08/20/15 11:52PM
Update On Re-Educated!
At last I get to talk about this thing! I spent most of yesterday refining the actual "story" for the comic. As well as finishing a lined first page! This is getting uploaded to the early access tumblr as we speak, so you patreon donors will get to see it first hand!

There is a few things I wish to address though!

1. Patreon is NOT serving as a paywall on this comic. However I will NOT upload the comic anywhere until it's finished 100%. So the only way to see it currently is by donating to my patreon. Donating also helps me stay focused on the comic so I don't have to do multiple commission streams in order to play catch up financially.

2. This comic is GOING TO BE LEWD. So unfortunately, when I upload it, I have to censor it on Deviantart... meanwhile deviantart continues to allow godawful manips of innocent children and kaa all day. Sigh. So you guys will need to look on my tumblr for the uncensored version if you do not wish to donate to my patreon and just want to wait.

3. There is a bit of a story in the comic. The short summary is as follows.
"After losing in a video gaming to fluttershy. Twilight begins to develop urges while fluttershy steps out for a brief moment. Causing Twilight to become desperate, and hatches an idea when she looks at a video game "controller.""

Well with that out of the way, I'm getting back to work! Have a great day everyone!
08/21/15 10:35AM
so whats your tumblr?

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