08/08/15 08:05AM
Why are you browsing?
Hey guys, I've been browsing this website for a good 6 months now, and just decided to make an account. I was just curious as to why we all find looking at these pictures, and reading these stories so entertaining? I personally have no real clue as to why I find material regarding hypnosis or MC so fascinating, and I thought learning more about why all of you find this stuff as entertaining as I do may shed some light onto why I have this fascination.

So in short, why do you guys go on this site?
08/08/15 08:14AM
This is the million dollar question, isn't it? Why any fetish?
08/08/15 08:34AM
*** Warning, origin story is sob story ***

Growing up, I did not have much control over my life. Both of my parents were in the army, then both later became prison guards. Everything was always about how much trouble I'd be in if I was being held to army standards, or how whatever I happen to be doing that they don't like "Is exactly like what their inmates do".

Even having an opinion was dangerous growing up because if I had an opinion that wasn't in alignment with my Mom's, I would often get yelled at for being wrong. So, I spent years just pretending to never have an opinion.

Even now, at the age of 28, they treat me like a child; scolding me for using any curse words within ear-shot of them, and my online personality has to stay split between an obvious me that my parents can see being good and not doing anything adult oriented, and my secret identity where I actually do the things I like because she actively keeps an eye on what I make and what I do so they can "correct" me if I do something she doesn't approve of. (Seriously they once called me and gave me a half an hour lecture over a music video I uploaded to youtube once because they found a single frame of a topless girl in it that I had missed)

So, years upon years of being unable to express my own desires, much less the freedom to do anything that I actually wanted to do naturally lead to the fantasy of just being able to have control without any repercussions becoming very appealing for me.
08/08/15 07:40PM
Verdun said:
So in short, why do you guys go on this site?

To fap.

Original story by : Roxa
Editor : Roxa
Special contributor : Roxa
08/08/15 07:51PM
Roxa said:
To fap.

Original story by : Roxa
Editor : Roxa
Special contributor : Roxa

10/10 Best story.
08/08/15 07:59PM
For that one image in a hundred that I'm actually interested in jerking off to. The 1 in 20 that I find interesting to look at. And to talk to people with a common interest.

Also, Sleepymaid's work ends up on this site the end.
08/08/15 08:11PM
I've been a part of the community a lot longer than this place has been around. As far as I know it has always been an interest of mine.

Growing up I was considered a highly manipulative person. But manipulation isn't mind control. It's a lot of hard, stupid work to get people to do what they should just do in the first place: Whatever I want.

I'm not a complex person. To me mind control equals sexual fulfillment. So it is good. Input swingy pendant, receive blowjob. Not everyone is into this type of mind control and I'm well aware of the ethical implications of something like that being real, so I'm quite happy it isn't. But when you come down to it that's what it is all about. I like cute girls and want to have sex with them. The fantasy that I can just have any cute girl I want with no resistance, no dating, no elaborate dance of shared interests and so on is awesome. Id status: Stoked.

And yet I don't like Prostitution in spite of it being so similar. Give money, get sex. Mind control grants the unattainable girl, lets a girl be pure in spite of being banged. Not all girls could be prostitutes (and those that are wouldn't interest me) but all girls could be hypnotized and made to give a blowjob, no matter how pure, prudish, or powerful.

There's something far more interesting in the corruption of the innocent and the power that comes from having absolute power over a persons mind that a monetary transation doesn't have. One is mundane and kinda skeevy, the other is extraordinary and allows a person to enjoy a surge of power they couldn't otherwise enjoy. Yeah, it's a bit rapey, but that's fantasy for you. It belongs in pics, stories, and roleplay. And hey, that's what this place is! It's a good fit.

08/08/15 08:57PM
To completely honest I ask myself this question quite frequently. I guess I'm just here in case something interesting happens but I'm honestly not so sure.
08/08/15 09:34PM
I empathize with the subs, in the sense that i like to imagine how they feel; the descent into helpless, mindless bliss (tend to prefer happy trances to emotionless or "aware" states), how they fall and allow themselves to be consumed or used or transformed, giving themselves up utterly. I think it explains a lot of my other fetishes, such as Shota/Milf (a boy's surrender to the lusts of a hot older woman), or Vore (if it's of the non-guro kind), or tentacles, impregnation, transformation, and corruption. Each has an element of submissive escapism, of losing yourself and allowing another to decide your fate for you, even if they're doing it out of their own self-interest.

That is what i'm here for, and my link to the fetish.
08/08/15 09:53PM
I think for me it has something to do with change. Lots of things change in life, like where you live, how you like to spend your time, your body, how you perceive the world and yourself. As far as I can remember this passion has always been there, though, so I get the feeling it might be important. Or even if it's not, it comforting to have something consistent. As to why it's this and not any other fetish, I guess that's just... um, the choice of Steins Gate?
08/09/15 12:53AM

Because I like to see mindlessly blissed hypnotized girls. Yay for happiness! Plus, you know. Kaa. What got me in to this in the first place.
08/09/15 02:44AM

But for real I have no idea why I browse, I just love mind control and hypnosis, both watching it and practicing it.

I know most people got Ito it with cartoons like the jungle book and such but honestly that sill has no effect on me.

I literally just searched mind control stories on google one day and found the archive and...well that was that. I am not the hypno domme I am today.
08/09/15 03:20AM
Honestly, I don't know. I usually end up feeling depressed after looking at all the great art on here.
08/09/15 03:48AM
Yuu-chan said:
Honestly, I don't know. I usually end up feeling depressed after looking at all the great art on here.


That's not how you spell aroused. ;)
08/09/15 04:03AM
I like the roleplay aspect of hypnosis. The idea that you can give someone an experience that normal life won't give them, and make it feel absolutely real in that moment, is what I like about hypnosis. It's part of why there's so many other fetishes linked to it, because with a little hypnosis, fantasies can be remembered as a person's temporary little reality. You want furry? Bam. You're a furry and they're a furry, even if they don't particularly like that kind of thing, it's just in your mind. They can have their police fantasy or whatever to themselves, and everyone's happy.

I hate explicitly unwilling and mindbreaking though. I have strong fears about loss of control and it's very easy for me to feel the fear in those 'final moments of resistance' that get depicted sometimes. I like to see the characters break free in the end, one of the two default Kaa endings.
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