05/23/15 12:49AM
Thinking Ahead - Taking Suggestions for a Future Game
Right now I'm making Overwhored, but I have a list of future games I want to make. One I want to make is an incest-themed mind control visual novel. A simple, short game.

Here's the basic plot: You play as a guy about to get kicked out of the family home because you were caught peeping on your twin sister. You make a mind control device to make things go back to normal but quickly realize you can do more. Over the course of several days you have to completely brainwash your mother and three sisters or you'll be kicked out.

So here's what I'm looking for: Brainwashing steps. A common complaint of Japanese mind control themed games is that they're just an excuse for sex and don't feature much in the way of mind control. The thing is that it's REALLY EASY to make a game all about sex, and harder to make it about non-sex stuff. Games tend to follow a pattern of "Challenge: Pass/Fail, If Pass get reward, if fail repeat". Rewards tend to be substantial and it's easy to just head straight to sex. I want a slower, patterned descent with sex at the late point and more kinky stuff at the very end of each individual characters brainwashing. Before then I want smaller, subtle changes, but it's challenging to think up enough for so many characters.

Everything is extremely nebulous at this point. I have some basic ideas and outlines but haven't fleshed things out yet. The characters can easily be changed.

I'll list out the characters. These have RPG Maker sprites because I did a simple mockup in RPG Maker (the system I'm familiar with) to start figuring things out. However the actual game will be made as a visual novel.

Jane: The sporty twin sister

Jason: The protagonist

Kira, the smart older sister

Noelle, the businesswoman mom

Finally, the bratty younger sister Sarah who doesn't have a proper mockup and is an artist. (Younger, but of age)

Since I haven't properly outlined the game yet I'm willing to listen to basically any suggestions concerning brainwashing steps for these characters or even the basic tenants of the game. If the plot sounds a bit like a cliche that's on purpose. I tend to start at that and then come up with the clever twists later. Though this is gonna be a pretty short game and I may play it straight.

Some characters could be cut in the interest of making a shorter game. I haven't decided yet.

You all are the experts on mind control stories, so I trust you'll make the best suggestions. Thanks a bunch for those who do leave some!
05/23/15 01:41AM
Well, what if there were different ways to go about controlling them?

For example, you could go with the straight MC route where your sisters/mother will become your brainwashed toys over the course of the game, and basically be mindless zombies who aren't able to do much of anything but drool and fuck.

But depending on your choices, what if you could actually get different results?

For example, let's take the tomboyish girl, Jane. What if you could choose to feminize her? What if she keeps her brain mostly in tact, but due to your mind control device's commands, she progressively gets more and more girly over the course of the game, until she ends up as the most girly of them all, and of course, hopelessly in love with you.

In a similar sense, what if Kira, being the brainy nerdy one, is able to be turned into a complete and total moral-less whore? She goes from lecturing you about not studying hard enough to "Studying!? Who the fuck cares about that!? Just fuck me, bro!"

And... let's see... For the mom... Well, she's more mature, she's intelligent and strong-willed, not easy to break at all. So what if you can't totally rewrite her personality and destroy her will because of that, but instead she becomes obedient to you, but also fully aware of her situation. A sort of "God dammit, son. You want to have sex with me again? Isn't your dick tired yet? Sigh... I guess I have no choice. Stupid mind control device..."

...Though that is all due to my personal preference of people changing in personality when hypnotized >_>
05/23/15 03:17AM

Sorry for my english x_X
I don't know if this will help you, I'm not very good at these things.

I was thinking about...

1- You test that device everyday, during the first days not seem to work but under the effect of the device you ask things like "What is your dream?" "What's your fantasy?" , You make them believe that "fantasy" to make them more hypnotizable. For example "Kira: I want to be an Anime Maid (well is smart, can be an otaku too)" or "Noelle: I want to be a Dancer". Slowly you trick those fantasies for sexual issues changing their personalities in the process.

2- Testing that hypno device (When they are weak enough to suggestions) you made a mistake and turn into a dog for 1 hour with X Trigger and you have no idea how to revert that, quickly you try to hypnotize your family thinking she's the family pet when she's a dog or you'll get a bad ending.

