07/10/15 12:32AM
Hypno tournament
Had this idea randomly today

What if we were to gather up a big list of all the characters known to use hypno/MC, be they official/well-known characters like Kaa, Prince Diamond, hypnotic pokemon, etc. or our own brand of hypnohub originals, (Hypno-Tan, Mrs. Erickson, etc.), sorted them into brackets, then had a big popularity contest to see who came out on top- like, once a week we have a poll between 2 characters where we vote for our favorites, and after x many weeks/months we have our champion for the year

Probably not the best idea, yeah, but now that I've written it out and shared it I can move on to think about other things
07/10/15 02:09AM
Not to be a wet blanket but I really like popularity contests... They tend to lead to vanity on one side and disappointment on the other...
07/10/15 03:14AM
We had a whole thread about characters that use mind control......Have fun creating the list xD
But I like the idea :D

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