07/30/15 01:16AM
Just a small archive in case anyone wanted to read it...
Done together with Obscenario (as DM). I am player. Game was on Roll20, with D&D 4e chassic...
And this is why I like it.
I sit next to portal, feeling this... urge. But I'm stronger than this... I smile, looking at other side. Soon I will leave this place, and hopefully stop dreaming of... her.

Through the water, you can see Lady Erika as she sings and dances. Suddenly she stops, noticing you watching her. She smiles, showing her sharp teeth. You hear her voice clearly as it comes from the water. "So I see you chose to stay, have you changed your mind this day?"

I shake my head. "No, I did not. I just don't know how dangerous are you to nearby people."
Then I look down and quickly take my hand off crotch.

You see her eyes art down to where your hand was and she laughs. "Truly a shame, a shame indeed, but I can give you what you need. Beauty and grace in endless measure, don't resist, give in to pleasure."
She begins to sing again, but this song sounds different from the one earlier. As she sings, Lady Erika grows more beautiful in your eyes and she seems to glow brighter through the water. Light shines from the water, driving off the darkness around you.
You feel that Lady Erika is the most beautiful person you've ever laid eyes on, and you desire to be near her again. You once again are pulled through the water towards her, your feet unconsciously pulling you closer.
"That's a good pet, come closer dear, join me forevermore in here. Do not worry, happy you'll be, when you're mine and here with me."

Something felt wrong, in Lady Erika's sing-a-song... Yet desire was strong in me, everything in my heart refused to flee...
"You are dangerous, something to me tells, don't give into it, it yells. I'm sorry, my Lady, but you should be down, before I will kneel at your slightest frown..."
A big, red blush covered my face, with dazed smile on it rather than grimace. Yet I found power to charge at her... Not realizing I'm under her spell. Not using weapon, stuck in strange bliss, rather than blow I give her a kiss...

Lady Erika returns your kiss, opening her arms and pulling you into an embrace. You feel her claws, now surprisingly soft, tighten around you.

Suddenly, I blink three times, still not believing what I see in eyes. Lady Erika is pure perfection... Yet how I can be safe from rejection? With face still having colour of red, a few times I shake. It would be worse than to be dead, that's how it I take...
"You are divine, my feelings are true... but It would end with rejection from you!"
"It happened already, once upon the time. The green girl was spider, and I was a fly."
I strike once, truly, my desperation like lone cat in July. Then I could not withstand it anymore, starting to crying from deep, in-soul sore. Few harmless punches land on Erika's chest, after which my head leads there to rest...
"All I wanted was to taste it once, which is why through whole world I pounce... A cup of sweet nectar is what I desire... Just thinking of it set my heart... in fire..."

Lady Erika reels back from the strike, but dodges two others strangely alike. She releases her hold, letting you go, but now her body has started to glow. She calls out to you, voice unrestrained, and suddenly then you find your ears pained. "This attack I can forgive, but try again and you will not live. So says the spider to the fly, you will stay or you will die. But nectar sweet is what you seek? Why did you not simply speak? This for you I may yet provide, should you cut to what you are tied."

My legs suddenly felt weak, like I've been walking entire week. To ground I come, unharmed by fall, excited at thought of becoming thrall. Yet there is question that I have to ask, before my mind fall into dusk...
"I did not said it, how could I know, that the sweet nectar is thing that you own? The big flowers are nowhere to see, else I would be stuck in them, like little bee..."

Lady Erika smiles at you. "So your reason still remains, even in your crying pains. But listen well to my speech, for nothing lies beyond my reach. Flowers I have not possessed, yet nectar is a simple quest. I have many a hand to lend, one to gather I shall send. Your sweetness I am sure they'll find, if such is what shall ease your mind. So you see, just stay with me, don't resist is all I plea. Once you are mine, you'll have no care, and all you wish I'll bring to bear."

Her voice echoes within mind of mine, when on my knees I'm seeying divine. I sense no guile in what she say, start to forget mine attempts to slay. A seed of doubt, however, remains, even under her spells, to mind of mine chains... I feel a touch down there, realize, that it's my own hand what caused surprise. It's all I can do, not able of saying anything to... The beauty that overwhelms my ability to reason, Lady Erika locking mind mine in prison... A bit of drool escape my lips, as I stare at divine being hips...

Lady Erika's hands frame your face, pulling you into a tight embrace. She looks in your eyes, hazy, in dream, and plants a kiss that makes you beam. "Good girl," she speaks, "you'll be my pearl, a treasure true between we two."
Your body relaxes in her hands, you wish to stay within these lands. Few thoughts course though your emptying head, without Erika you'd rather be dead. She starts to pull you into a dance, but can you resist in such a trance?

