07/23/15 09:14AM
Can't Hypnohub just migrate servers to europe to keep bestiality, lolicon and shotacon?

all natively english speaking countries basically have a deal to take away porn and sexuality little by little. but it's safe in places like: germany, netherlands, denmark. (as reference of strictness of things: )
07/23/15 09:34AM
I'm not sure what specifically you are referring to, but just buying a server where something is legal is not a perfect legal shield for anything. The owner of the site will still, so far as I have read, be held to the laws of their native country even if they use a server based in another country, and viewers of the site will be held to the laws of their native country.

The best thing, in the case of the legal censorship of pornography is concerned is to fight to raise awareness of laws that restrict our freedom to create and look at harmless images and protest against them being enacted in the first place.
07/23/15 09:40AM
You know, I'm pretty sure this place is hosted in Europe. The Netherlands, to be exact.

At least that's where Slayerduck is, I think.
07/23/15 10:15AM
The servers are in The Netherlands, so idk what this thread is for.
07/23/15 12:13PM
Actually, it doesn't matter one iota where the servers are located.

What matters is where the owner lives.

On top of that, right now the only thing between you and loli/shota pictures is a user-configurable blacklist. Human-on-animal (or in reverse) drawings are right in the open.
07/23/15 01:29PM
Mindwipe said:
The servers are in The Netherlands, so idk what this thread is for.

All praise to our generous Dutch hosts! All hail to Slayerduck, glorious king of the hub ;P!
07/23/15 04:09PM
Dantus said:
All praise to our generous Dutch hosts! All hail to Slayerduck, glorious king of the hub ;P!

Hear, hear.
07/23/15 09:46PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Actually, it doesn't matter one iota where the servers are located.

What matters is where the owner lives.

On top of that, right now the only thing between you and loli/shota pictures is a user-configurable blacklist. Human-on-animal (or in reverse) drawings are right in the open.

Well, that's fine too. Slayerduck lives in the Netherlands too.
07/23/15 09:54PM
Dantus said:
All praise to our generous Dutch hosts! All hail to Slayerduck, glorious king of the hub ;P!

King of the hub!
King of the hub!
07/24/15 01:39AM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Actually, it doesn't matter one iota where the servers are located.

What matters is where the owner lives.

On top of that, right now the only thing between you and loli/shota pictures is a user-configurable blacklist. Human-on-animal (or in reverse) drawings are right in the open.

Even leaving that aside, it's not as though Europe is some magical land where nothing is forbidden, everything is permitted (and we are all assassins, lol). For instance, if memory serves, Germany actually has some of the most strict rules. There's nowhere that you aren't going to find some kind of regulation.
07/24/15 12:30PM
so wow. seriously? jesus, that's worse than i thought. seems like the "british empire" thinks that they get to decide over anything multinational, as long as the people on the site speak english.... that's just fucked beyond belief. how is it even legal, in terms of multinational laws...?!
07/24/15 02:11PM
Anon123456 said:
so wow. seriously? jesus, that's worse than i thought. seems like the "british empire" thinks that they get to decide over anything multinational, as long as the people on the site speak english.... that's just fucked beyond belief. how is it even legal, in terms of multinational laws...?!

It's legal, because:

1. There's international laws against CP, bestiality et al - hypnohub was designed to comply with the international law as well as Dutch laws.
1.1. This incidentally means the only jurisdictions with the authority to shut Hypnohub down server-side are the Netherlands and the International Court. The "british empire" has little to do with it.
2. As long as the rules of the Hub comply with relevant laws (in this case, Dutch and international) and are actively enforced, the owners of the website aren't going to court.
2.1 The user, however, is still held to the laws of his/her own country. So, if you break the laws of your country, you'll get arrested. Funny how that works, innit?
2.2 The Hub's admins would have to make the offending image's removal more permanent in cases where international/Dutch law is broken, though.
07/24/15 02:29PM
<<|All we need to do is drain the oceans and put the water on Mars.>>
07/24/15 03:38PM
yes, but as far as i know, the crazy laws about outlawing drawn porn of sorts or kinky stuff, is a thing mostly only in english speaking countries. reading the fine print of dutch law, there is literally nothing saying that drawn=real. so wtf? how can america/england get away with this, basically? they're literally applying american/english law to the rest of the world as they see fit...
07/24/15 05:10PM
Anon123456 said:
yes, but as far as i know, the crazy laws about outlawing drawn porn of sorts or kinky stuff, is a thing mostly only in english speaking countries. reading the fine print of dutch law, there is literally nothing saying that drawn=real. so wtf? how can america/england get away with this, basically? they're literally applying american/english law to the rest of the world as they see fit...

I at this point have no bloody clue which point you're even trying to make.

America/England has zero jurisdiction over HypnoHub itself. Zero.
They have jurisdiction over American/English users, and that's because they actually live there.

On top of that, the only thing separating you from loli/shota content is a blacklist you can remove within 5 seconds and no-one's gotten in trouble for it. Bestiality isn't even blacklisted at all for crying out loud.

Real-life loli/shota/bestiality is illegal in any country you'd actually want to live in, and we remove manips of legal real-life photos by choice because most of them are terrible.

In short, you have yet to make any valid points this entire thread and I humbly request it gets locked soon-ish.
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