06/13/15 06:00PM
New member uses Introduction. It's super effective!
I am HyperNose(you can call me Hyper or Nose or both) and I'm new around here.
Having lurked around a bit I think of the community as positive and likeable and want to be a part of it.

Also I want to learn the art of the tist. I am currently trying to reverse engineer(find out what's going on and why) the logs from the log collection thread and hope that I will learn a lot.
06/13/15 10:50PM
Hello and welcome then :D

It's late so I can't think of much else to say
06/14/15 10:46AM
Welcome, welcome! I'll keep my greetings short, as I don't want to risk saying something stupid in my current state of exhaustion.

Though it occurs to me that reverse-engineering logs from the thread may not be the best way to learn hypnosis. Most of the logs are selectively cropped. There's inevitably large chunks of the conversation missing from them.
06/14/15 01:30PM
Welcome to the hub \(^_^)/
<<hypnohub.net/post/show/20...rly_hair-eshie-femdom-fl#|I hope you enjoy the rest of your life here >> :3
06/16/15 07:32PM
It seems I already managed to loose my password. m(
I hope it is ok that I just created a new account.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your life here :3

That seems like a looong time.
*looks at clock*
It's that late already? I should lea-
...maybe just a bit longer won't hurt...
06/16/15 08:49PM
HγperNose said:
managed to loose my password

<<img.sadistic.pl/pics/dc15f6fea4f4.jpg|Well done :D>>

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