07/16/15 06:56AM
Hypno Team Commission
So I'm certain I'd like to commission full Hypno Team comics, if only because they're awesome and the Hub needs more of them. But before these comics can be commissioned, I'd like to iron some things out. Discussion and opinions are appreciated.

Firstly, I nominate DHB for mayor of Hypnopolis.

Everybody loves to hypnotize Erika.
Everybody wants to hypnotize Erika first. Every. Single. Time.
Not abiding by these rules has consequences. Such as a low orbital satellite laser light show that hypnotizes everybody, lovingly termed the High-energy Unconventional Brainwashing laser, or the HUB laser, for short~

Hypno-tan uses a different means of providing mostly-pointless information on the hypnotist-of-the-week every time, ex. a pokedex, Kyubey, miniature watch-satellite video conference with her mom, etc. This is an important source of comedy. Even better if characters from the associated setting also appear in the background or as the hypnotists!

There is plain old <<tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Moe|Moe>> Crystal, and then there is <<tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperpoweredEvilSide|Aima!Crystal>>. If Hypno Team is paper, and hypnotists are scissors, Aima is a cheating rock that's also on fire.

Kassidy is always winning the fight until her visor gets knocked off/broken/hacked/etc.

Hypno Team's 'bat signal' hypnotizes all of them into hero-ing in the first place.

Add, dispute, vote DHB for mayor of Hypnopolis. You know you want to.
07/16/15 07:14AM
Ehh... Sorry, but I'm gonna downvote the idea of DHB as mayor. I don't really have anything against DHB, but the idea of making him mayor just seems completely random. I mean, why? I would honestly vote PomPom as mayor. She's a mod on the site, and has several pics of her as both a sub and dom. Or you could make in Vanndril, as he's the Hub's admin. Or make it one of the fetish's older, super popular artists like Sleepymaid or P.Chronos. DHB would make a better villain, considering he always draws himself as a hypnotist who often makes his subs do humiliating things.

So Erika is kinda the damsel in distress of the team, Hypno-tan is the information dispenser, Crystal is The Phoenix, and Kass is the ace with an Achilles heel? Sounds good to me.

Who were you thinking of commissioning for this? I know Psi indicated that he wasn't done expanding on the idea.
07/16/15 07:16AM
Kaa is the mayor.

Or Hypnotoad.
07/16/15 07:44AM
Ogodei-Khan said:

Or Hypno pig.

Actually, you said this.

If Kaa is the mayor, then Dr. Mabuse (my namesake, not me) for president! Svengali as his VP/puppeteer.
07/16/15 08:41AM
Bianca would be the lead instructor of the local martial arts gym, as well as a student driver instructor. Those of you from Ensnared would know why the former is a thing, and as for the latter, it's my attempt at Pa Rappa references.


Check and turn your signal to the left!

Anyway, yeah. Hypnotized sexy martial artists. Because why not.
07/16/15 09:05AM
More votes for the mayor! More!

Personally, I picked DHB because he's one of the dommy characters who's enough of an... ahem... unusual personality in depictions to deliberately set up what amounts to a city-funded public sex show to fight off supervillains. Then again, I don't go to the IRC, so maybe Pompom would do that... Who am I kidding, everyone here would totally do that...

I actually went to Psi first to ask if he'd take the commission, but he said he wanted to wait on it and let others do covers and whatnot, so I'm pretty much clueless as to who would want to handle something of the scale I plan on commissioning for.

As for villains... here's a few possibilities.

Mrs. Erickson, Kaa(it is a classic), the Institute, the Mayor, Aima, Hentacles, DHB(if he isn't already the mayor), and for great justice, <<hypnohub.net/post/show/10...rs-barefoot-black_hair-ca|The Legion of Hypno-tan Clones>>

DrgnmastrAlex brings up a fine point, who else to include... we can't merely settle for good guys and bad guys, we must also include the (un?)fortunate citizens!
07/16/15 09:41AM
Imagine if there was an arc where a hypnotist alliance was working to power a giant hypno-crystal. :D
07/16/15 10:00AM
Any of my four are free for this.
Adrian and Belle being the ones that are... well... they're the ones you don't wanna piss of. Belle could fall victim, but Adrian? Yeah... she's too damned smart.

