07/01/15 08:34AM
Is there an actual danger to being hypnotized online by others?
I notice a lot of casual warnings on this site by people who say you should avoid certain places due to susceptibility from hypnosis. Why is that? A person has to be a willing participant don't they? Can someone explain what all the fuss is about?

07/01/15 08:54AM
Honestly, I believe the "fact" that one must be willing to be entranced is false. Or, at the least, not always true.

Without going into the fine details, I think it's safe to say that, on some level, most people desire something that they don't -actually- want. If that's enough "willingness" for someone who's easily susceptible to hypnosis to fall under, then I imagine there is some sort of risk of accidentally handing the reigns of your mind over to another even if you're not explicitly willing.

Assuming for the sake of explanation that actual Hypnosis is 100% real and as this community tends to think of it, then there will obviously be an inherent risk in something like that.

As to the actual level of risk... Who knows. This is all just conjecture, anyway.
07/01/15 09:38AM
Was actully having this discussion with a couple of other users the other day. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I might get in trouble for saying this but there is a little bit of ...overstating the effects of IRL hypnosis here sometimes. You're not going to end up with a impossible to resist trigger or someones slave because you walked into the wrong chatroom or listened to an mp3

Trance? Yeah maybe? But remember a trance is being highly focused on one thing and at most makes you more suggestible

Of course this is all coming from someone who's apparently very unsusceptible anyway so..
07/01/15 03:24PM
I was hypnotized online once. For six years I would rip off my clothes, run outside into a crowded area and start vigorously fisting everytime I read the word "cats".

Also at age 6 I was born without a face.

And don't mind the bull with online hypnosis. Make friends and work with them online, but I always just see random sessions as awkward or with some obvious RP mixed in lol
07/01/15 04:33PM
07/01/15 05:07PM
Roxa said:

Watch out... or PomPom might end up fisting YOU with the modhammer xD.

As the others have said the RL effects of hypnosis seem to get overstated, though there is circumstantial evidence of some peoples' being screwed pretty hard by "evil abusive hypnotists" on the internet... unless you are SUPER susceptible to suggestions and hypnosis (which you'd know about by know if you dabble with videos an mp3s) and super trusting towards complete strangers, you should be able to break out of trance as soon as someone tells you to do something you absolutely don't want to do... after all hypnosis is more a state of super-relaxation and not a "brain-off insert commands now" switch. It also depends on how susceptible you are in general, some people fall into trances and for others it's pretty much all role-play and while they are in a relaxed state they pretty much just play along and get told what they want to be told.

Sure, triggers might get annoying for some people... though as I said before... if it's supposed to trigger something you absolutely don't want to do/wouldn't do...you should be more than able to break out of trance once someone tries to implement that sort of trigger or just ignore those inputs completely. You sure as hell won't end up opening a site, someone telling you "Muahahaha, I now activate the secret government trigger phrase that got burned into you brain through watching hundreds of hours of suggestive commercials in your life, NAOW RUN AROUND YOUR HOUSE NAKKID!>" and you having your life screwed over forever. I sometimes went over to the "super dangerous dark hub IRC" for fun and giggles and absolutely nothing happened to me.
07/01/15 05:48PM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
I wouldn't worry about it too much. I might get in trouble for saying this but there is a little bit of ...overstating the effects of IRL hypnosis here sometimes.

I agree. Everything here is pure fantasy and there is no way to make someone obey through hypnosis. Mind Control is a myth.

Edit: Katzen
07/01/15 05:52PM
Online hypnosis is perfectly harmless. :)
Nothing bad can happen, nothing can be done against your will. :)
You're at home, no one can really get in your head.
You're fine. Everything is fine.
Everything is as it should be.
And I was in no way hypnotized to say that, at all.
Now come here and try online hypnosis.
Mistress will be happy @____@
07/01/15 08:35PM
Hypnosis won't force you to do things you don't want to do. However you CAN be forced to do things you don't want to do in the same way that any abusive relationship can force you to do things you don't want to do.

Certain other communities hate me for saying it, but hypnosis isn't flipping magic. You get a choice. That said you need to be careful with your choices and not hand over power to abusive jerks.

Yeah, anyone can fall for it and get abused, the same as any relationship. That's tragic and no one should have to go through it. The hypnosis isn't to blame though. Real hypnosis isn't going to play you like a puppet. An abusive partner certainly can, though.

Choose your partners with care.
07/01/15 09:14PM
Let's say an honest answer: There may be a risk of IRL problems, and there is not a risk to get IRL problems because of hypnotists.

