07/24/15 02:23AM
So, uh. I became a mod over at somehow.
Its really freaking slow right now and its not a bad place. come join us I guess
07/26/15 03:16AM
I've been there before, but I haven't been for a while because of the lack of new content. Reddit is great but unfortunatley either not enough people know about the hypno subs or not many reddit users are into it. Hopefully it's the former so you can get the ball rolling. My advice is to xpost some of it's content to more popular subs to get it kickstarted.

Example: post an image from there to something like /r/hentai with the title "Collection of mind control/hypnosis related hentai (xpost from /r/hypnohentai)" then maybe leave a comment inviting more people to post. I moderate a couple subs and this is how I got some of them started.

Also if you can find hypno hentai posted somewhere else on reddit, maybe comment something like "If you like this, check out /r/hypnohentai" or "Do you mind if I repost this to /r/hypnohentai?" That'll get people who are interested more aware of the sub.
07/26/15 03:48AM
Thanks man, I'll take your advice. thanks for the info.
07/26/15 06:32AM
No prob. I spend way too much time on Reddit so it'd be convenient for me to be able to find more of my fetish material on it.

Don't be discouraged if it takes a while, considering it's a fairly niche subject, but don't get too spamy about it either or you might piss someone off and bring the subreddit negative attention. I guess the trick is to just find and/or create relevant threads where your subreddit promotion can double as participation. That way everyone wins.

Also another tip would be for you and the other mods to get the content going by posting there yourself. That'll make the content more interesting and people will be more likely to stick around, subscribe, and post their own content. People don't like posting if they feel the subreddit is dead and their content won't be seen anyway.

I know I've been saying a lot, but I just thought of one more thing, it's better at first to have more relax enforcement of the rules, because the subreddit is so niche that strict rules might drive some people away (although you should probably draw the line somewhere). I find in smaller subs it's best to let the community decide the content because that lets it grow more. A good example would be if you allow text-only hypno-related stories, you'll attract the reader/writer crowd as well as the hentai crowd, and if the majority don't like reading stories they'll get downvoted anyway. That's a great thing about reddit, it largely filters itself based on what the majority wants, and if something breaks the rules but gets tons of upvotes and doesn't negativly effect anyone, I would advise you to leave it up; that way you're giving power to the community, and the'll appreciate it more (maybe just comment advising users to stick to the rules, but say you'll let it pass because the community obviously likes it). Talk this over with the other mods and decide how flexible you'll be with the rules

I have a confession to make, I implied in my first post that I've done this a few times, but really I've only done it once. It worked fairly well though, the community slowly grew about a thousand subscribers in a few weeks and eventually surpassed 10k subs. Can't promise the same results but worth a shot. Sorry for the huge wall of text, I probably could have summed this up in a lot fewer words, but I guess I got really into it. Anyway best of luck; hope the sub grows.

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