05/20/15 12:38PM
Keep it.. classy?
This is a porn site. A porn site that caters to fantasies of turning women (or men) into sex slaves.

Despite that, I think a number of us have run across stuff that makes us go, "even for this being porn, this guy has issues with women."

Yet, while it can make us feel good about yourselves to think that we are taking the high road with our porn, it IS still porn. It's like saying that mind-controlling a girl into referring to herself as "slut" is somehow classier that making her call herself a "cunt".
05/20/15 04:03PM
What are you trying to say?
05/20/15 07:50PM
So this isn't exactly in line with OP's post but this thread seems like a safe/appropriate place to bring up another concern I know a lot of us have with the content here.

There are almost no females of color and/or minority women depicted on the site (at least compared to number of "conventional" euro-caucasians depicted.) I feel that this is harming the community in ways similar to what anonymind is pointing out.

I feel like a lot of young women of color could log on and get the impression that they're somehow not good enough or worthy or being slaves :( I know most of you will agree that this is not the effect we want the site to have on our communities and that it's healthy to initiate a conversation/dialogue/exchange about these issues.
05/20/15 08:34PM
Yeah, it's a little disappointing that our large-majority demographics as far as subs go are Caucasian, "anime style" Asian, and... animal. Sebastian draws a bit of racial variety IIRC, so there's him at least.
05/20/15 08:46PM
*Reads every post*
*Scratches head*


If you guys really want to keep things "classy" might I suggest starting a site that's actually more SFW?

I you want more women of color might I suggest easing up on your usage of the word "slave"?

Not much is being made clear hear but it feels like you all want to make certain changes but I don't know what they are or how you had hoped to make them.
05/20/15 09:08PM
LillyTank said:
I you want more women of color might I suggest easing up on your usage of the word "slave"?

LOL, I half thought it was a troll for that reason. But I decided to assume good faith, because in this community, turning everyone into slaves is commonplace enough to make using an alternate term for people of color even more awkward :P

<<|Yesss... this helpless girl is now my slave...>>

<<|Yesss... this helpless girl is now my... umm... thrall.>>
LillyTank said:
Not much is being made clear hear but it feels like you all want to make certain changes but I don't know what they are or how you had hoped to make them.

I actually think anonymind is arguing for more tolerance. As in, don't assume a creator is fucked up in the head, because we all partake in porn that'd be considered fucked up on some level, and some people just portray it to a different extent.
05/20/15 09:48PM
Not sure what you're trying to say, but that artist you linked is a notoriously unabashed tracer, and his comics have the worst case of overpowered self-insert fantasy I've ever seen. I dislike him for those reasons, not because he has a soggy knee or whatever.
05/20/15 09:50PM
I have no idea what anonymind is talking about. Waiting to hear back.

As for the race thing: that is a can of worms with an active casualty count in the U.S. It is not a topic for the faint of heart and deserves some care when you talk about it. I am kind of miffed that somehow all the Japanese/Asian women/girls posted on this web page are suddenly traditional white. And how people might get judged by the sins of their content creators; who are catering to a broadly Asian audience in the first place, rather than by the effort they take to put things up on the web page.

While I have some deep problems with how HypnoHubbaHubba posed their question, it might be interesting enough that someone could pose a better phrased one. Short of the terms Lilly posted about.
05/20/15 09:57PM
Dr_Mabuse said:
LOL, I half thought it was a troll for that reason. But I decided to assume good faith, because in this community, turning everyone into slaves is commonplace enough to make using an alternate term for people of color even more awkward :P

<<|Yesss... this helpless girl is now my slave...>>

<<|Yesss... this helpless girl is now my... umm... thrall.>>

That all makes sense even though what I meant was alittle different and I'm still not entirely sure what this thread is for.

Dr_Mabuse said:
I actually think anonymind is actually arguing for more tolerance. As in, don't assume a creator fucked up in the head, because we all partake in porn that'd be considered fucked up on some level, and some people just portray it to a different extent.

If that's what anonymind meant then I can understand. I honestly took such things as given and figured everyone was on the same page.
05/20/15 10:29PM
Dr_Mabuse said:
I actually think anonymind is actually arguing for more tolerance. As in, don't assume a creator is fucked up in the head, because we all partake in porn that'd be considered fucked up on some level, and some people just portray it to a different extent.

That was sort of what I was getting at. One would think that in calling something "misogynistic", a person would realize that we are all living in glass houses here. Yet, ever so often I come across something where even I am tempted to call a person out on their "issues" such as the comic I linked. I know just by being here I have very little room to criticize, though.

Still, loli/shota is on the blacklist by default for a reason. Hmmm..

Although I had not considered it in my original post. I can see how you could be tap-dancing in a minefield if you were to do a piece where a white man mind-controlled a black woman into proclaiming herself his slave.
05/20/15 11:42PM
I put a fair bit of racial variety into my game, but I see the point being made with the "mostly white/asian" thing. Still, it's gonna be REALLY iffy to have white guys or women enslaving black girls. It just has the potential to go catastrophically wrong.

As for the whole "classy language" thing, I suggest you all go read some romance novels. I've read hundreds and they're essentially porn. Mostly power-fetish porn at that. The language can become particularly flowery yet also incredibly vulgar. Using "Flower of Passion" instead of pussy and "Iron Rod" instead of "Cock" doesn't change what you're referring to.

"His cock slammed into her pussy and she moaned like a whore."

"His iron rod forcefully entered her flower of passion, causing her to moan in ecstasy. She felt delightfully used, like a courtesan men had once vied over in ancient kingdoms."

Stuff like that can dip into purple prose but it is a good thing to reference if you want to describe stuff in language that isn't strictly mechanical or vulgar. You tend to want to mix the two, using the more vulgar terms to emphasize certain points or areas and control the flow of the scene. You might use "flower of passion" before a girl is brainwashed and "pussy" or "cunt" afterwards, to denote how she has been reduced to a thing to fuck. Or you might just use the more vulgar terms for punctuation at sharper periods, like when the characters are close to orgasm.

05/21/15 02:14AM
Cognitive dissonance has to be a thing here if any of us are remotely feminist. For me, it helps that i mostly write f/f so i can bury dodgy gender dynamics. But you still see it. Some stuff here makes me fairly uncomfortable for how it treats women, despite the fact that it's all porn and should all be degrading to an extent.
05/21/15 02:18AM
Finally gonna say it, I hate the words "slave," "master," and "mistress" in hypnotic context, and I will absolutely avoid using those words without evil subtext. Even my villainous OC, Boss Pitviper, does not call herself "Master/Mistress" or her subjects "Slaves." She is their boss and they are her associates.

Also, going to agree with a few previous posters on the subject of race. It would be political suicide to depict certain ethnicities in our preferred sceneria without intensively specific and/or gentle context. And given how internet callout culture loves to strip away context for virtual witch-hunts (I'm looking at you, Tumblr) it's just smarter to avoid that minefield altogether. It's a shame really. We could do with a bit more diversity, but the dysfunctions of the guidelines set up to guarantee diversity are preventing it.
05/21/15 07:38AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Cognitive dissonance has to be a thing here if any of us are remotely feminist. For me, it helps that i mostly write f/f so i can bury dodgy gender dynamics.

As you might have noticed, I mostly write about cute girls doing cute things. c:
05/21/15 07:57AM
anonymind said:

Still, loli/shota is on the blacklist by default for a reason. Hmmm..

Disregarding any moral arguments relating to that topic, loli/shota get special treatment here and elsewhere because their legality is very gray depending on where you are in the world.
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