05/26/15 06:24AM
D-Mailing Thread (A Thread to Connect?)
Greetings once again fellow hypsters,

I think I might be in the running for the "Most Threads Started Award". Sorry if this has gotten irritating to some of you since I know a lot of my topics sink right away. Additionally, please forgive the title's play on words, if comes across as too sappy or sentimental.
Recently, due to the inspiration from another thread, I came up with what I hope will be an engaging way for people to make deeper connections... although admittedly it's mostly for me.

That thread is the D-Mailing Thread. It is simple thread that works like this:
1. You post, talking about yourself, your interest, your likes, dislikes and -if you'd prefer- why.
2. Don't post comments in this thread if someone states something you have in common, instead, D-mail them.

That is it.

It might seem too simple and it may lead to some of us being discouraged (especially with my luck) but I think it's worth giving a shot.

Remember this a thread to encourage d-mailing so post with regard to the rules.
05/26/15 06:54AM
I am interested in playing, analyzing, and generally enjoying video games and the additional content associated with them. It is a good portion of my life, but I also enjoy reading and forensic science pertaining to the analysis of computers. I like my interests, animals, and, oddly enough, talking to people, and dislike cruelty, people who flaunt their intelligence or power, politicians of any kind, Nui Harime, any kind of Elder Wyvern, and Eliza from Skullgirls. Why I dislike Eliza? Eh, she slaughtered a family, and for that she will pay.
05/27/15 12:59AM
I like the idea of this thread! I've been wanting to try lurking less and make attempts to get to know more people, but wasn't sure how to get started.

Gosh, I never know where to start when talking about myself. Let's see what springs to mind. I'm really interested in history and folklore, especially if it involves monsters and how societies react to fear. I also have an interest in translation, insomuch as I'm kinda sorta trying to build a career on it. Some of my favourite games of recent years include Persona 3, Virtue's Last Reward, Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory and the Shantae series.

I'm not sure if I have any telling dislikes... In the anime series Digimon Xros Wars, I didn't like Lilithmon very much because she seemed like less of a character and more of a collection of negative sexist stereotypes. Oh, and I can't stand the smell of vanilla. There's a story behind that involving aggressive vegetarians.
05/27/15 10:45AM
Nice idea. I've been wanting to get more social around here anyway.

I'm an easygoing procrastinator guy who tends to make fun out of anything (even though I fail miserably most of the times). I love videogames, especially RPGs and open world kinds of games. My favorites franchises include Metroid, Castlevania, Megaman and the most fucking amazing game of all times: Conker's Bad Fur Day. In general I like stories, be it creating, hearing, reading, watching or just imagining them, and the most fantastic and epic they are, more I like them. I have a thing for monsters and giant robots, probably for watching too much Power Rangers when I was a kid.

When it comes to music, I'm into everything from rock and metal, but I like some rap, jazz, techno and classical too sometimes. My favorite band is Judas Priest, and I hate the fact they don't get the recognition they deserve (They're called Metal Gods for some reason, y'know), I mean, everybody remembers Iron Maiden, Saxon, Black Sabbath, even fucking Accept, but I almost never hear someone talking about Priest. It's infuriating.

Movies, anime and cartoons are another thing in my favorites list. I watch and enjoy even the most childlish...except for My Little Pony (sorry, bronies, you won't convert me so soon). The best ones to me are One Piece, Hellsing, Bleach, The Amazing World of Gumball, Regular Show and Kids Next Door (shit, how I used to envy those kids... actually I still do). Adult cartoons are awesome too, like Family Guy, South Park and almost anything from Adult Swim...and for the movies I won't even start, or I'd be writing here till next week.

My sport hobbies consist of masturbation, bottle opening and randomly punching stuff for no reason. The only thing more bizarre than my sense of humor is my dirty mind (I was able to find sexual innuendos in Care Bears). My unnoficial title at work is "Dick Drawer", don't question it. I have one goal in life: find a way to have my own reality where I am basically omnipotent and can jerk around doing anything I fantasize about. Yup, that's a serious dream.

Now, to top it off, the things I really don't like: Assholes (they're EVERYWHERE!), spirits (Yup, I believe ghosts are real, and I don't like anything that's invisible and can pass through walls and watch me fap), pretentious people, hyprocite hippies, politics, peanuts and Pepsi.

That's all. I think I got a little overexcited ^^
05/27/15 11:43PM
Dear Hypnohub

I am actually a pretty shy person when it comes to the internet i have a hard time making friends online so i figured id give this a try!

I am really into anime and have been for a long time my favorites right now are fate zero and Daimachi gaming is another big hobby of mine i have a massive collection of almost every Jrpg released in Canada (where i happen to be from xD)

This bit is very uncharacteristic but i am actually in really good shape =3 i like hitting the gym and spending time outside it also helps that i have a very physical job too.