Nats is the stereotypically clueless blonde [but she has red hair]. She's just... so gullible and clueles that it's adorable.

Ria is a shapeshifter. Fuck, she can do anything and everything XD

If you want to? You said need to add more, so... I thought I'd mention 'em //shrugs.

Also - Adrian would work as Mayor, if she was more known/popular. This is sounding like, essentially, a popularity contest, so I know she's already out of the running.

But the teen would do anything and everythign with those that she ... erm... 'watches over'.
07/16/15 10:05AM
I'll poke around and find the characters, maybe could set up a cameo list for lots of extras over time? As for the mayor, just has to make sense, really. The mindset of the mayor in question helps a lot for my decision, since I could totally see someone like DHB going into a government building and declaring that he's the new mayor of Sextown for shits and giggles. Who knows, maybe the mayor is a rotating door position just cuz?
07/16/15 10:54AM
o.o Oh wow XD This is getting serious!!
Yeah, it's impossible for me to work on an actual comic now. I wanted to just draw covers and let them generally imply what happens in the comics.
Anyway, since this is a crossover, I wouldn't give too much thought to what characters would do IC and what is their canon.
IMO it's better to just turn them into super cheesy, 1970-style characters that behave as ridiculously as those comic heroes. Huge thought bubbles, extensive use of other dimensions and transformations, stereotyped and unrealistic dialogue, super-predictable villains, lame superhero moves. Stuff like that, plus sexy mind control =w=
07/16/15 11:23AM
Honestly, I figure that at least one line from Mayor DHB would include something about a position on his personal staff followed by the expected outcome. If that's not really really cheesy, I don't know what is. I figured Hypno-kun might even make a decent Terrible Trio character if we can find two others to play the part with him. If/When I get around to commissioning comics, I figure I'll probably even ask to throw in lampshades to previous issues, like 'How did we defeat Hypno-tan's clone army last time?' and it turns out the entire city has been replaced with members of the selfsame clone army and it's played for laughs because the girls are hypnotized not to notice.

This enough camp for you Psi? Because seriously, I'm just getting started on cheesy one-liners and improbable continuities.
07/16/15 12:06PM
Powerofmind said:
Honestly, I figure that at least one line from Mayor DHB would include something about a position on his personal staff followed by the expected outcome. If that's not really really cheesy, I don't know what is.

I don't quite get this part. o.o As for the clone idea, that sounds good and silly enough XDDD
Also... what about secret identities? I'm thinking of Hypno-Mama hypnotizing Hypno-tan into doing chores and she thinks "How can I tell Mama I need to go fighting crime... WITHOUT REVEALING MY SECRET IDENTITY IN THE HYPNO-TEAM?? Also how can I, since I am hypnotized anyway? D:"
07/16/15 12:38PM
Well, I suppose it would go something like this.
"Mayor DHB! The city is being attacked by generic stage hypnotists!"
*pushes button to call the Hypno Team*
*Erika rushes out from under his desk to do her hero thing*
"I seem to have a position open on my personal staff Miss Commissioner."
*DHB eyes*
Classic before and after DHB scene, complete with corny sex jokes.

I suspect that Hypno-mama would already know.
"Bye baby! Have fun screwing with your friends!"
"Mom! I'm going to go fight crime, not screw around!"
"But that's not what I said..."

I figured that the call would go out through the various regular mediums they get hypnotized by. Kassidy gets a special upload for her visor, Crystal gets a skype call, Hypno-tan has a pocket watch that blinks until she opens it up, Erika... gets hypnotized by the call from wherever she's already being hypnotized by someone else by improbably located screens.
07/16/15 04:48PM
DHB sounds more villainous than anything to me, the vibe I get are subs seem to be on the good side and doms and the evil side. Ergo DHB would be more of a villain. Mindwipe also mentioned Pompom for mayor but seeing as she is only a mod there it would make more sense as a "chief of police" sort of title instead.
07/16/15 05:16PM
Zko said:
DHB sounds more villainous than anything to me, the vibe I get are subs seem to be on the good side and doms and the evil side. Ergo DHB would be more of a villain. Mindwipe also mentioned Pompom for mayor but seeing as she is only a mod there it would make more sense as a "chief of police" sort of title instead.

What are you talking about PomPom would be in the cotton balls aisle of the art supplies store
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