08/19/15 02:42AM
What's your hypnosis fantasy?
X3 Eeeep. Okies. What is your fantasy? If you were hypnotized, what would you want done to you. Or if you could hypnotize someone, what would you have them do?
08/19/15 03:05AM
If we're talking purely on "what would I like happening to me", then I have always dreamed of getting on a plane for a business trip, striking up conversation with the person to my side, discovering they are a hypnotist and having them spend the entire flight duration lulling me down and filling my head with a number of triggers and commands, the likes of which we could continue using long after touchdown.

Of course, ya know, fantasy only.

A small part of me wants to be that person for someone else, but maaaan are people hard to speak to on planes. Everyone is so defensive, grumpy and wanting to hide to themselves =/

To do to someone else, though? I've always been a fan of "always there, always under my power" sort of suggestions. Having someone who upon a naturally occurring trigger in the wild (an example I have used before is feeling your heel accidentally brush against your ankle while walking) think about our sessions and feel the need to text "thinking of you" when the opportunity arises.

I don't think too much on these things ^^;
08/19/15 03:12AM
I've had this idea for a while now of hypnotizing someone into a mindless, slutty fuckdoll, then sticking my cock into them.Then, set a trigger that they're only allowed to move slowly - no quick movements.

While they're full of cock, they're cognizant, maybe even resistant to the idea of being fucked, and they pull away. Less cock, less mind, less inhibitions, and they just want to be full of cock again, then grind back against me, and gain more brainpower back.
08/19/15 05:31AM
I've written about this concept before, but not to the degree I imagine it. It's kind of hard to put it into words, you know? Especially when I use a lot of "doll maker" programs for my stories and they often just aren't built to make things work exactly the way I want them to.

But basically, I would be a new student at an all-girl's high school. I would arrive partway through the year, and on my first day I would notice a peculiar sight. It seems there is one girl in school who is completely idolized by absolutely everyone. Sure, she's pretty - gorgeous even, with long flowing hair, a great figure and massive breasts.

And when I say idolized, I mean everyone is completely obsessed with her. She walks down the hall and the crowd splits like the red sea and squees at her like she's a celebrity. She has an entourage that follows her around everywhere, and it seems like they seem to change every day. Everyone is willing to bend over backwards to do everything they can for her - they open doors for her, pull her seat out in class, etc. She's a strange, sick obsession with the people of this school and it's almost like I'm the only one who seems to realize that she actually treats them all like slaves and they're all nuts.

So a few days would go by, and I would be increasingly unnerved by everyone's behavior. But it's like nobody really paid any attention to me anyway. They were always far too focused on HER. But then... SHE notices me. She finally realizes that I'm somebody she doesn't know. She knows everybody in this school.

So she invites me back to her room, to get to know me better. But I'm creeped out, so I refuse. Because of that, it seems like almost instantly, the entire student body and faculty hates me. At first, it will be looks of scorn in my general direction. Then teasing and mocking for not fitting in with the crowd. Then full-on bullying. Everybody will treat me like absolute dirt, all because I turned down an invitation with that girl.

But the only girl in school who isn't treating me like shit is... HER. She looks at me with kind eyes, even though I can tell there is malice hidden behind them, she is the only one who isn't actively after me. She once again, invites me into her dorm room to... get closer.

But it finally clicks with me. It's almost like some sort of weird cult. Are they brainwashed? Or just sickly obsessive? Either way, it can't be good, so I decide to get the fuck out. But the school is a boarding school in the middle of nowhere, there's nowhere to run for miles. But I have to try and escape! So I run, I try and get out of the school, but the gates are locked. It's impossible to leave. And then SHE decides to declare that I MUST be captured. Play time is quite simply over.

And it almost becomes like a zombie survival setting. Everyone in school is hunting for me in the dead of night. I run, I hide, and for a while, I evade them... but eventually, I get cornered. Ironically, the room I end up hiding in? It's HER dorm room.

SHE approaches me slowly. The only exit is blocked by dozens of girls. I try, in desperation, to fight her off, but it turns out that she knows Judo or something and easily subdues me. The other girls crowd around and pin me down against her bed. They rip my clothes right off my body, leaving me bare. SHE stands over the bed and strips down to nothing as well. She climbs onto me. I struggle, I scream, I try and fight her off, but I can barely move.

And then her lips touch mine.

And everything finally makes sense.

Why did I struggle? Why did I run? Why did I fight against HER? I love HER! I love HER more than anything in the world! I'd do anything to make HER happy! I want HER to use my body for pleasure! I want to feel HER glorious, beautiful, perfect, Goddess-like body! I don't need anything else, I only need HER! HER and HER love!

All of my fears slip away, and all that is left is love. I spend the rest of my days at that school. Serving HER, loving HER. And when more new students show up... Well, let's just say that I do everything in my ability to make sure they feel HER love too...!

...THAT is my fantasy :3

08/19/15 07:23AM
Consensualy hypnotized by a woman I would be married to into having missionary sex through a thick bed sheet with a hole in it.
08/19/15 07:26AM
I like the idea of having someone so deep they submit on their own. swinging the watch and watching their will sway with each swing left and right their eyes following and just accepting each suggestion as i mold their malleable mind.

Pretty much sums it up <3
08/19/15 09:02AM
[quote]LittleToyMaker said:
I've written about this concept before, but not to the degree I imagine it. It's kind of hard to put it into words, you know? Especially when I use a lot of "doll maker" programs for my stories and they often just aren't built to make things work exactly the way I want them to.