As far as Hypnosis Ive been into it since i was 14 and actually was on hypnohub back when it was hypnochan! To date most of my sessions have been in person and Ive done some shows with clubs and groups I'm a part of. I actually had the group act like ninjas and when i said ninja vanish they'd disappear or at least try to hide xD among many many more things!

Ive also done therapeutic sessions to help people quit smoking or drinking pop or helping with emotional distress.

Above everything else i listed i LOVE hypnosis hence why im here =3

I really hope some of you want to get to know me better <3

Sincerely Professor Rainheart

06/10/15 08:34AM
Hi all,

I know I started this thread so I probably should have posted sooner. I wanted to wait a while and gather what I was going to right. As well as bump this thread when it started to sink from the first page.

Any-who, I'm an ex-manipper who's trying to become an artist. Eventually I plan to post things on DA.
I consider myself to be one the less interesting people on the internet. As far as this fetish goes I mainly remain faithful to the basic hypnosis theme. I like both the legitimate and romanticized forms it can take. MC as a whole is fascinating to me but can be rather difficult to define at times. I often wonder if it's truly not an inescapable part of life. (In fact, I'm fairly sure that it is such.)
I'm essentially asexual but in essence I'm somewhat pansexual. This is to say that I don't really require the more explicit scenes when enjoying things in a "non-platonic" fashion. I often feel like the odd one out around here but that's only because I don't find myself in accord with a lot of the conversations flowing.

I don't have much of a way with words but I've sometimes enjoyed writing at a fairly intermediate level.
Anime is another one of my interests but I tend to read manga more than I watch anime. I find a lot of whats out today to be for flash and fan fodder more than anything of substantial appeal. (Not that I'm a critic or anything.) My aesthetics as far as content go are mostly anime centered. I appreciate the contributions of all artist and I don't want sound like a weeabu, I just like anime a lot more than the western styles. Again, I know I'm the odd one with all of that.

I don't play many video games but what I do play is mostly JRPGs. Particularly the 'Tales of' series. Probably doesn't need to said at this point but my number one waifu is Milla Maxwell.
I made a series of terrible manips of her in the past and I'm really regretting them, tbh.

I've been rolling around ideas about creating my own SFW version of this site just to see what the general vibes with it would be.
Currently I'm the sole member of a new religion/cult/alternative-mystical-persuasion that I more or less developed in my excessive spare time. It's nothing heavy but it means a lot to me.
Lastly, as some of you have already guessed but some might not have known or cared, I used to be a mod for this site with the alias Lost+Name. I abdicated but I never really left. I guess I kinda like it here.
06/13/15 03:49PM
I really like this initiative, though I have pretty much no idea what d-mailing is ^^" Though I supposed it has something to do with the "my mail" option available in the account...

Well, where to start ? I feel I share many hobbies of other people around. I'm a video game player who started with FPSs and Strategy games such as Warcraft 2 and Unreal Tournament (which I believe still holds to that day the longest time I ever played on a game). I am more of a fan of games which require reflexes, instinct and quick-thinking, rather than organisation and planification, though I also enjoyed Civilization 2.

Apart from that, I tend to be a big reader. I have more of a preference for fantasy/science-fiction books, who have the advantage of both offering reflexions AND new worlds. I am currently completely caught by the Warhammer 40K Universe, with especially the Horus Heresy ! To remains on WarHammer 40K, I am thinking of restarting playing the game with the newcomers, the Adeptus Mechanicus.

I recently started a bigger interest in movies, ever since I watched a french web show on video games in movies. Although the movies i usually go watch are still "mainstream", I've started to pay attention to other kinds with especially "Imitation Games" and "American Sniper". First one because I did a presentation on the main character, second one because I had seen "Gran Torino" before and appreciated Clint eastwood work !

About music, I don't have really specific taste. I could listen to both "breaking the habit" from Linkin Park and "Oppa Gangnam Style" next. I'm quite open-minded about it. The only style of music I usually dislike is rap, mostly because of the ideas it usually conveys...

During a time, I was a huge fan of mangas and animes, but less lately. I think it's because I grew too much accustomed to the manga story scheme. Too many times I will identify a young hero who thinks of nothing but helping others, feeling ashamed because of something that happened long ago and having ridiculous thoughts... But still, sometimes I find something quite original, like Fate Zero for example.

Finally, I like technologies. Every kind. When I see what scientists are working on... I get jealous because I would like to work on their awesome projects !

As for things I dislike... Well, spiders. First of all. Also bad people and those who don't respect my choices.

I think that sums it up, though I'm sure there are more things I could add ^^"

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