05/29/15 10:46AM
Manipping Gif Question
Does anyone know if there's an option for photoshop (7.0) to save new colors on a gif you're editing?

For example, <<|this>>. When I first edited it to put the slug in, the slug would not be bright green after it saved, because the old gif already used the 256 colors (or something, not quite sure) on other colors. I had to delete some colors manually, then put around 10~15(?) shades of bright green in afterwards to achieve that color/so it doesn't default onto some other color for the slug.

If you're making a new gif from an image there's no problem, since I assume it selects the colors for the first time when it's being optimized/saved. I could pretty much just drag each frame of a gif onto a new file, edit it, then save it that way, but I was wondering if anyone knew of an easier way X_x

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