As I feel thoughts leaving my mind, another doubt rise to hind.
"But what about these hands you mentioned, don't they mean we wouldn't be alone?"
Her slightest touch, not to mention kiss, is enought now to cause bliss. I look at her, trying to follow, feeling that without her mine life would be hollow. Yet the doubt seed remains, stuck between links, loosening the chains... That little grain is stuck in heart too, what would it mean if there is more than two?

Lady Erika pulls you in tight, as if to sap your will to fight. She moves one hand to silence your voice, the only thing left that still has a choice. She speaks to you softly, like one might a child, her touch and her tone driving you wild.
"Hush, worry not that head of yours, join me and I'll close such doors. My hands I am able to send away, or should you wish with us they'll stay. Among them like a queen you'll be, all this and more should you stay with me."

"Lady, my lady, there is one more thing, the body of mine still wants to think... With my heart, my soul bound to your will, what make rest of myself new problems reveal... Could you, please, to it do something, so against you I won't again think?"

"Of course, my pet, now hear my song, listen well and listen long. Deeper with me your mind will sink, you'll never have to work or think. Come and join me in this place, forever deep in my embrace."

"Lady, my Lady, I already feel, your lovely song shredding my will... Yet, the chains start to crumble, even when my heart still rumble... Please, my goddess, seal the spell, or I get out of it's well..."

"Seal the spell I will soon do, soon you will be my pet, too. Don't resist, give me your will, and let your mind and body fill. Listen well, for I speak true, the final seal is up to you. I can sing all day and night, but only you may end the fight. Join with me and crush the seed, I will give you all you need. "

And as my Lady song strenghten spell, I feel my arousal rising as well. Exceeding any of my former desire, it feels like heart itself is on fire... I speak nothing, just to goddess fall, on ground once again, offering my soul...

Erika smiles at your prone form, her song becoming a perfect storm. She lets you fall upon her feet, her arms rising with the heat. When she reaches final height, her body shines with softened light. The song she sings you will soon find, dulls your senses and your mind. You know that all you will wish for is to be hers forevermore.

I try to get up, only to kneel, happily knowing I'm stripped from will... I try to get closer to her shining body, ready to do things I'd do for nobody. My face with smile, yet my stare blank, brain mine might as well be plank, canvas for Erika to paint her spells, ones that finally made me hers...

Lady Erika laughs, a wonderful sound, ready to enjoy what she has found. She lifts your chin and looks in your eyes, holding your face to savor her prize. With another kiss to finish the deal, a claw cuts through clothing, intent to reveal. Your mind a plaything, your body a toy, you finally understand what it is to know joy.

I moan in extasy as I try to say, my mind is so weak, don't know if it's day, or night, the moment when journey mine ends, I can serve the goddess, why would I need friends. Unable to speak, not able to think, I stop Erika for while, yet it felt like week. Took mine rapiers on, and destroyed their cords, then threw them to side, still not forming words. I take backpack off, revealing inside, beside crystal cup nothing there to hide. It was part of me, part of my dream, yet I offer it to her, my heart try to scream, I love you, and I know it's true, not remembering how fast that feeling grew...

Lady Erika allows you to destroy your past, but takes particular note of what you do last. She sees the cup and the offer you give, deciding for now just how you will live. Taking your dream and the cup in her hand, she moves back to take one step off the land. Reaching the water, she dips the cup in, and returns it to you, her mouth a wry grin.
"If to be together is your true goal, take this and drink, for it is my soul. I am water and water is me, with this final pact we shall be all we can be."

L... Lady Erikas soul! Now I couldn't think of more tempting goal... and to offer it to me like that... no way for me to resist such pact. Water in that cup I would consider desecration, yet now I took it, without explanation. I must have looked like animal wild, while I drank that faster than chocolate would child.

The water tastes of morning dew, and slakes a thirst you never knew. It fills your body and all you crave, to this water you are a slave. You cease to be human, yet are something more, you fill with strength down to your core. You realize now, this is your fall, your Lady's power to keep you in thrall. Without this water you don't want to survive, it feels to be all that keeps you alive.
Your Lady smiles, the contract complete, you are nothing more than a doll at her feet. She has a new toy, and one that can fight! She'll be sure to keep you, to her delight. She raises you up, more games in store, for you are hers forevermore.
07/30/15 05:07PM
Like I already said to you personally:
Nice little story and I like that it rhymes.

Every rhyme is worth my time (also, a dime).

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