To keep it simple:
- All people are different. Some subjects can be very suggestible, some others aren't.
- On the contrary, all hypnotists aren't the same too: some know well the subject, and know then what they're doing, while some others are not that experienced, and doesn't know well how it works.

Now, the interesting part:

People that are correctly suggestible, may feel things, but for a short amount of time.
Other people that are very suggestible or want to feel X or Y suggestion will get those suggestions for a longer time, depending too on their deep levels.

As a hypnotist, let's program the subject then! And they want to get deeply relaxed once they hear a trigger; The hypnotist would implant it as "*****RELAX". (That trigger is not that common and basic, so adopt it in your sauce hopefully.)
Here comes the 2 kinds of hypnotists:
• The hypnotist will just use it raw. Meaning it can be a risk, depending of the suggestibility of someone. Imagine the worst. That person drives, and got triggered unexpectly. Deeply tranced, and highly risk an accident. Pretty risky, right? And the hypnotist wouldn't even be aware of it.
• The hypnotist know what he's doing, and will implant safeties aswell as your trigger. Meaning that he'd prevent any misuse or unexpected events. Example of safeties:
- Limiting it only with a person or a trusted person.
- Being activable only on a special place.
- Being alone or with someone you highly trust.
- The word would be activable with another trigger.
- Being activable with only an object you're wearing.
- Being activable only by SEEING the word, and not hearing it.

Much better, don't you think? And hopefully, it can be additionned.


Also, keep in mind that a subject must not forget the main rule of hypnosis: TRUST, and self-awareness.

If you don't trust someone, you won't fully go into hypnosis. And if they say a suggestion you won't like, you'd wake up suddenly and make a kick on their nuts/middlebetween (or block them too :P ).

And self-awareness... Unless you want to be a complete slave/weak person with no more social life, you have to still be careful. And YOU have the power to break anything you find risky, temporarly or completely.

(Never forget that hypnosis is a deep relaxing state. Not a "you're not inside your mind anymore, your mine is mind, slave" (yes, it's normal)


TL;DR: Everyone is different, and would react differently on hypnosis or how they would hypnotize people.
To start off: Always try your suggestibility level first, and be with people you trust a lot, to train you, and that he'd make a lot of safeties for you. And don't forget to tell them what you want to feel/experience! The more you know each others, the better!

(also: On IRC, hibikini has its program updated a little to text-hypnotize people privately, with easy and basic suggestions. But it's still under deep tests, and might not always work for now :/ )
07/01/15 11:08PM
There isn't a whole lot of danger typically. Largely, you will wake up and be upset if someone suggests that you do something that you are deeply opposed to. The main real danger is if you happen to be the type of person who *really* likes the idea of not being able to resist or if you are of the type of personality that has a hard time saying no in the first place and also happen to be highly suggestible.

I believe that is why a lot of immoral hypnotists use really crappy induction techniques though, to deliberately weed out all but the most easy to hypnotize and manipulate people.

Realistically though, the most you are likely to experience in a negative sense is just an unskilled hypnotist that doesn't give you as enjoyable an experience as you could have. So, it's good to get to know who you are working with first and be sure they are familiar with what you like and that they are someone you can trust.
07/01/15 11:12PM
Dantus said:
"super dangerous dark hub IRC" for fun and giggles and absolutely nothing happened to me.

The super hubba what now?
07/02/15 01:32AM
finerhats said:
The super hubba what now?

An IRC channel we had back then for...eh... dark stuff (IRC trance/hypnosis related) or whatever AFAIR. I only remember going there once, being bored by a pretty harmless and empty chat room and started uploading puppy images.
Seems that gave that place the rest.
07/02/15 06:12AM
Seeing how this hypnosis stuff works, I'd assume doing it online is the safest way to do it IRL (you don't need to know each others faces/real names, don't have to be close by for the hypnosis to work, it's easier to stop the sessions without trouble, and you can safely refuse and get back if you don't feel okay with the suggestions.
The most dangerous thing someone can do to you during online hypno is trying to troll you into making some lewd or violent things you probably won't like, so it'd never work.
The real danger maybe lies in people who try to gain your trust and manipulate you by stimulating (positively or negatively) certain behaviors and using mindgames to change your mindset or beliefs, and hypnosis isn't even necessary to do that.

So, yeah, go ahead. Get hypnotized. It's worth the experience, at least.
07/02/15 07:15AM
Vanndril said:
Assuming for the sake of explanation that actual Hypnosis is 100% real and as this community tends to think of it

The only 100% real thing right here is my dosh!
1 2>>>

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