08/21/15 09:12AM
A plea
Good Sirs and Madames of the Hub, I beseech thee!
I actually have a favor to ask those who can draw.
I've been wanting someone to draw characters that have shown up in my dreams and...well, hypnotized me. o3o

A while back, BML-20XX, said that they'd do it when they had the time. The queue was pretty fully up last I was told.

I dunno if BML will ever get to it. Not that I blame BML. After all, (s?)he was willing to do me a favor. I can't exactly say I'm ungrateful for someone willing to take time out of their schedule to do something for me. Quite the opposite, I'm incredibly grateful.

Anyways, back to the matter at hand, I was wondering if someone else would like to take a shot? That's why I'm asking.
I figure that it wouldn't be right to just ASK for a freebie drawing, so I'd be willing to do a manip request as a trade.

If you need specifics on the characters, I can give them to you.
I just figured I'd ask to see if anyone wanted to do it.

I thank you for your time. (And I hope I'm not coming off as some moocher that scours the internet and begs/pleads/annoys people for free drawings like some total ass. That's the last thing I want.)
08/21/15 10:22AM
I would offer, but unfortunately I've got my hands full with requests, favors, and gifts x.x In maybe a month if you're still lookin' I could squeeze in some time for you.

Good luck hun~
08/21/15 06:42PM
Yuu-chan said:
I would offer, but unfortunately I've got my hands full with requests, favors, and gifts x.x In maybe a month if you're still lookin' I could squeeze in some time for you.

Good luck hun~

Thanks Yuu-chan.
I appreciate the offer, but I understand that you've got your hands full. :3
08/24/15 11:31PM
I'm guessing that I'm not going to get a lot of replies to this huh?
Ah well, I at least tried. Might shoot some messages to some people, asking.
Not sure who to ask. o_o;
08/24/15 11:41PM
so I can't help but notice you seemed to overlook this:
08/25/15 01:46AM
myrmidon said:
so I can't help but notice you seemed to overlook this:


...sometimes the easiest choice is the most obvious one.
Eheh...thanks Myrmidon. I appreicate the heads up. :3

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