08/11/15 07:05PM
Creative uses of hypnosis?
I've been curious about this for a while now, but if you guys actually had hypnotic powers, what is the most creative way you would use them?
08/11/15 07:19PM
Really, really unethical psychological experiments. There are some interesting questions with learning that the story 'Geisha' got me asking. You basically would have the crown jewels when it comes to answering questions of learned behavior vs. inherited behavior.

I would have been a psychologist but I think I would have enjoyed that job too much.
08/11/15 10:13PM
Make people fight to the death for my amusement >:D
08/11/15 10:20PM
Recreational use. While I certainly wouldn't be above doing things like get shit for free or experimenting with people's thought patterns, I wouldn't want to do anything that would cause harm to others. That and it'd be a handy thing to have if a friend or family member is stressed out and they need to relax.
08/11/15 10:51PM
Lucid dreams and hallucinations. I'd give people the kinds of things they've always wanted but couldn't have in real life for whatever reason, because of money, social environment, or the limitations of physics.

Also, immersive gaming and roleplaying. Through the power of mind control I could make the scenarios seem real and put the players in their characters' shoes for the duration of the campaign.
08/12/15 12:26AM
A Rube Goldberg machine where swinging a pocket watch sets off a chain reaction of memetic control that eventually leads to someone at the other end of the room flicking a light switch for me.
08/12/15 01:01AM
I've got a good friend who's pretty badly disabled. She can't walk far without a cane. First thing I'd do if I gained MC powers is mind control people into doing her shopping and cooking for her

Also MC people into either walking faster or not walking right in the middle of the damn path. Also pedestrians I will brainwash you all into not walking on the cycle path
08/12/15 05:01AM
I can't believe that I actually forgot to write my own ideas down when I was the person who started this topic. I also cannot believe that PomPom and I would have almost the same idea.

PomPom said:
A Rube Goldberg machine where swinging a pocket watch sets off a chain reaction of memetic control that eventually leads to someone at the other end of the room flicking a light switch for me.

Aside from using hypnosis for my laziness, I would also use it just to test certain aspects that have always interested me. One aspect of hypnosis that I would love to test out is how time can affect a person in a trance. One example of this is shown in the anime 'Code Geass', when Lelouch tests the time limit of his eye powers by using it on one of the students. How long would a certain trigger take hold when the subject is not given a specific time to follow? Would the trigger last a couple of days? a month? half a year? Does the difficulty of the command affect how many times they'll follow the trigger? These are the questions that I am anxious to possible test out while I try to learn hypnosis.
08/12/15 06:25AM
I'd mess with people's senses, making them think I have other powers, like becoming invisible, teleporting, multiplying myself, creating huge monsters made of lava and metal or having telepathy.
Another thing I think about is testing if inducing an emotion into someone under certain circunstances would alter their behavior (like making someone feel happiness while giving a blowjob, without making them directly like giving blowjobs).

Oh, and hypnotizing someone into thinking they can fly, that would be awesome.
08/15/15 04:14PM
Making people second guess themselves, especially before flipping their tables, because Too many people think they're right all the time. Or make compulsive liars unable to lie, without a good reason of course. Or perhaps giving people inhuman levels of focus, or play around with thinking styles, perhaps thinking differently could boost one's logistical reasoning. I could also probably cure sociopaths, schizophrenics, or other mentally ill people.

Or I could make people obsessed with grilled cheese à la the sims, or make them think that one object is another, like making them think bananas are guns, credit cards, keys or something. Imagine a guy waltzing into a shooting range, and just standing there shaking a banana, then getting upset because he "isn't hitting the target", then he tries to pay for another gun, but he just pulls out another banana and goes "just put it on my card.", then after getting kicked out he tries to unlock his car with a third banana to no avail.
08/16/15 08:31AM
dinnerdog1 said:
Imagine a guy waltzing into a shooting range, and just standing there shaking a banana, then getting upset because he "isn't hitting the target", then he tries to pay for another gun, but he just pulls out another banana and goes "just put it on my card.", then after getting kicked out he tries to unlock his car with a third banana to no avail.

And that, kids, is what happens when you watch Minions too many times
08/16/15 08:48AM
MrNobody said:
And that, kids, is what happens when you watch Minions too many times

Its seems that not even once is tooo many times at this point considering I've never seen minions, nor any of the despicable me movies...

I could also make people produce sequels to movies/games that need sequels or make people not be so greedy when developing games. Could you imagine if EA cared about their customers more than their wallets?
08/16/15 09:09AM
dinnerdog1 said:
Could you imagine if EA cared about their customers more than their wallets?

You would probably break them. Such idea doesn't even exist to them, their brains wouldn't be able to comprehend it and would turn into pudding...so yeah, do it.
08/16/15 11:22AM
Go mad with power, Become super villain, get super powered kids to go after me, get my ass handed to me on a silver platter, wash rinse repeat every saturday morning for the next 20 years, save up workman's comp, Retire, obtain fly honeys, its the most full proof plan.
08/16/15 12:38PM
I had a real world moment where I wish I had some serious MC powers. Know a guy who's girlfriend had never seen any Star Wars at all. He allowed her to watch episode's 1-3, thus ruining the originals.

I really wish I could make her forget those movies and the spoilers therein in order to preserve her innocence.
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