05/07/15 05:16AM
manip advice
So I'm looking at all the old pics from the very beginning of the site and thinking to myself "if some of these just had a caption..." so I'm thinking on making a few, but I don't have any experience....
05/07/15 06:15AM
I think you should start with linking to a few of those images and sharing your thoughts on them. That way people will know what they'd be helping with more specifically.
05/07/15 06:41AM
LillyTank said:
I think you should start with linking to a few of those images and sharing your thoughts on them. That way people will know what they'd be helping with more specifically.

05/07/15 06:57AM
For this one I thinking of doing a caption about how the Dom (isn't present in picture) is turning the key on the sub's back,and with each turn she's loosing herself

With this I see two captions each being one of the girls lines with every lick the girl on bottom slowly looses control of herself

This one the girl is hypnotized to piss for the mens' pleasure
05/07/15 10:06AM
People use a few different programs to manip/caption stuff. GIMP ( ) is pretty common and is also free. Load up the image you want and use the text tool to write your caption. If you want people to proof read something (It's usually a good idea) you can post it to the forum or show it to people in the IRC

Good luck!
05/07/15 04:47PM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
People use a few different programs to manip/caption stuff. GIMP ( ) is pretty common and is also free. Load up the image you want and use the text tool to write your caption. If you want people to proof read something (It's usually a good idea) you can post it to the forum or show it to people in the IRC

Good luck!


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