07/08/15 07:29AM
why so much hate
every time i upload something i get at least 1 comment on it about someone not liking it if i forget to tag it someone comments about it right away but i have seen other people post stuff with just 1 tag and no one seems to care if you guys really don't like my gifs i will stop uploading them.

its kind of annoying to get negative comments on stuff i make for people to enjoy
07/08/15 07:55AM
I know I'm not an authority on the matter or anything but I just have to ask, what negativity are you talking about?

I mean I just spent a good ten minutes looking back through your uploads and checking the comments, at best I could find maybe one negative example on a single image for every three or four that otherwise were either neutral or offering encouragement.

I'm sorry if you feel this way about your work, and wouldn't say you should stop making gifs unless it's what you want to do, just you and no one else.
07/08/15 08:04AM
i may be misinterpreting people meanings then
07/08/15 03:31PM
As Shank pointed out, I'm not seeing anything negative either. Some manip advice, yes, but otherwise I think you're just misinterpreting. Our users tend to be pretty straightforward.

Also tags are the lifeblood of the site. Forgetting certain tags can be quite problematic to those with specific blacklists, and while not applicable to your images at the moment, forgetting to tag loli or shota where necessary is bannable.

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