08/18/15 08:14AM
My Tragic Story
Hello, friends. I'm going to tell you a tale. A tale of hardships! @_@ There I was...surfing the web on my ship, the USS Shitphone Express! I needed to find special upgrades and got intel from a mysterious, but enticing man named Googol. He led me to a place where old junk was given away. For countless hours I searched for the equipment. Just as I was about to give up... I found it. Was it a bird? Was it a plane? NO! It was an outdated, but still compatible IRC Client for the Shitphone Express! I was ready to launch! I configured everything precisely to make sure I hadn't been caught by Errorbots... <>_<> It ran smoothly...like I Can't Believe it's Not Butter... BUT OUT OF THE BLUE, I WAS BOMBARDED! FWOOSH! IT WAS THE EVIL SPACE PIRATE, ERRORBOT HTTP 400! I was shot down, and I lost power to my ship...and ended up back in Forumland with this problem...
08/18/15 08:45AM
Translation: I found an irc client for my shitty phone, but I got a 400 error when I tried to connect to the chat. What's 400 mean?
08/18/15 09:34AM
Cool story bro:

In plain English, it *probably* means that the irc chat is sending the server something that it doesn't understand. Have limited experience, so their might be a pro with a better explanation.
08/18/15 09:39PM
Mr_Face said:
Cool story bro:

In plain English, it *probably* means that the irc chat is sending the server something that it doesn't understand. Have limited experience, so their might be a pro with a better explanation.

Thank you. :)

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