05/18/15 08:53PM
Anyone adopt roleplay char?
I had an roleplay in post-by-post format. Sadly, other people dropped for unknown time... And I'd like to continue something similar.

Basically, it's postapo world, but things that happened weren't really that tied to setting. Whole situation is subtle femdom/malesub, with addition of... catnip.

Sadly I must admit, co-player was way better than me in describing char, so there are way more details on it than on mine.

My char: Male, used to be quite big as human. After mutation, however, new genes turned out to be dominant. And as there was no info on how it will go, turned out new genes are from kitten...
Blue eyes, white fur (on whole right arm, cat ears and tail, and part of his back) and hair. Red coat (think Dante from DMC), black trousers ect.
Used to be hard. Now he is trying to contain all his new instincts. Turns out that it's way harder than pulling a trigger. What's worse, willpower sharply fell...

Abandoned char: Woman, born as mutant. Bit shorter than my char. Distrust human and trust mutants, which is why she have no idea what to think about him.
Flawless, swarthy complexion. Long, shiny dark-brown hair. Fox ears and bushy fox tail in same colour, except for white tip. Bosom slightly above average.
Narrow hips, clear waistline. Full lips, long, dark eyelashes and gold, cat-like, big, hypnotic** eyes.
Usually she just dresses to maintain freedom of movement, however she lost most of her old clothes. What remains is what she had when she tried to seduce a guard... Fitting leather pants, black army shoes, green jacket and bit too small tanktop.
She was introverted, but attraction of my char to her helps her to open a bit.

**They are not magical or so on. They are just beautiful, golden points that you want to stare and stare at more and more. In fact, that's how she noticed him for first time - he not so long after transformation, she looking in direction where he was...

At the moment they are returning from hunt (they met there. He was sick, and almost died there. She decided that he will kill himself without anyone guiding him and gave choice - take her stuff and follow her or die. Well, he DID wanted to follow her, and fact that in hallucinations he mistook her with angel did not help, as shame was added to our mixture.

They come back to home he found. However, he found that home with two different people. And while they are absent, one of them covered basically whole floor with catnip. Which have pretty unusual effect on him, and he don't really want to have these effects near abandoned char...

So, anyone would like to write it post by post?

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