07/09/15 09:27AM
Tasteful Story Recommendations
Can anyone recommend any hypnosis or mind control stories that are heavy in the h/mc as apposed to any xxx stuff?
07/09/15 11:06AM
I will always recommend Sub Routine, by Tabico. There's masturbation and a sex scene but it's way more about hypnosis. =w=
07/09/15 04:58PM
VG-MC wrote a cute Final Fantasy X fic loaded with hypnosis a while back. Closest thing we get to see anything sexual is a brief moment when Lulu and Paine kiss.
07/09/15 07:40PM
Anything you get off of mcstories is going to have an erotic element. This seems to be sort of the opposite of what you are looking for. Granted I know of a few authors who do good h/mc in addition to xxx, but I can't say I read many stories where it is one and not the other.

Although, the Molly Moon books where kind of excessively cute. Since they are children's books they couldn't have sexual content.
07/09/15 08:44PM
Psi said:
I will always recommend Sub Routine, by Tabico. There's masturbation and a sex scene but it's way more about hypnosis. =w=

*sees title*
Hey I wonder if Psi will recommend that story he keeps trying to get me to read

07/09/15 09:53PM
Psi said:
I will always recommend Sub Routine, by Tabico. There's masturbation and a sex scene but it's way more about hypnosis. =w=

Sub Routine is great. I like White Flesh by Tabico as well.

EdgeOfTheMoon said:
*sees title*
Hey I wonder if Psi will recommend that story he keeps trying to get me to read

Do itttttttt

Mr_Face said:
Although, the Molly Moon books where kind of excessively cute. Since they are children's books they couldn't have sexual content.

Reading this made me realize I had an interest in hypnosis even back in elementary school >_>


I personally like a lot of the stories in the story thread here. TakyonH and petal have written some good ones, though they're incomplete and unlikely to be finished. What is there is great, though.

07/10/15 06:37AM
Dreamshade said:
I personally like a lot of the stories in the story thread here. TakyonH and petal have written some good ones, though they're incomplete and unlikely to be finished

unlikely to be finished
unlikely to be finished
unlikely to be finished

unlikely to be finished

;_; It's only been eight months, way to lose faith in me...

<<|I am not good at deciding where I want my stories to go.>>

<<|I am also not good at not getting distracted by literally everything.>>

I'll circlejerk and say you should read Dreamshade's stories too, they're very cute.
07/10/15 07:26AM
petal said:
;_; It's only been eight months, way to lose faith in me...

<<|I am not good at deciding where I want my stories to go.>>

<<|I am also not good at not getting distracted by literally everything.>>

I'll circlejerk and say you should read Dreamshade's stories too, they're very cute.

It's why i write shorter stories with fairly formulaic plots. Limits my range but helps make sure i actually get them done. Completionism is a tradeoff.
07/11/15 06:30AM
If you don't mind a plug, my stuff in the story thread is as safe as you can get, I think. XD
07/12/15 12:23PM
petal said:
;_; It's only been eight months, way to lose faith in me...

<<|I am not good at deciding where I want my stories to go.>>

<<|I am also not good at not getting distracted by literally everything.>>

I'll circlejerk and say you should read Dreamshade's stories too, they're very cute.

Don't worry petal. I'm <<|not very good>> at <<|those things>> either. I wouldn't mind you saying the same about my stories either, considering only a single one of them has actually ended properly.

Another part for your series would be like Christmas coming early, though. c:

To help decipher my story folder:
A filename that ends in S followed by a number (or nothing if it's the first part) denotes a story. This is usually preceded by the first initials of each of the main characters - KNS3 is the third part of Tea Club with Katie and Nel. If there's a dash followed by a number, that means I rewrote that part because I didn't like the way it turned out, so KNS6-2 is the first rewrite of the sixth part.

A filename ending in CS usually means a character sheet, preceded by the first initials of the characters in it. The two exceptions to this are VCS and SCS, the former of which is the prison story I posted a while back. I don't think I ever mentioned the warden's name, but she's supposed to be Valerie and the prisoner was Carol. In the latter SC stands for Steam Chat, which is the first series I posted.

07/12/15 12:28PM
A guy on the tranceland IRC recommended an anime called "Charlotte" to me. It's nothing to write home about, but it's not half bad.
07/13/15 02:24AM
Dreamshade said:

Every single new iteration of a story file in my folder is a new direction tho :3 If I decide to rework things but I want to keep the old draft I just Save As. I used to use d2 d3 d4 for draft numbers but I was stacking so many I just said fuck it and changed to the date I started writing.

Do you have some kind of consistent formatting for your character sheets, or is there stuff that you always want to know? Obviously I always write up background data and whatever on my characters, but I pretty much just do whatever in terms of what I throw in there.

I do always want to know pretty detailed information about their family, regardless of whether or not the family will play any direct role in the story, what kind of food they like, and what their full name is and what they think of it. Taste in clothing, favorite song, etc. are nice too.
07/16/15 04:44PM
petal said:
Every single new iteration of a story file in my folder is a new direction tho :3 If I decide to rework things but I want to keep the old draft I just Save As. I used to use d2 d3 d4 for draft numbers but I was stacking so many I just said fuck it and changed to the date I started writing.

Do you have some kind of consistent formatting for your character sheets, or is there stuff that you always want to know? Obviously I always write up background data and whatever on my characters, but I pretty much just do whatever in terms of what I throw in there.

I do always want to know pretty detailed information about their family, regardless of whether or not the family will play any direct role in the story, what kind of food they like, and what their full name is and what they think of it. Taste in clothing, favorite song, etc. are nice too.

My character sheets are usually formatted as name, age, appearance, personality, background, and family. Sometimes I put some other stuff in there, but most of what I would normally put in a character sheet is encompassed by those categories.

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