3- You trying to play a practical joke on Kira (revenge), organize a date with her boyfriend and use various triggers with a cellphone to test if that influence is already strong enought, wrong triggers = bad ending.

4- Jane in dog is cute, you decide to test the device again and transform your family in other animals during this night, but things get out of control and you have to stop them from destroying the house, "geez... that was not planned".

5- You implant various triggers for every character depending on your personality, Maid, Puppy, Robot, Personal Slave (do my homework!), etc and you can activate the "hardcore mode" via trigger, Maid, Bitch, Sexbot, Personal SexSlave, etc. But the repeated use of the device causes can not delete the triggers creating interesting situations.

Something like that, balance between funny stuff and sexual stuff and slowly becoming more sexual.
05/23/15 03:41AM
You could try reinforcing some of the basic personality traits of the characters as part of their personal mind control process. For example, you describe Jane as "sporty," so what if her brainwashing initially upped her competitiveness while degrading her morals? She would start turning everything into a competition, from household chores to the eventual sex scene where she bets she can last longer before cumming (or some other sex related contest.) That way you can have other bits that may not be related to sex during her segments, where she challenges Jason to various games and sports.

As for Kira, she could be made more studious rather than less. You see a lot of intelligence reduction during these kind of games, but I'm curious as to how the opposite would work out. I'm picturing something like Kira being made more curious about things, as well as more prone to trying to teach others. This would likely culminate in an impromptu biology lesson while she does "field research" on Jason's body.

The mother being a businesswoman could be interesting if she was brainwashed to be more professional, and eventually convinced that sex is just part of the job. She might at first become more distant as her job takes over her life (more time to get to your sisters!) followed by her getting home earlier due to her increased efficiency and focus at work. Perhaps at the same time she'd be taking sexual harassment less seriously, complaining about it less, until the process is complete? Professionalism vs. her sexuality might be a neat dichotomy to work with.

That's basically all I've got.
05/23/15 04:01AM
IDPet said:

Sorry for my english x_X
I don't know if this will help you, I'm not very good at these things.

I was thinking about...

1- You test that device everyday, during the first days not seem to work but under the effect of the device you ask things like "What is your dream?" "What's your fantasy?" , You make them believe that "fantasy" to make them more hypnotizable. For example "Kira: I want to be an Anime Maid (well is smart, can be an otaku too)" or "Noelle: I want to be a Dancer". Slowly you trick those fantasies for sexual issues changing their personalities in the process.

2- Testing that hypno device (When they are weak enough to suggestions) you made a mistake and turn into a dog for 1 hour with X Trigger and you have no idea how to revert that, quickly you try to hypnotize your family thinking she's the family pet when she's a dog or you'll get a bad ending.

3- You trying to play a practical joke on Kira (revenge), organize a date with her boyfriend and use various triggers with a cellphone to test if that influence is already strong enought, wrong triggers = bad ending.

4- Jane in dog is cute, you decide to test the device again and transform your family in other animals during this night, but things get out of control and you have to stop them from destroying the house, "geez... that was not planned".

5- You implant various triggers for every character depending on your personality, Maid, Puppy, Robot, Personal Slave (do my homework!), etc and you can activate the "hardcore mode" via trigger, Maid, Bitch, Sexbot, Personal SexSlave, etc. But the repeated use of the device causes can not delete the triggers creating interesting situations.

Something like that, balance between funny stuff and sexual stuff and slowly becoming more sexual.

I really like #2 there. That would be pretty hilarious. I say you gotta include that scene somehow.
05/23/15 05:40AM
I reaaaaaaally love your idea for an incest VisNov that actually has substantial mind control content to offer, considering the awesomeness of Overwhored I really look forward to it ;-).

The only thing I'd like to request is wincest yuri content, there can never be enough of it and the cast sure would make for some nice pairings (sister on sister, mom on sister, orgies, yay!) and sure would spice the plot up ^_^.
05/23/15 05:51AM
Dantus said:
I reaaaaaaally love your idea for an incest VisNov that actually has substantial mind control content to offer, considering the awesomeness of Overwhored I really look forward to it ;-).

The only thing I'd like to request is wincest yuri content, there can never be enough of it and the cast sure would make for some nice pairings (sister on sister, mom on sister, orgies, yay!) and sure would spice the plot up ^_^.

I second this motion.

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