that's fair enough, just a thought.

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