07/04/15 07:45AM
Bad Anime Game
I'm here to tell YOU, yes, YOU, that i host a game called Misuterii High on BYOND, and i am formally inviting you to join and hurt other people.
In reality, this is basically cluedo in a japanese highschool, with 2 rules, that are not subject to change.

Golden Rule: Don't be a dick: This can be classified as deliberately annoying/grudging other people between rounds, and can get you a nice Timeout on the server.

Silver Rule: People are going to hate me for this, but keep it clean(no erp, essentially.) Apart from that, you're free to do whatever but don't make me add a bronze rule that's essentially a remove kebab notice pls.
Server will be up periodically or based on demand i might get something to host it on
byond:// Server IP here(We're up...), paste it into the BYOND client, profit.
Don't come with hub names, i share this server with buddies from a different community.
As a side note, this will also be a place to post appeals for bans that you were given.
07/04/15 09:03AM
Fuck off, spammer.
07/04/15 09:05AM
No, no, seriously, Wat?
I don't see how any of my post is spam.
At most, it's peddling a server for people to play on incase they don't own minecraft, since BYOND is a free program(a bad coding engine, but free atleast)
07/04/15 11:20AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Fuck off, spammer.

If he's a spammer, he's pretty OK in my books since his giveaway thread was legit. He gave me Magika. Don't be so rude unless they're rude themselves
07/05/15 12:09AM
Benblu said:
I'm here to tell YOU, yes, YOU, that i host a game called Misuterii High on BYOND, and i am formally inviting you to join and hurt other people.
In reality, this is basically cluedo in a japanese highschool, with 2 rules, that are not subject to change.

Golden Rule: Don't be a dick: This can be classified as deliberately annoying/grudging other people between rounds, and can get you a nice Timeout on the server.

Silver Rule: People are going to hate me for this, but keep it clean(no erp, essentially.) Apart from that, you're free to do whatever but don't make me add a bronze rule that's essentially a remove kebab notice pls.
Server will be up periodically or based on demand i might get something to host it on
byond:// Server IP here(it's up), paste it into the BYOND client, profit.
Don't come with hub names, i share this server with buddies from a different community.
As a side note, this will also be a place to post appeals for bans that you were given.

Wasn't that the game where there was the death note and person with the mystic eyes in addition to just a normal killer?
07/05/15 12:47AM
strangeperson said:
Wasn't that the game where there was the death note and person with the mystic eyes in addition to just a normal killer?

Yes, that was a previous version(Mitadake)
We new version(Misuterii)
But includes new modes as an addition, all hopefully perfectly balanced.
07/05/15 09:43PM
Did they get rid of that damn spray paint? Spray paint was evil D:
07/05/15 10:32PM
You wish, but now it's a lot easier to dodge people who spray you provided you can sprint away by pressing X.
anyway, server's up, join the growing horde of violent fools in a school.
07/06/15 11:17AM
You're not doing the "emote your attacks" thing that Forkkie's shithole of a server made the standard, right?
07/06/15 11:32AM
Blah, no Mac client. I'll have to try this when I have time on the desktop.
07/06/15 12:59PM
Nightington said:
Blah, no Mac client. I'll have to try this when I have time on the desktop.

I know at least one person has had reasonable success running it in a windows VM, but obviously that's not an optimal solution.
BYOND's actual coding is really clever and can do all kinds of super dumb stuff that nobody would actually have a use for - for example, you can have a gateway between servers on different machines running different games that have a way of "translating" a character from one to the other, so for example you could have a server that is reality and a server that is Zero Time or something like that - but the frontend is appallingly shit and not exactly consumer-friendly.

Part of what made Mita (and by extension Misuterii) such a brutal game was that you could come to expect a degree of input lag, which rose the tension even higher and made it much more possible for a fight to end with a character being blindsided and beaten into the floor.

That's also what made it fun, at least until Forkkie turned up and ruined everything.
07/06/15 08:30PM
Emote your attacks is retarded, but i'd atleast require you to speak and RP a little, but that's fine, isn't it?
EDIT: to clarify, i'd rather you RP than just murder everyone as the killer without saying a word.
and it's up again, check the first post for ip
07/07/15 06:36AM
Benblu said:
Emote your attacks is retarded, but i'd atleast require you to speak and RP a little, but that's fine, isn't it?
EDIT: to clarify, i'd rather you RP than just murder everyone as the killer without saying a word.

Yeah, that's fine and good. It would be boring if the killer didn't have some panache anyway.
07/07/15 06:39AM
Toxic_Thunder said:
Yeah, that's fine and good. It would be boring if the killer didn't have some panache anyway.

Well, it's still up and all, why not bring some buddies and give it a shot?
And thanks for saying it's fine, i was afraid i wasn't being clear enough.
SUPER EDIT: As a side note as to why this isn't on the BYOND Hub: most of the remaining community for this game is literally hitler when it comes to my immersions, so i'd rather not provoke the beast, to be honest.
07/07/15 07:13PM
Oh believe me I'm fucking familiar with that. The reason I haven't been on yet is because I've been busy with other stuff.
I'm actually banned from the main server despite having never been on it because the guy who runs the game lurked a server I was running for a game with friends and decided he didn't like how I won games (that is, by lying, cheating, and stealing). I can't imagine most of the community is much better.
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