But basically, I would be a new student at an all-girl's high school. I would arrive partway through the year, and on my first day I would notice a peculiar sight. It seems there is one girl in school who is completely idolized by absolutely everyone. Sure, she's pretty - gorgeous even, with long flowing hair, a great figure and massive breasts.

And when I say idolized, I mean everyone is completely obsessed with her. She walks down the hall and the crowd splits like the red sea and squees at her like she's a celebrity. She has an entourage that follows her around everywhere, and it seems like they seem to change every day.

08/19/15 09:04AM
ProfessorRainheart said:
I like the idea of having someone so deep they submit on their own. swinging the watch and watching their will sway with each swing left and right their eyes following and just accepting each suggestion as i mold their malleable mind.

Pretty much sums it up <3

Very lovely~ So dominant!
08/19/15 08:09PM
Zko said:
Consensualy hypnotized by a woman I would be married to into having missionary sex through a thick bed sheet with a hole in it.

Definitely the hottest post yet, with the lights off I hope?
08/19/15 08:39PM
HypnoBitch said:
[quote]LittleToyMaker said:

T-That doesn't make me happy at all, you bastard~! /chopper
08/19/15 09:17PM
I have this fantasy where I'm turned completely gay by a hypnotist.

It usually starts out with me and my girlfiend at a friend's house party, happy as ever and having fun. We find out that there's a hypnotist as one of the events. I of course have no interests, but the bae wants me to volunteer, and I do so. How the hypnotist hypnotizes me is always different, but it's usually very swift and I fall quickly into his power. Under his suggestion, I act like a complete fruit to amuse the audience. He returns me to my seat, never having undone the suggestion.

The rest of the party is spent with me telling other boys that they're handsome/sexy/stuff and showing little interest in my girlfriend. She gets upset with me and takes me to the hypnotist, who of course is still attending the party. He won't undo the suggestion, and even hypnotizes her. What she does in her new obedient demanor is different, but me and the hypnotist start holding hands and being cute and stuff (or blowjobs, these things aren't set in stone). Sometimes she's enslaved, suggested to forget about me, or made gay herself and sent off to flirt with party cuties.

T-the end?
08/19/15 09:30PM
Oh man... We talking "based on a real story" thing?

I've toyed with the idea of submitting a story to EMCSA based on this one.

When I was in high school I used to do like monthly sleep overs and we got big into hypnosis play. We used it to do what we called storytelling. There weren't triggers or post hypnotics or anything. Just basically the one in trance describing what they saw and the hypnotist describing what happens next.

It actually ended in drama, but that's whatever.

Like, I am still friends with one of the people who did that and I always have that niggling "I wonder if they think about it too" sort of thing.

It'd be pretty cool if one day they just surprised me with it. No warning just "hey, you're conditioned to go under for me!" Sort of thing.

But then again it's gross as hell to think about IRL people in your fucked up fantasy mind >.>
08/19/15 09:32PM
Uh... This... This is one of my older ones.
Tramway or bus. Riding somewhere most days in week, be it university, work or something else. And so it goes week after week for months, and surely will continue for many more.

One day I notice attractive girl on other side of tram/bus (lets stick to bus) enterance. So, while reading (Hi, I'm Nazwa and I read something everyday, even in public transport) I also look at her sometimes.

Day after day she is here. Her lips move, and I assume she is using some kind of hand-free phone. She usually look in my direction but it's just because I am just straight on other side, right?

After few weeks I start to take that bus even when I don't have to go anywhere. And she is there. I start to have problems with remembering what I managed to end day, two ago, because when I think of what was in book, I think about her. In fact, I think about her more and more, and I'm not sure why. At least there are no problems at job.

And then, at one day, one of these free days, I try to get up and she shows me not to. Curious, but also surprised (she noticed me?) I continued the ride. After hour I fall asleep.
Someone woke me up and I heard nice, strangely familiar voice telling me that it's my stop. I say quick "thank you" and get out, it took me min or two, luckily something was with bus, or maybe it was end station, and I had time. When I'm out I noticed that I don't recognize anything in area, well, almost anything. She is there and she waved to me, as if she was on airport, greeting someone who is from other country. I have no idea why I follow her.

Then it's about hour of walk. I dunno if we are circling around or not, she seem to say something to me but I just can't focus... or I focus too much. When I noticed that for this whole hour I was staring at her butt, I was ashamed. But it seems like she didn't noticed. "Well, we are here!" - I hear. We go to elevator, from there to some kind of big, decorative double-door. She opens them, I follow again. They close themselves.
"Are you ready?" - I hear, and her voice sounds so sweet so I just nod - "So look at me, please."

I do, and suddenly it hits me. All this time in bus, now I heard what she was telling. That I catched her eye, and she did some research. That she is rich, and she bought this bus so she could prepare it all. And that I would obey her. Obey, and realize all of *mine* dreams. Well, that's not all. There was programming, tons, tons of programming. The reason of why I was unable to remember anything was because just looking in her eyes was enough to put me in trance, and giving me some fake memories.

She ensured that I would be able to do what I was supposed to do, in case something went wrong with programming. She wasn't cruel. She just wanted to make mine dreams come true...

And that dreams about her control, about her domination over me were only thing that remained when I was awake.

...Please don't laugh!
08/19/15 10:04PM
Just read any of my stories. :P
08/19/15 10:06PM
Redengy said:
Definitely the hottest post yet, with the lights off I hope?

of course, can't let satan see our sins
1 2345>>>

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