07/05/15 09:57AM
Issue with Chrome
I've been having this issue for a while but today I had a bright spark and I've largely narrowed it down to the browser. tl;dr when trying to load this on Chrome, the page will often not load; I suspect it may have to do with the advertisements. It's mostly a problem when I'm trying to load stuff on my tablet (instead of this, my work computer); using Firefox on the tablet fixes the problem, but the Android version of Firefox is basically bloatware so I try and avoid using it.

Incidentally, the problem only happens when I'm using Chrome <i>at home</i>; it tends to work just fine when I'm using someone else's network (and it didn't used to be a problem). So... I don't even know where the problem begins or ends with this one. It might be that the adserver used is loading different ads when I'm halfway across the state and those ones don't cause an issue.

Anyway, if you're having trouble with Chrome too then try another browser; it worked for me.
07/05/15 10:07AM
07/06/15 07:06AM
Monochrome said:

*chuckles* Are you a problem now, Monochrome? :P

Toxic_Thunder said:
I've been having this issue for a while but today I had a bright spark and I've largely narrowed it down to the browser. tl;dr when trying to load this on Chrome, the page will often not load; I suspect it may have to do with the advertisements. It's mostly a problem when I'm trying to load stuff on my tablet (instead of this, my work computer); using Firefox on the tablet fixes the problem, but the Android version of Firefox is basically bloatware so I try and avoid using it.

Incidentally, the problem only happens when I'm using Chrome <i>at home</i>; it tends to work just fine when I'm using someone else's network (and it didn't used to be a problem). So... I don't even know where the problem begins or ends with this one. It might be that the adserver used is loading different ads when I'm halfway across the state and those ones don't cause an issue.

Anyway, if you're having trouble with Chrome too then try another browser; it worked for me.

It's not unheard of for browsers to have issues with certain advertisements, but there's little we can do if that's your issue. If using a different browser app fixes the problem, this is most likely the case.

But it might still be worth further looking into whether or not it's your network. Do you have another network in the same general geographical location to test it on? A friend's or neighbor's maybe?
07/06/15 08:16AM
Sadly no, or else I'd be narrowing this down a lot harder. :v It was more intended as a PSA for anyone having issue accessing the /posts page with Chrome, since the other pages tend to work fine.

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