06/24/15 09:38AM
Asexuality (Hypothetically...)
A question has been daunting me for the longest times. I find myself identifying as an asexual but I still possess an affinity for hypnotism and mc that stimulates me from the mind to the body in both a platonic and non-platonic way.

While I think it's in my capabilities to accept anything, I'd like to focus more on the area of the mind almost exclusively. That is to say, I can't really see the appeal in many of these other fetishes that have made there way to this site. I don't mean to poke and prod or rant and hate. I'm not ungrateful for all of the content here. I just don't quite seem to be able to follow suit with the way things work around here.

I was wondering, if there was another site with a slightly different focus (for instance if one were to make a new site) that still centered around mc but from a "mature" asexual perspective do you think it would be well received?
06/24/15 10:20AM
Well, first off -
Asexuality does NOT mean you don't find things sexy. Nor does it mean that yu don't like to masturbate. Just that you don't have interest in sexual relations with another person - as far as I know, anyway.
I, actually, identify in the same way.
A bisexual [more lesbian] asexual.

This is the only place that I've come by with a heavy implication/appreciation of the whole hypnosis thing.

So I have no idea about anywhere else. DX Sorry.
06/24/15 10:44AM
Lunakiri said:
Well, first off -
Asexuality does NOT mean you don't find things sexy. Nor does it mean that yu don't like to masturbate. Just that you don't have interest in sexual relations with another person - as far as I know, anyway.
I, actually, identify in the same way.
A bisexual [more lesbian] asexual.

This is the only place that I've come by with a heavy implication/appreciation of the whole hypnosis thing.

So I have no idea about anywhere else. DX Sorry.

My mistake, I should have been more clear. I already knew what asexuality was. I just thought I try using the term to paint a picture but it turned out to be really vague. I'll adjust my OP.
06/24/15 11:42AM
LillyTank said:
I was wondering, if there was another site with a slightly different focus (for instance if one were to make a new site) that still centered around mc but from a "mature" asexual perspective do you think it would be well received?

I'd visit the shit out of that site. I'm not asexual myself, but hypnotism is a preferred paraphilia for me (i.e. it's erotic in itself, and erotic things are always better with it), and I have maybe only one or two others.

Only thing is... would such a site get (m)any contributors? :/
06/24/15 11:49AM
No worries Lilly.
I wasn't sure. ^^;;
And I was under that misconception myself a bit ago, until it got cleared up for me. XD

Mabuse - You'd have me joinin' in. XD
06/24/15 12:04PM
Lunakiri said:
Mabuse - You'd have me joinin' in. XD

And that would be awesome! But, you have to think that even if half the regulars here joined in, there'd still be a low output of images. Unless our users were very efficient in creating new pics, the hypothetical pure-hypno-spot wouldn't have very consistent activity, especially with how stringent the guidelines for uploading existing pictures would have to be.
06/24/15 12:30PM

Meaning it probably can't happen. =(
06/26/15 08:18AM
From what I recall, much of the site's earliest posts were mostly manips that did contain what I believe was 'pure' hypnosis content. By the site, I am referring to hypnobooru (before the current hub.) That always heavily appealed to someone like me as well, who the hypnosis is the prime thing for and other fetishes... eh, not so much.

Basically, I don't see why not. Maybe there could be a tag or pool made of images that stimulate in that manner?

~ Someone who was interested enough in this conversation to make a reply about it.

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