08/09/15 05:04AM
Site infected?
It's only happening on here and my virus scans have come clean but tonight while browsing the Hub I've been redirected several times to some site which claims to be associated with Flash and tried to download an .exe file onto my computer. Is anyone else getting this problem?
08/09/15 05:31AM
I haven't noticed anything. Are you using an adblocker? If there is malicious code on the site, it's most likely coming from a set of bad ads.
08/09/15 06:56AM
You might have a browser hijacker from some toolbar or something you or someone else installed recently. Take the name of the site and google it along with removal and it'll probably tell you which one it is and how to take care of it.
08/11/15 03:04AM
I did a whole bunch of scans, a couple of small things but nothing major. Hadn't visited the site since but it all seems OK now.

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