06/26/15 06:19PM
Frequent Sites?
What other sites do you all tend to visit for content relative to this site? What sites do you go to in general and why?
06/26/15 06:37PM
I mostly go here or ehentia for content related to this fetish.
06/26/15 07:40PM
Hypnopics Collective can be a good place, both for pics/captions/etc., and RP.

Another good site for RP is one that I'm an admin of.

Shameless plug, I know, but if you like MC/hypnosis, transformation, corruption/conversion, and related things, you'd be welcome to join.
06/26/15 08:18PM
I always wonder how many others here are /d/eviants as well XD It seems Hypnochan started because the hypnosis threads there always seemed to just be the same discussions and reposts every time.

So pretty much just here and /d/ now with the occasional foray into E-hentai for translation stuff. I used to get a lot of stuff from WarpMyMind in college, though after a friend introduced me to the bubble induction.

So many files, so little time @_@
06/26/15 08:46PM
PomPom said:
I always wonder how many others here are /d/eviants as well XD It seems Hypnochan started because the hypnosis threads there always seemed to just be the same discussions and reposts every time.

So pretty much just here and /d/ now with the occasional foray into E-hentai for translation stuff. I used to get a lot of stuff from WarpMyMind in college, though after a friend introduced me to the bubble induction.

So many files, so little time @_@

Yeah, I used to frequent /d/ for hypnosis stuff, but it was the same stuff surrounded with futa threads. Rather disappointing. Then I went to Hypnochan, then here. Haven't really had much exposure to audio/video files for hypnosis until recently.

Prior to Hypnochan, I did make some content for the Ricobanderas9 Yahoo group, then migrate to an RP board that was the catalyst for Ensnared. Haven't really written anything hypnosis-related since 2011, though.

I suppose I should change that, but procrastination. >.o
06/26/15 09:03PM
PomPom said:
I always wonder how many others here are /d/eviants as well XD It seems Hypnochan started because the hypnosis threads there always seemed to just be the same discussions and reposts every time.

So pretty much just here and /d/ now with the occasional foray into E-hentai for translation stuff. I used to get a lot of stuff from WarpMyMind in college, though after a friend introduced me to the bubble induction.

So many files, so little time @_@

What is the bubble induction?
06/26/15 10:51PM
LillyTank said:
What is the bubble induction?

It's an audio file induction that works well for a lot of people; but from what I've heard it leaves an open trigger, so anyone who knows about the file can try to trigger you with it. Some people might find that fun, others might find it annoying, since resisting a trigger isn't generally fun.
06/26/15 11:29PM
I also frequent e-hentai a lot.

And /d/ was kind of how this fetish got serious for me.
I had it before, but /d/ made me realize that there was a community behind it.

Then I lurked around WMM for a while and somehow ended up here.

LillyTank said:
What is the bubble induction?

<<|Here is a link to WarpMyMind>>, which I'm quite sure is what PomPom referred to.

Please also note Changers warning:
Changer said:
it leaves an open trigger, so anyone who knows about the file can try to trigger you with it. Some people might find that fun, others might find it annoying, since resisting a trigger isn't generally fun.

Dangerous people (and files) exist. And some just want to watch the world burn.
06/27/15 12:36AM
Changer said:
It's an audio file induction that works well for a lot of people; but from what I've heard it leaves an open trigger, so anyone who knows about the file can try to trigger you with it. Some people might find that fun, others might find it annoying, since resisting a trigger isn't generally fun. went semi-viral around /d/ and I guess a few other hypno sites at the time, it was a pretty common file for people to use...I'm not gonna lie though, it didn't work too well for me, but it's how I found out about WMM and most mp3s in general.
06/27/15 01:01AM
06/27/15 06:47AM
Mr. <<|>> has been my main lurking grounds. Its been part of my reading since I became aware that I had an mc fetish (I miss the old green color though).
06/27/15 11:05AM mostly, along with danbooru and gelbooru for manip source material. I also poke around pixiv sometimes if I find an artist I like.

06/27/15 04:01PM
I keep an eye on reddit's /EroticHypnosis and newfapchan's /hypno/, but the updates there are slow and not usually what I'm looking for. Still, some good stuff has popped up on those before. Also Hentai Foundry, I've got a list of regular searches that occasionally pays off.

Random question: Does anyone know if that Bubble Induction file has a female-voiced version?
06/28/15 01:19PM for faps, pose reference and ideas. for faps, good stories and ideas too.
Hentai foundry too, occasionally!
06/28/15 01:53PM
Dreamshade said: mostly, along with danbooru and gelbooru for manip source material. I also poke around pixiv sometimes if I find an artist I like.

Can't believe I forgot MC Stories.

I check out the 2chan Evil Corruption threads as well.
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