06/29/15 06:40PM
From consumer to producer
Hey, guys. I've been around the Hub quite a while, though actually commenting or posting here on the forums is pretty rare for me. I just like to look. Hypnosis content has always been a thrill of mine, and as much as I look for it elsewhere on the net, something about this place always keeps me coming back the most.

I've always sort of wished I could draw so that I could add something to the site that's made me so happy, but I'm more of a writer. Even in that regard, I haven't done much before because stories are really not the focus here and the sites that are geared for it just... aren't the same.

Recently my quest for ways to earn a little extra money turned me towards articles about the profits in the world of Kindle smut, and so the prospect of writing these things is relevant again. Still, I'm not sure where to start. What I need is a pen name and a few story ideas I can open with.

I hope you can see why I want to ask you all for advice about this: it would mean more this way. And hopefully in return I can eventually do something nice, like give away copies here on the Hub or put some of the profit towards commissioning art. Thanks, everyone.
06/29/15 07:42PM
What you need is advertising and ratings if you're gonna sell anything, for one. Make some free stuff posted on forums that aren't trash like mcgarden. Then, once you've got a few readers, start putting them on Amazon for cheap and direct them over that way. Just fucking spam that shit. Things sell seemingly randomly; you worst will bring in $1000 and your best will get maybe $20 in sales. Also make a tumblr and be semi-active on there.
06/30/15 03:45AM
You mean i could dump the non-fanfiction stuff i've written, like my MCStories, on Amazon and make a bit of scratch?
06/30/15 03:59AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
You mean i could dump the non-fanfiction stuff i've written, like my MCStories, on Amazon and make a bit of scratch?

Boyo someone made a movie dumping their story on Amazon. Chase your dreams. Less consistent money than commission work at first but if you're doing it anyways, why not?

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