06/11/15 01:52PM
Hub loading slowly

Uhmmm it's a few days I have this problem - HypnoHub is loading SUPER SLOWLY to me.
I have a good connection and any other site works perfectly, but the Hub takes minutes to load a single picture. :/ It kinda makes it hard to use it... anyone here has anything similar happening to them?
06/12/15 07:57AM
Fortunately, I've not been having any problems with the Hub.

Is anyone else having a similar loading problem to Psi?
06/12/15 08:20AM
I am.

When I load 2o+ pages.

Psi, try clearing you cache. It might help
06/12/15 08:33AM
Lunakiri said:
I am.

Oh, well, then I gue—

Lunakiri said:
When I load 2o+ pages.

o.o Damn. Ya got me.

Lunakiri said:
Psi, try clearing you cache. It might help

On one hand, I don't see why it would help. On the other, it can't hurt.
06/12/15 09:59AM
The site just flat won't load for me over 3G. Wi-fi fine. I figured that was the crappy phone signal out here but maybe something else

Interestingly enough I got bored a couple of weeks back and made an android app for browing the hub which works fine over 3G. Maybe I should finish that sometime
06/12/15 11:59AM
Of course I cleared my cache, cookies and everything XD. And on 3G the site runs fine. It's just on my PC...
06/12/15 08:45PM
sounds like client issues to me

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